On the vast grassland.

An off-road vehicle was speeding on it.

Amanda, a taxi driver, became the main driver, and Carl sat in the co-pilot.

There were three ladies sitting in the back.

They were all dressed like explorers, wearing hats, long pants and long sleeves.

Obviously, the road conditions in Africa at this time were worrying.

After passing the relatively comfortable grassland, two mountains with canyons and rivers appeared in front of everyone.

The road became difficult to walk.

Carl could have brought them here directly through the portal, but he didn't do so. First, he needed Raven and the others to know where they were going next, and second, Carl liked to enjoy the scenery along the way, just like a person who likes to stand up and walk a few steps after sitting for a long time.

In this way, almost an hour later, they came to the foot of a huge mountain.

Everyone was a little confused and didn't understand why Carl brought them here, but Carl didn't explain to everyone, but asked everyone to get off the car and walk towards the mountain.

At this time, everyone also found something wrong.

This mountain, which looks very desolate and is located deep in the African savannah, actually has artificial stone steps. Along the way, you can see some strange totems similar to leopards.

This made everyone more curious, especially Raven, because Carl said that this was related to the gift given to her.

In this way, everyone went up the stone steps all the way, and after more than two hours, they finally saw a strange cave on the mountainside, with some mysterious words engraved on both sides of the cave.

Except for Carl and Amanda, the three ladies were a little out of breath.

Carl also pointed at the mysterious characters on it with some excitement.

"Do you know what these characters mean?"

Carl did not play dumb and said directly.

"This is an ancient text, which means: Wakanda!"


This mysterious name surprised the four people.

"Yes, there was a very powerful ancient civilization in this valley under our feet. It was a civilization as ancient as Egypt, but it was destroyed."

Yes, this is where Wakanda in the X-Men world is.

Wakanda must exist in the X-Men world, because this world has adamantium, and adamantium is a fusion of vibranium and other special elements.

After Carl asked his men to look for the traces of Wakanda, the news came soon.

Some ancient prophets in Africa had heard of this name. It was a very powerful dynasty!

However, it was destroyed by an Egyptian pharaoh with powerful divine power a long, long time ago.

Carl carefully read the information sent by his subordinates. Based on the description of this powerful pharaoh, Carl was almost certain that this powerful pharaoh should be the first mutant in the X-Men world: Apocalypse!

"And the secret of the Wakanda Dynasty's ability to establish ancient civilization lies in this cave."

The four people present were all shocked, and Raven said something.

"Could it be the aliens you mentioned, Carl?"

Carl responded with a mysterious smile.

"It's not aliens, but it's almost the same. Follow me in and you'll know."

Everyone walked in with a torch that had been prepared long ago. The world inside was pitch black, with only huge caves and various stones. In this way, after walking for an unknown period of time, Carl's footsteps stopped after everyone passed through a damp cave that was more than ten meters high.

"We're here!"

"We're here!?"

Everyone was confused. Although they all held torches, the light of the torches could not reach far in this dark world. It was even smaller than the range that the torches were supposed to illuminate, so that everyone could not see clearly how the world in front of them was different from the place they just came from.

It was just another closed cave.

At this moment, Carl inserted the torch in his hand into the surrounding walls, and came to the rock wall on the side, groping for a huge stone.

"Don't blink, because the next moment is to witness a miracle!"

As the light blue space magic appeared all over his body, it was injected into the huge stone.


The entire underground seemed to be rewritten and activated. Starting from the stone that Carl touched, the light blue lines were like

Like a dense spider web, the dark cave was instantly lit up, and a huge underground world appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, the faces of the five people present were illuminated by the blue light.

The lines they saw were strange crystal-like stones, densely spread over their heads and around them, like stars in the universe.

"What...what is this?"

Raven looked at this dreamlike scene in disbelief, and the expressions of others were not much better, all feeling as if they had come to a wonderful underground world.


Carl gave his answer.

He said slowly in the shocked eyes of everyone.

"What you see now, all these glowing stones, I call them vibranium. This is not a metal from the earth, but from the universe. In the ancient past, a meteorite containing vibranium fell from the sky and landed in this place, forming everything we see."

Carl said, stroking the glowing vibranium.

"Occupying Abyssinia is just my superficial plan. My real goal is these vibraniums. These vibraniums have many incredible abilities and are more precious than gold. As long as we control these vibraniums, we can build a powerful kingdom for our mutants here. At that time, relying on this kingdom, we can deter humans and make them dare not persecute mutants at will. Only in this way can we mutants truly live equally in this world. This is my gift to you. How about it, Raven, are you satisfied?"

At this moment, Raven's heart was full of shock.

She has been convinced by Carl's lofty ambitions.

Others are also.

It is unimaginable for them to establish a country and dynasty belonging to mutants.

However, if there really is such a day, how wonderful it would be.

"There is no future that I feel more worthy of looking forward to than this! Thank you, Carl!!!"

Raven said, and ran over and threw herself into Carl's arms, gently kissing Carl. Regardless of whether this future will really come true, just this dream is worth her touching and fighting for.

Salvador was not jealous when she saw this, because she also got what she wanted from Carl.

Emma also knew her identity very well.

She was just a little curious whether these metals were really as magical as Carl said?

Thinking of this, her fingers turned into diamonds and scratched towards these vibraniums.

Then, she saw an incredible scene.

Diamonds, which are known as the hardest in the world, can't leave any scratches on these stones called vibranium.

"It's incredible!"

Emma believed that this metal called vibranium was really magical, but then, Carl's words made Emma realize that she was still a little bit of a sitting well.

"Yes! Vibranium can almost be said to be the hardest metal in the entire universe. In addition, it also has the characteristics of absorbing kinetic energy, which is even better than Xiao's talent. If we can master these metals, we have the power to fight against all mankind."

At this time, everyone present had their pupils shrank, and finally understood why Carl valued these magical metals so much.

"But, it's true. This place cannot be discovered by others for the time being. I hope everyone will keep it secret. We can't use this metal for the time being because we don't have the ability to develop it, and we also lack people we can trust. Emma, ​​this is what I want you to do next..."

Emma's eyes became expectant.

"I will build a school dedicated to educating and managing mutants to prepare for the future development of vibranium, and you, Emma, ​​will be the principal of this school. As for the name of this school, what do you think: X Future Academy?"

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