The future is bright.

"X Future Academy?!"

Carl's plan once again brightened the eyes of everyone present.

"Yes, X represents our mutants, and the future represents that our mutants are the future of mankind."

"It's a good name, but do you really think I can be the principal of this school!"

"Of course, Emma, ​​I never doubt your talent."

Emma's eyes were bright, and no woman would refuse this feeling of being trusted.

"Then I don't seem to have any reason to refuse."

"Very good, then, Principal Emma Frost, let's talk about the purpose of establishing X Future Academy. In this generation, there will be more and more mutants in the future, and even many are hidden now. Our X Future Academy has two responsibilities: the first is to protect the mutants who are about to appear, and the second is to accommodate and teach the mutants who have already appeared."

"But there is no teacher in our school now?"

"This is not a problem. We are just starting out. You can find those who are suitable to be teachers in the process of looking for compatriots, especially those mutants like Hank who have high intelligence and can help us develop vibranium. In addition, you have the same talent as Charles. Next, I will find a way to get a brain wave instrument from Hank, so that you can find where our compatriots are more easily."

"I have no opinion, but where are you going to build our school? This place is definitely not suitable."

"This is a good question. Fortunately, I have been prepared. Have you heard of St. Helena?"

Everyone was stunned, obviously unfamiliar with the name of this island.

"Then you should know Napoleon, right?!"

Everyone nodded.

"After Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, he was exiled to this island by the anti-French alliance until his death. The reason why he chose this island was because it was far away from any continent in the world. The closest one was Africa, which was more than 2,000 kilometers away. No one would notice this island."

Everyone's eyes brightened again.

Emma was even more fascinated by Carl's thorough consideration and said obsessively.

"But this is not a problem for you."

"Yes, we must make full use of our talents, and then make more preparations like rabbits."

Speaking of this, Carl looked at everyone in front of him, especially at Raven, and said in a gentle tone.

"I have always said that I have no intention of hurting anyone. I like all the beautiful things on this planet and I don't have the heart to destroy them."

Everyone's eyes were looking at Carl.

"But this does not mean that I will wait for humans to start persecuting us before we start to resist, because it will be too late. So, from now on, Raven, Salvador, Emma, ​​Amanda, we must unite as one, make the worst plans for everything that may happen in the future, and respond accordingly."

Everyone's eyes became solemn at this moment.

"Whether it is controlling this country, establishing the X Future Academy, or establishing our mutant kingdom, it is all preparation for this. At least, I hope that our children and our descendants will not need to be confused about their mutant identities in the distant future, and can live happily on this land."

The four people present did not say a word at this time, but from their longing eyes, it can be seen that they are determined in their hearts.

Seeing this, Carl also nodded with satisfaction.

However, he also knew that it would be impossible to obtain their loyalty 100% by just talking.

Even if there is now, it may not be in the future, because the human heart is the most difficult thing to grasp.

The four people in front of him at this time were not machines that would not change after being programmed, but living people with their own thoughts. Therefore, after a sweet date, they needed to be given a big stick.

"Okay, that's all I have to say about my thoughts on the future. Next, it was an accident. You should be very curious why I didn't come to help you when you were fighting with Xiao. If I had appeared, maybe Charles wouldn't be sitting in a wheelchair?"

Carl's main target of these words was Raven.

Emma would definitely not be interested in this. As for Salvador and Amanda, although they also respected Charles, in their hearts, Carl was definitely more important than Charles.

s important.

Only Raven, in her heart, although she now chooses to be with Carl, Charles is still more important than Carl in her heart.

After all, the two grew up together.

Carl did not play dumb, but said directly.

"Because when you were fighting with Xiao, I was also attacked!"


Everyone present was shocked, even Emma looked surprised.

"You are very strange, why don't you know? You have been with me all the time? Emma, ​​it's very simple, although I don't know how they did it, but they seem to have a kind of ability similar to suspending time, or other abilities, which makes you lose all perception of that period of time!"


Everyone was even more shocked.

Suspending time, what kind of terrible ability is this? Is it possible that when they were fighting, there was a group of mutants staring at them?

"Who is it?"

Emma asked with a bad look.

"Come with me, I'm curious too..."

After that, Carl opened a portal and led everyone in. They came to a closed space that looked like a container. Five men who were stripped to their underwear and unconscious were tied to the wall with chains.

"Who are they?"

Raven no longer doubted Carl at this time. She looked at the five people in front of her with a little shame and curiosity.

"I don't know, but I think Emma's ability can give us the answer. Don't worry, they have been injected with anesthetics by me. Without antidote, they will never wake up. Next, it's up to you, Emma..."

"No problem... Leave it to me, I will dig out all the secrets in their brains..."

Emma narrowed her eyes and looked at the five TVA agents in front of her with a bad look.


In the villa in Ababa.

Carl's goal was successfully achieved.

The faces of the people who came back from Wakanda were gloomy and scared.

Raven was also pale.

The so-called agents of the Space-Time Mutation Administration were just ordinary people with powerful equipment. Under Emma's telepathic ability, they had little resistance and everything they knew was dug out.

Although as agents, they did not know everything, but just the glimpse of the future revealed scared the four people present.

Emma passed the future she saw to the other three through telepathy.

Everyone saw their own destiny.

Amanda died on the night when Xiao attacked, and Emma and Salvador would be captured and dissected by humans.

And there was the terrifying man named Bolivar Trask.

In addition to making the three people pale, the terrifying scenes also scared Raven.

As for the Time Mutation Administration, the sacred timeline, the multiverse, and the time mutants, it was no longer important at this time, and Carl finally knew why the Time Mutation Administration from Marvel could control the world of X-Men...

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