The old man was buried in the grave.

It turned out that after Loki became the God of Stories, he captured those scattered timelines and transformed all the timelines into a time tree, opening up a new timeline for the coexistence of the multiverse.

Some of them were timelines that were once cut off by Kang the Conqueror. Now they are resurrected under the power of Loki and integrated into this time tree, becoming independent universes and timelines...

"Well, it feels a bit like copyright return."

As for why the multiverse can coexist, the Space-Time Mutation Administration still came back to capture Carl.

Emma did not get the answer from the minds of these agents.

Their mission is just to capture Carl and then return the timeline of this world to normal.

However, to some extent, this is still a good thing, because the Space-Time Mutation Administration, which Loki has become the God of Stories, will not destroy the timeline at will, and Loki is not the madman that Conqueror Kang is.

Just as Carl was thinking, in the living room with a somewhat low atmosphere, Amanda looked at everyone and expressed her thoughts first.

"I don't want to die!"

Salvador followed closely and said with an ugly face.

"I don't want to die on a human dissection table either."

Although Emma didn't speak, her cold look had already revealed her inner anger.

If before this, the persecution of mutants by humans was just Carl's speculation, then the future seen now is already solid evidence.

Among the four people present, Raven was the most panicked one. She had not yet transformed into the future Mystique.

These scenes from the future made her feel at a loss, and she could only look at Carl with expectation.

"So, Carl, what should we do now? Should we tell Charles and Eric all this?"

After all, according to the memories of these agents from the Space-Time Mutation Administration, next year...

No, I'm afraid that now, humans are already planning to take action against mutants, and next year Eric will assassinate Kennedy, causing humans' hatred of mutants to intensify.

"No... isn't it the right time?"

Carl refused.

This puzzled everyone present.

Carl's answer was simple.

"I don't trust Charles and Eric!"

In everyone's puzzled eyes, Carl explained.

"It's not that I don't believe that the two can keep a secret, but their style of doing things. You should understand that Charles trusts humans too much. Even if we tell Charles all these possible things, what choice do you think he will make? I can tell you for sure that even if we stop humans from persecuting us mutants next year, nothing will change in the future."

Everyone present was stunned, but soon understood what Carl meant.

Yes, with Charles's way of dealing with humans, nothing can be changed at all, and humans' persecution of mutants will not stop.

"And Eric's words will only make him hate humans more and do more extreme things. And this may expose everything we know."

At this time, everyone was silent, because they also understood that there was nothing wrong with everything Carl said.

Raven didn't know what to do and asked.

"Then are we really going to do nothing?"

"No... We just need to follow our original plan, and keep the same in the face of changes. Now nothing has happened, and it's not too late. During this time, we must secretly recruit more of our compatriots to truly have the power to protect ourselves and prevent possible tragedies in the future."


Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and thought about it. This is indeed the best way at the moment.

At this moment, all the talents present were truly united together.

"What about these agents from the Time Mutation Administration? If we catch their agents, they will definitely not let us go. And what about that disgusting timeline? I don't want to die either."

Everyone looked at Carl, because they knew that the only reason they could escape the fate of death and live until now was Carl in front of them.

They didn't feel that they couldn't agree with Carl because of the mutants, because in the memory of those agents, mutants were not rare, but they were lucky!

At this moment, Carl's position in the hearts of the four people was

position, will never be shaken.

Because they understand that only Carl can save them.

At this moment, Carl was not too worried, but a little excited.

"I was a little worried, but now, the problem may not be so bad. On the contrary, this may be our opportunity."


Everyone was stunned.


A light blue light flashed in Carl's hand, and a thing like a game console quickly grew larger and appeared in his hand. Emma, ​​who had seen the memories of these agents, recognized what it was at once, and her eyes lit up.

"Time controller!"

"Yes, the so-called Time Variance Administration is not as terrible as imagined. You just saw that those agents are just ordinary humans, just relying on these high-tech equipment. Although we can't make these devices now, but this time controller, Emma, ​​next I need you to find out how to use this thing from the minds of those agents. With this thing, we can not only know the future of our world, but also get the power to protect us from other universes..."



After a day of bizarre events, everyone returned to their rooms to rest with a difficult mood.

Carl's mentality was relatively calm.

As long as the madman Conqueror Kang was not behind the Time Administration, he was not that worried.

At this moment, he was studying the TVA manual he got from these agents under the light of the bedroom.

As for the equipment of those agents, he had already used space magic to shrink it into the microscopic world.

For him, this is a safer place than any warehouse.

Even if the other party has any tracking equipment, Carl doesn't think that the other party can locate it.

If he really encounters any danger, he can hide in that world himself.

I have to say that this ability is really convenient.

Unless the other party uses a regular weapon like Thanos's snap, Carl is confident that he can still save his life.

Unfortunately, quality cannot change this problem, so he can't use the limit of this ability at all.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in!"

The bedroom door was pushed open, and Raven, wearing a white pajamas and revealing her Mystique form, stood at the door.

Carl's eyes lit up, and he stood up from the chair and said with a smile.

He swore that he really liked Raven like this.

"Why, Raven, are you a little bit attached to your bed?"

Raven rolled her eyes at Carl, and then rushed over without saying anything, hugged Carl's neck with both hands and kissed him. Carl certainly wouldn't refuse, and he was more proactive, holding Raven's waist with both hands, holding him tightly in his arms, and hanging the door with his feet, and then moving towards his bed little by little.

After a while, the two came to the bed, and Carl pressed Raven down on the bed, and then pressed down with his whole body...

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