The kiss was so deep that the two kissed each other.

This time, the two kissed deeper, and Raven's legs were already hanging on Carl's waist.

Although Carl could feel that Raven under him was a little confused, he did not go any further, but slowly let go of Raven, looking at her golden eyes, kissing her cheek from the lips, and said with heavy breath.

"You are so beautiful, Raven!"

Just after saying it, I found that Raven's eyes were a little scared and confused at this moment.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm scared!"

Carl also understood the reason.

"Is it because you saw those terrible futures!?"

Raven did not answer, but her eyes had answered everything.

"Don't worry! With a time mutant like me, the future of our universe is destined to be different."

Carl's tone was relaxed, but Raven became more nervous.

"So, do you really want to go to other universes through that time controller?"

Carl realized that Raven's fear did not seem to be the reason he imagined.

"What's wrong?"

"Can I go with you?"

This really confused Carl.


"I'm scared, what if you can't come back..."

Now, Carl finally understood what Raven was afraid of.

Sometimes unknown death is not terrible, what is terrible is the desperate waiting after hope disappears.

Carl leaned over, hugged Raven tightly in his arms, and looked into her bright eyes.

Of course Carl would not refuse.

"I understand, I promise you."

Instantly, Raven's eyes were so tender that they were about to drip with water.

Raven nodded gently, and the two looked at each other.

No more words were needed, and the two slowly embraced each other.

This time, Raven did not leave, but let Carl explore her body.

This night is destined to be long....


Seven days later.

The ability of mutants does have a crushing advantage over ordinary humans.

Especially the telepathic ability of Charles and Emma.

There is almost no obstacle under the attack of Carl's money and Emma's telepathic ability.

Salvador and Amanda became the emperor of Abyssinia: the son and daughter of Nubia Lacy I who drifted abroad.

The entire chain of evidence was created by Carl and Emma without any flaws.

Nubia Lacy I once went into exile in the UK due to the invasion of Italy between 1936 and 1941.

Salvador and Amanda became the children left by Nubia in the UK during this period.

The so-called falsification is to be nine points true and one point false.

It can be said that the entire chain of evidence is true except for the fake identities of Salvador and Amanda, including their mother and people around them, whose memories were modified by Emma's telepathic ability, and they completely believed in the existence of their two children.

Needless to say, there is nothing that cannot be forged as long as there is money.

In this era, technology is not so advanced, and DNA paternity testing is not yet popular. Carl only needs to bribe some people to forge the bloodline of the two people perfectly.

Next, Salvador and Amanda only need to improve their abilities and wait for Lacy I to "accidentally" discover the existence of these two bloodlines, and then they can obtain the status of the royal family.

Of course, if it were just like this, the two would still have no chance to enter the royal family, but fortunately, during his exile in Britain, Lacy I sent his children back one by one to fight against the colonists and died heroically for his country, which resulted in Lacy I having no children now.

Carl has done everything he can now.

Next, it depends on how well Salvador and Amanda do.

Of course, Carl is quite confident about this.

After all, Emma helps them with her telepathic ability, plus his own funding...

After everything is ready, it's time to go to the new world...


St. Helena Island.

As the location of the X Future Academy in the future.

After everything was settled, Carl brought Raven, Emma, ​​Salvador, and Amanda here.

As soon as everyone arrived here

, everyone was a little surprised.

Because what appeared in front of them was a wooden villa built on the edge of a cliff, surrounded by a fence.

"Carl, do you have a home here too?"

Raven asked curiously.

Since the two of them had sex, Raven quickly transformed from a girl to a woman.

Not only did she become much more mature, her long hair became wavy, and she became completely close to Carl.

"Yes, since I awakened my ability, I have always lacked a sense of security, you know, so I'm looking for places in the world that no one can reach, where I can set up my safe house, so that even if the doomsday comes, I can survive to the end."

Carl said, walked up the stairs and opened the door.

"Come in, I built this house myself. There were some natives on this island, but I sent them away. It's a pity that this island is still nominally under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom. I once tried to buy it, but was rejected. Fortunately, I am the only one on this island now. For safety reasons, I did not ask anyone to clean it, so there is a lot of dust."

This is a small problem, and everyone cleaned it up quickly.

To be honest, this is Carl's most annoying job, which makes Carl sometimes look forward to awakening abilities like telekinesis to avoid these tedious tasks.

As for finding a loyal servant.

Now Carl only believes in himself.

After cleaning up everything, Carl did not waste time. After letting everyone sit down, he asked directly.

"How is it, Emma, ​​have you figured out what this time controller is?"

Emma nodded.

"This machine is not difficult to use. The difficult part is that we need to know the time point and timeline we are going to."

"Are there any results?"

"There are some in the memory of those agents, such as EARTH-10005, which is the number they marked our universe, and then Earth-TRN414, Earth-17315, Earth-TRN678, Earth-818, etc. There are also some that are the same universe but have different timelines, such as our current world... However, some troubles are that these agents only know some things related to the mission, but they don't know the specific situation of those universes. This seems to be intentional by the Time Mutation Administration."

Carl understood.

"In other words, do we have to try one by one?"

At this time, everyone's expression became not very good. After all, the unknown means danger, but Carl was relatively calm. Perhaps those universes are unknown to Emma and others, but not necessarily to Carl, a time traveler.

So, Carl also made up his mind quickly.

"Looks like we have to take a gamble."

After that, as the light blue space magic in his hand appeared, three sets of TVA agent equipment appeared in front of everyone...


Why does this universe number use Earth-10005? Because Fox did not set a separate number for the universe of the First World War, probably because the setting is a prequel (I didn't find it anyway, if you know, please post it), so this novel also uses the universe number of the old version of X-Men!

Regarding the universe numbering, except for those with specific numbers, I will set most of them myself. Here are some confirmed ones:


Toby's version of the Spider-Man series of movies


Garfield's version of the Amazing Spider-Man series of movies


The Ghost Rider series of movies


The 2005 version of the Fantastic Four series of movies


The Marvel Cinematic Universe, the world of Marvel Studios' independently produced movies and related works


The world of the X-Men series of movies after Wolverine reversed the future in Fox's X-Men: Days of Future Past


The universe where Gwen was originally in the main universe


The timeline of "Avengers" traveled by Tony, Steve, and Scott in "Avengers 4: Endgame"


The timeline of "Thor 2: The Dark World" traveled by Thor and Rocket Raccoon in "Avengers 4: Endgame"



The Guardians of the Galaxy timeline traveled by War Machine, Nebula, Hawkeye, and Black Widow in Avengers 4: Endgame


The 1970s SHIELD timeline traveled by Tony and Steve in Avengers 4: Endgame


The world that Captain America used Pym particles to return the Infinity Stones and Thor's hammer in Avengers 4: Endgame, where he reunited with Peggy


The timeline in which the child Loki killed the young Thor in Loki


The timeline in which Loki was not killed by Thanos in Avengers 3: Infinity War (i.e. the original timeline of King Loki in Loki)


The original timeline of the crocodile Loki in Loki


The world after the Conqueror Kang variant "The One Left Behind" wins the multiverse war in the TV series "Loki", the main plot of the TV series takes place


The timeline when the Green Goblin is cured in "Spider-Man: No Homecoming"


The timeline when Doctor Octopus is cured in "Spider-Man: No Homecoming"


The timeline when Sandman is cured in "Spider-Man: No Homecoming"


The timeline when Professor Lizard is cured in "Spider-Man: No Homecoming"


The timeline when Electro is cured in "Spider-Man: No Homecoming"[32]


In this universe, Marvel and DC characters coexist. It also includes characters from other franchises, such as Transformers, Wildcats, Witch Blade, Shi, and Attack on Titan.[83]


A world where Godzilla fights the Shogun Warriors and NFL SuperPro fights Rom


The world of Logan


The world of the television series The Gifted


The world of Transformers, G.I. Joe


The world of Fox's 2000 X-Men film series

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