The first time, the second time.

"What is this?"

Carl answered Raven's curiosity and expressed his own thoughts.

"This is the equipment I took off from the three TVA agents you saw. Emma, ​​you should have seen it in your memory."

Emma nodded.

Carl took out the time controller and handed it to Emma.

"Very good, then before the next plan, I have to confirm one thing first. Emma, ​​please open a portal."

"Any one will do?"

Emma took it nervously.

"Of course, don't worry, I believe in your luck."

Under the gaze of everyone, Emma thought about it and began to dial the buttons of the time controller.

Soon Emma set everything up, and Carl looked at the screen.

To be honest, Carl couldn't understand the coordinates above, so he asked.

"Why choose this?"

Emma recalled.

"This coordinate represents: Earth: 17315

Time: 2029

Location: Canadian border

I saw from the memories of those agents that there seems to be a mutant like you at this timeline and time point. The colleagues of these five agents went to perform this mission. I saw this coordinate point from my memory."

"2029!? Canadian border!"

Carl's eyes lit up suddenly.

Because this time point is so interesting.

In 2029, throwing out those messy universes that may not be known, only from what Carl knows, it seems that only Wolverine 3 can go so far on the timeline, and even Marvel has not gone so far.

Moreover, the Canadian border!


Seeing Carl's pensive look, everyone present did not dare to disturb him.

"Advance the time by seven days! I don't want to run into another group of TVA agents."

Emma immediately started to operate.


"Very good!"

Carl looked around and handed the three agent uniforms to Emma and the others.

"Emma, ​​Salvador, Amanda, you three put on these agent uniforms, just in case!"


The three of them quickly changed into agent uniforms and walked out of the room, and were fully armed under Carl's command. Even the elimination sticks that could eliminate them were handed to them by Carl, and Carl cleared a large space in the living room.

"Very good, Emma, ​​open the portal!"


Under the nervous gaze of everyone, Emma pressed the time controller.

A portal emitting golden light was opened.

Although everyone present had seen it through Emma's memory, they were still very shocked when they really saw the portal appear, even more surprised than when they first saw Carl's ability, because behind this door, there are other worlds and universes.

Carl was also standing in front of the portal with a little nervousness.

He did not rashly use himself to test what was outside the gate, but first took out a business card of his own and threw it in. The moment the business card touched the portal, the business card disappeared.

Then, Carl directly entered the super-sensory state and opened the perception of the spatial magic on the business card.

The result made him slightly happy.

Because he could sense the spatial magic that he sent behind this portal.

Next, Carl's spatial magic began to dissipate.

His purpose was very simple. He wanted to try whether he could use his spatial magic to open a door connecting two universes without the help of the time controller.

The space in front of Carl began to twist, rotate, and surge.

This is a sign that the portal is beginning to open!

But Carl's happiness did not last for three seconds, and the twist and rotation disappeared.


This was the first time that Carl's space magic failed.

However, this was also within Carl's expectations. If his space magic could open a portal connecting two universes, it would be a bit abnormal.

Then there was only one last experiment left.

"Emma, ​​close the portal!"

At this time, even Amanda and Salvador could probably understand what Carl was doing.


Still as expected, after Emma closed the portal, Carl immediately felt that the portal to another universe could not be opened.

's coordinates.

"Enough! You can put it away first!"

"How is it?"

Raven asked with concern.

"It's almost the same as I thought."

Carl said while thinking and looking at everyone.

"After the experiment just now, I have confirmed the general idea. First of all, no matter what those unknown universes are, we must explore them. This is for myself and for our future."

Everyone understood what Carl meant. According to the answer Emma got through telepathy, Carl was a time variant of their universe, and the Time Variant Administration would definitely not let him go.

Of course, they were not willing to die tragically according to the timeline of the original time and space.

"And you have seen that, at least from the three agents who came to arrest me, without this equipment, they are just ordinary people, especially in front of Emma's telepathic ability, they have little resistance. Of course, it is not ruled out that they will send people who can resist Emma's ability later, but for now, if you have these three sets of equipment, at least you can resist the ability of the time controller in the hands of those agents, so that you will not be captured."

At this point, Carl made his final decision.

"So, my idea is, next, Emma, ​​Salvador, Amanda, you continue to wear this equipment, stay here, take the time controller, and prepare to pick us up, while Raven and I will go to explore the unknown universe."

"The reason why I do this is very simple. The experiment just now has confirmed that although there is a universe between us, my perception of my magic still exists. So, if you are in danger, you just need to open the portal, I can sense it immediately, and then come back."

"Then how do we determine when you want to come back?"

Emma asked.

"This is very simple, time. This machine is a time controller, which means you can freely adjust the time and location of opening the portal. Just like we can determine the location and time, just like now, Raven and I enter the portal you just opened to explore that world. As long as we return to the place where we came from at a fixed time seven days later, then theoretically, you can open the portal at that time and location at any time, and it should be able to pick us up."

Everyone present was amazed.

At this time, Salvador suddenly spoke.

"But Carl, you are a time mutant. If you go to that world and affect the timeline of that world, we will never be able to find you."

It was Emma who answered Salvador's question.

"Then there is only one way. After Carl and Raven arrive in that new world, they can only be passers-by and cannot affect the timeline of that world..."

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