The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

In an armored vehicle driving in the wilderness on the left side of the road.

As the leader of the predators, Donald Pierce looked at the children who were escaping with the help of the vehicles with hatred.

Since the woman named Ji Baona released these children three days ago, trouble has come.

As a cyborg who hates mutants, he certainly doesn't care about the lives of these mutant children.

But as the company's outstanding assets, Donald Pierce really can't execute them directly.

However, it doesn't matter, now they have nowhere to escape.

It must be said that the troublesome woman named Ji Baona is very smart. She knows that the most important thing for the company is X-23, so she chose to split the troops into two groups and escape with X-23 herself.

But she still underestimated the power of the organization.

They were just a group of children. Even if they had some special abilities, so what?

So, he took out the walkie-talkie without hesitation and issued an order.

"Get ready. When you get to a place where there is no one, capture them alive!"

But at this moment, Donald Pierce, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly felt uneasy, and then there was a roar that broke through the air. Without any hesitation, the experience accumulated from years of mercenary career made him choose to open the co-pilot door and jump out.


The flames engulfed the entire armored vehicle, and the violent explosion lifted the entire body of the vehicle...


In the congested lane.

The mutant children who escaped from the Akali Institute in Mexico hid their bodies between the vehicles and fled frantically.

Although they were very young, they were trained as weapons since childhood, so they knew how to escape the pursuit of these predators.

They had to rely on these ordinary human vehicles to block their vision, and then find an opportunity to escape to the forest, but now the trouble is that the roads on both sides are watched by the predators on the off-road vehicles, and there are drones above their heads.

"What should I do?"

They didn't know, they could only wait for an opportunity.

But at this moment, suddenly, a violent explosion attracted everyone's attention.

The eleven children looked in the direction of the explosion in panic, and saw that the armored vehicle that was tracking their predators was blown away.

"What's going on?"

These children didn't understand what was going on.

The sound of breaking through the air continued to sound.

Another rocket came and hit the military JEEP car next to the armored car directly.

Although the predators on the military JEEP car jumped down because they had time to react, the military JEEP car still turned into a pile of burning copper and iron.

Just when these children didn't understand what was going on and who was helping them, a voice sounded in the distance.

"Here, get in the car!"

The children looked up and saw a blonde woman waving at them in the distance.

Beside the woman, a man was holding a rocket launcher.

The children instantly understood who was helping them, but they remained unmoved, because they had suffered too much persecution, making them wary of ordinary people.

But the next scene made them stare at the same time.

The blonde woman's skin rolled like waves, and she became an unforgettable look for all mutants.

In the wilderness, Donald Pierce climbed up from the shock wave of the explosion, and his pupils shrank when he saw this scene.

"This is impossible..."



"It's a mutant!!!"

"I know her, Mystique!"

At this moment, the whole road became lively, and countless people took out their mobile phones to start filming.

Not only mutants and predators recognized Raven, but even ordinary humans recognized her.

In this world, Mystique is so famous.

It can be said that she is the most famous mutant in the human world after Charles, Eric, and Logan.

Because her ability is so dangerous.

Compared with the fear of ordinary humans, the mutant children seemed to see hope in an instant and rushed over quickly.

Raven was a little nervous because this was the first time she showed her original power in front of so many ordinary humans.


But at this moment, Carl's praise made all the tension in her heart disappear.


Sure enough, transformation is the coolest!

At this time, the group of children finally rushed over. They had a lot to say, but Carl was unwilling to waste time because the mercenaries had already rushed over with guns and live ammunition.

"Get in the car quickly, men go to the back, and women go to the driver's seat!"


The mutant children did not hesitate and immediately got in the car according to the order.

Raven stepped on the accelerator without hesitation, rushed out of the road, and rushed towards the forest in the distance.

The drone in the sky immediately chased after it.

Carl was prepared!

He grabbed it directly from the air and took out another rocket launcher.


The violent explosion directly knocked the drones away.

At this moment, the predators who saw what these rockets were, as well as the truck driver and the children in the car, all widened their eyes.

But this is just the beginning. As Carl threw the rocket launchers into the portal again, an M60 general-purpose machine gun, the first drop of blood, appeared with Rambo holding a Gatling machine gun, and the gushing flames directly hit the ground and splashed the soil. These predators were not prepared at all.

Except for Donald Pierce, a cyborg, who reacted quickly and hid behind the burning car, the other predators were shot into sieves, and the predators on the other side, Carl just swept the ground, and these predators immediately hid behind the cars on the road, not daring to show their heads.

At this time, Donald Pierce, who was hiding behind the burning car, dodged awkwardly and cursed, and took out the communicator to contact for support.

"FUCK, who is this mutant? Why, we have no record!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, a crisp voice rang out.

A silver-white grenade bounced in front of him.


Donald Pierce's pupils shrank sharply, and a trace of fear finally appeared on his face, but it was too late.


At this moment, the sky was spinning, and Donald Pierce felt that the world in front of him was pure white, and his ears were full of buzzing roars. Just when he was in a daze, a huge shadow appeared in front of him and raised a long knife.

"I like your arm!!!"

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