The two sides have reached a new stage.

The Mexican-American border.

Not long ago, Wolverine, who suddenly saw a strange woman and wanted him to send them to Canada, returned to his place of residence with doubts.

Also living here are Charles, who has Alzheimer's disease, and Caliban, who can track mutants.

Just as the old Wolverine fed Charles medicine and let him rest, he also came to Caliban to eat and the two chatted.

On TV, the sudden news attracted the attention of the two.

"CNN News, urgent report, just now, the mutants that we had forgotten about, created a brutal terrorist attack in the United States. One of the two mutants leading the attack was once a member of the X-Men, codenamed Mystique. The other mutant has no record, but he is obviously very destructive. This terrorist attack has once again made the terror brought by the mutants, which had been forgotten, a social issue..."

Seeing Raven, who was photographed by a mobile phone on the TV screen.

Both Wolverine and Caliban's pupils shrank.

Because Wolverine remembered very clearly that Mystique had died in the accident caused by Professor X.

Caliban also said as if he had seen a ghost.

"This is impossible. There can't be mutants in this world that I don't know..."

On the TV screen, a picture of Carl holding a Gatling gun and firing continuously, suppressing the entire scene with firepower, and finally, after cutting off the arm of the old acquaintance of Logan, he opened the portal and disappeared on the spot.

At this time, the TV news continued to report.

"According to the witnesses we interviewed who witnessed all this, this seems to be a premeditated terrorist attack by mutants, because many people witnessed the existence of at least 14 mutant children, and the known death toll has exceeded 20 people..."

The TV also broadcast the children sitting in a pickup truck that was leaving, which was taken by a mobile phone.

Seeing this scene, Wolverine instantly thought of the strange woman he had seen not long ago.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, he immediately stood up and left here in Caliban's puzzled eyes...


Colorado, United States.

In the dense forest, a pickup truck was driving quickly.

Until there was no road ahead, the pickup truck stopped under the hidden shade of the trees.

Sitting in the main driver's seat, Raven looked nervously at the top of her head.

She was not sure if there was a drone chasing her.

At this time, a little girl's voice came from behind her.

"They didn't catch up?"

The speaker was a tall white girl with blonde hair in the co-pilot.

"Why, do you know this?"

The little girl looked at Raven with admiration and said.

"I can sense all life within a range of ten kilometers. This is my ability."

Raven understood, touched the little girl's head, breathed a sigh of relief, pushed open the car door and walked out.

Seeing this, the other children also walked out of the car door, looking at Raven with various surprises on their faces.

Seeing this, Raven asked with a gentle smile on her face.

"What's your name?"



This name, which was more like a code name, made Raven stunned.

X-2 looked at his companions around him and said.

"We are all weapons made in the Akali Research Institute in Mexico. We have no names, only serial numbers and code names. X-2 is my serial number, and the code name is: Ghost!"

Raven trembled, and then these children said their names one by one.

"X-3, I can control the earth and rocks, code name: Stone Man."

"X-4, I can control plants, code name: Thorns."

"X-7, I can create lightning, code name: Lightning."

"X-8, I can create ice, code name: Ice Girl!"

"X-9, I have the ability to control other people's thoughts, code name: Puppet."

"X-10, I use telekinesis to control objects, code name: Stand."

"X-11, I can control the wind, code name: Storm."

"X-13, I can emit sound waves, code name: Siren."

"X-15, I can release shock waves,

Code name: Impact. "

"X-17, I can control flames, code name: Match."

"X-18, I can make my body transparent, code name: Phantom."

"X-21, I have telekinesis to control objects, code name: Elf."

"X-22, I have the ability to create extra bones for fighting, code name: Bone Spur."

The movie only set the abilities of three or four children, so the others were set by myself.

After the self-introductions were completed, X-2, or the little girl codenamed Ghost, stood up and asked with nervousness and expectation.

"Are you really Mystique! ?"

Looking at the eyes of these children, Raven transformed handsomely again, making these children excited and surrounding Raven.

"It's really you..."

"I heard your story from Ji Bona's mother..."


"Mutant hero..."

"Are you here to save us? "


Raven had never thought that her original form could have such an inspiring effect on these young mutants.

At this moment, she seemed to understand what she should do, half-kneeling on the ground and asking gently.

"Don't worry, come one by one, what about the Akali Research Institute and Mother Ji Baona you just mentioned? And you just said that you were made?"

These children, who seemed to be in their teens, were very mature at this time and spoke one after another.

"Akali Research Institute is a research institute in Mexico. Because there are no mutants in the world, Dr. Rice used the mutant genes they collected to clone us in order to master the power of mutants."

"Mother Ji Baona is the one who made us, but she is very good to us. She let us out because we don't want to fight. The institute thinks we are useless and wants to eliminate us."

"Mother Ji Baona knows that their target seems to be X-23, so she took X-23 herself and split into two groups with us to attract the attention of these predators for us. "

"The predators are Dr. Rice's minions, and they are here to catch us."

Watching these children calmly talking about everything they had experienced, Raven's heart ached again. She wanted to stay and take care of them. At the same time, she felt an uncontrollable anger towards this research institute called Akali.

But she also knew that she had caused too much trouble for Carl, and it might even cause them to never return to their original world.

At this moment, in the surprised eyes of all the children, a portal appeared in front of them.

Carl walked out of it.

Everyone's eyes brightened.

Although they didn't know who the mutant in front of them was, the cool ability and the killing scene when they just saved them still made them release their pent-up anger.

These children who were trained as weapons did not have the emotion of showing mercy.

Raven was the same, but she looked a little sad and guilty at this moment.

"Sorry, Carl, if it wasn't me..."

Carl was very calm and even a little indifferent.

"Don't say sorry, to be honest, I actually expected this situation..."

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