The new world is a new beginning.

Carl didn't say this just to comfort Raven.

He really didn't care whether he could go back or not.

First of all, he was a time traveler, and that world was the same to him, and the new world might even be more interesting.

Secondly, his understanding of the plot of Wolverine 3 made him ready to make the move.

Finally, when Emma said there was a second way to go back, he knew that his existence might inevitably affect the world.

Of course, Raven didn't know this, and she did think that Carl was comforting her, which made her even more moved.

Before this, although the two had rolled in bed, it was only because of Carl's spiritual connection with her and his understanding and recognition of her. However, Raven had not actually thought about what would happen between her and Carl. At most, it was just a physical relationship.

After all, Carl did not hide his philandering, but now, she found that she really didn't care about it anymore. As long as she was with Carl, she would feel satisfied and safe.

At this moment, Raven only had Carl in her eyes.

Of course, Carl also noticed Raven's gaze.

It must be said that this gaze was simply too lethal.

Carl stroked her cheek.

If there were no children here, he really wanted to kiss her.

"Okay, I'm here for everything, you can rest assured. Not to mention the second method Emma told us, some things I found in this world may also help us go back."


Raven didn't ask much, just nodded.

Then, she also looked at these curious children.

"What should we do now?"

Raven asked, and told Carl everything she just knew.

Carl thought for a moment and looked at the children.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Carl Lance. As you can see, I am also a mutant. So, kids, what are your plans or where are you going?"

The girl codenamed Ghost immediately stood up and said.

"Can we follow you?"

The boy codenamed Stoneman said.

"Mother Ji Baona told us an address where there is a shelter for our mutants."

"Can I take a look?"

"Of course?"

Stoneman said, and took out an X-Men comic book from the backpack behind him, turned to the back of the last page, and a digital coordinate was written. Carl took out the map in the car and checked it, and a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face.

"What's going on?"

"Luckily, this seems to be the place we came from!"

Carl now understood that the place they came from should be the place where the final battle of Wolverine 3 ended, and also the place where Logan was buried. Raven's face immediately showed a look of surprise, but soon said strangely.

"But we don't seem to see any shelters!"

Carl put away the comic book and handed it to the stone man in front of him.

"Maybe it's because we didn't find it."

Carl thought about it, made a decision immediately, and said to Raven and the children.

"It seems that our plan has to change. We may not be able to find Charles. We must arrange these children first."

Carl's original plan was not like this.

In his original plan, Raven should take care of these children, and then he would go to find Charles alone.

At the same time, taking advantage of the opportunity to act alone, he can do some interesting things.

For example, go to some arsenals in the United States in this world and buy some goods for his warehouse.

After all, the thermal weapons in 2029 are indeed much more powerful than those in 1962.

But soon, Carl had to give up this idea.

Because he found some equipment for mutants from the predators he had solved.

Among them, there was a kind of shackles similar to a neck collar.

Carl did not dare to put this thing around his neck, because he was not sure whether it had any remote control system. He simply turned it on and tried it, and found that it seemed to emit a special magnetic field that interfered with his ability.

This made Carl change his mind all of a sudden.

Carl is a person who likes adventure, but this is when the benefits are far greater than the costs.

Just like this adventure in a parallel time and space.

And those arms don't seem so tempting in front of his life.

Raven certainly didn't know this, but she also understood that at this moment, these children were indeed more important than finding Charles.

"So shall we set off now?"


Seeing this, Carl drew a line in the air and a portal opened.

Seeing this, Raven immediately shouted to the surprised children.

"Okay, kids, pack your things and follow me!"

After Raven took the children in, Carl drove in as well.

So, on the fourth day, Carl and Raven returned to where they came from.

Then, Carl discovered something that made him look strange.

Raven naturally discovered it at once, and after arranging these children, she came over and asked.

"What's the matter, Carl?"

Carl didn't speak, but slowly walked to the side, squatted down, and picked up a business card from the ground.

It read: Carl Lance, Lance Publishing Group.

Raven also saw it, and then she also thought of the origin of this business card. This should be the business card that should have appeared on this day when Carl first tried the time manager in the original world.

But since they have saved these mutant children, their existence should have affected this world and made this world move towards another timeline.

But why did this business card still appear here?

Seeing Raven's puzzled eyes, Carl didn't understand, he thought about it and said.

"This may be because although we saved these children, it did not affect the timeline of this world, that is to say, these children should have appeared here. Of course, there may be other reasons, but overall, this is good news, isn't it? At least, we don't have to worry about not being able to go back."

After hearing this, Raven also breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in her heart was lifted.

Because she was really afraid that because of her, she and Carl could not return to the original world.

"Okay, let's take care of these children first! You stay here with these children, I'll go look around and see if I can find that shelter."


Raven nodded, but after hearing this, the children took the initiative to speak.

"We want to help too!"

"We are not children."

Looking at these precocious children, Carl's eyes lit up and he thought for a while and said.

"Okay, for safety reasons, we will form a team of four. Ghost, you take Ice Girl, Elf, and Lightning to stay in the car. They are the youngest three, you have to take care of them, and use your ability to be alert to the surroundings. Stoneman, you and Shock, Siren, Stand, go to the west, Thorn, you and Storm, Bone Spur, Match, go to the north, Raven, you take Phantom and Puppet to the south, I will go to the east, we will act separately."

Carl chose the three biggest-looking children as captains.

After that, he took out four daggers and four signal guns from his pocket and handed them to the four captains: Ghost, Stoneman, Thorn and Raven.

"Take them well. I can sense you wherever you are. If you find anything, use this to notify others. You know how to use it, right?"

The children nodded excitedly with guns and daggers in their hands.

Among them, the Indian girl: Thorn asked excitedly.

"So, are we X-Men now?"

This surprised Carl and Raven.

However, Carl, who suddenly had a wonderful idea looking at these excited children, thought about it and said.

"Perhaps, we should think of a cooler name. What do you think of Task Force X?"

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