Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 114: Challenge higher difficulty

Master Yu Xiaogang has always respected Qin He.

Although Qin He finally left Notting College and went to Tiandou Royal Academy for further study, Yu Xiaogang's concern for Qin He was undiminished!

I thought that after Qin He invented the rolling practice method, he would definitely not make any breakthroughs in the field of soul master theoretical research!

Unexpectedly, how long has passed since then, he Qin He actually invented a brand new spirit ability system!

"The air-type spirit ability, as the name suggests, uses the air to kill the enemy. This unbelievable thinking, this terrible destructive power, deserves to be Young Master Qin He, and only he can come up with such a mutant spirit ability!"

"I already have a lot of inspiration in my mind! For example, Wuhun is the soul master of the fox, and he can develop mutated soul skills such as body odor..."

Yu Xiaogang stroked his palm and sighed, his eyes seemed to light up!

Qin Zhan and Zhao Chong on the side, although their faces were dumbfounded, they still kept polite but awkward smiles.

"Young Master Qin He came from our Notting College anyhow. He didn't expect that he became a teacher when he first went to Tiandou Royal Academy and he had such excellent theoretical results. Not bad, not bad..."

Zhao Chong echoed from the side, but he was thinking about how to use Qin He to promote his Notting College.

Of course, Qin He is now in Soto City, thousands of miles away. It is obviously not that easy to call Qin He back.


Qin He is not here, his father Qin Zhan is here!

"Brother Qin Zhan, Qin He is your son. I think you know the idea of ​​this mutated spirit ability. Why don't you tell me, what is the principle of this thing called an air-type spirit ability?"

Qin Zhan: "······"

I know a hammer!

This Qin He, although it is my son, but this guy is simply too much. He has never said anything to his father about any powerful soul skills he invented!

"Ahem, this mutated soul ability is profound and profound, but it can't be finished in a while!"

Qin Zhan's face was solemn. Although he was a little flustered, he was calm on the surface: "My son, he is not here now, otherwise I will definitely talk about him!"

"If you want to invent any mutated spirit ability, you can invent something more complicated, such a simple thing, that is too easy to be cracked, too easy to be understood, it's really not good..."

Yu Xiaogang: "······"

Zhao Chong: "······"

Come here, I promise not to kill you!

Not to mention that this mutant spirit ability is not a Chinese cabbage, it is not so easy to understand at all!

Just talk about you, Qin Zhan, you bastard, you don't understand anything, what are you blowing!

Taking a deep breath, Dean Zhao Chong's face flushed red, and two black lines appeared on his forehead: "Brother Qin Zhan, don't pretend to be forced, we are still good friends!"


"Brother Qin He, you are really amazing!"

In the dormitory of Tiandou Royal Academy, Xiao Wu looked at Qin He with admiration.

This scene caused Qin He's heart to jump, and he couldn't help but froze in place: "Where am I? This avalanche, didn't I understand everything?"

One month later, during this period, Xiao Wu often went to Qin He's dormitory to report to Qin He the avalanche state!

It is said that Xue Beng has been out of spirits since he left Qinhe's dormitory, let alone practicing spirit power, and didn't even go to the usual classes.

"Sure enough, although this Xue Beng will become the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire in the future, he is still a normal person. Let me just say, I Qin He hasn't opened up, how can I just say a few words and let the other party break through?"

Qin He was very satisfied with the current situation.

Xue Beng is a good young man who was taught by Qin He to be like this. It is estimated that other students have heard of Qin He's "great achievements" and dare not send students to me!

The long-lost tranquility!

I, Qin He, finally took a solid step on a low-key path!

As he was thinking about the matter, Qin He looked at Xiao Wu again, and found that the admiration in the other's eyes grew thicker.

"Brother Qin He, why do you show such an expression? With a confident look, do you already know it?"

"As expected of Brother Qin He, he casually pointed out. Although Avalanche didn't break through, Xiao Chenyu realized a very powerful mutant soul skill called Weasel. It is said that the entire Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace was defeated. Qin He’s credit..."

"Now the entire Soto City, no, the entire Heaven Dou Empire is discussing this matter!"

"Brother Qin He, many people have asked me to ask you if you want to accept more apprentices, Brother Qin He, why don't you talk..."

Qin He: "What kind of ghost is this? What kind of mutated spirit ability Xiao Chenyu understood, that is his own insight, what does it have to do with Qin He?"

This Xiao Chenyu was all driven away by me, this guy can still perform this operation!

Another wave of backstabs!

After listening to Qin He's words, Xiao Wu's admiration was even stronger in her eyes: "As expected of Qin He, he clearly has such a powerful teaching ability, but deliberately does not reveal it, and hides his merit and fame!"

"However, it's useless for you to pretend Brother Qin He. Xiao Chenyu has already said the process of comprehending soul abilities. He said it was all the credit of Brother Qin He..."

"Brother Qin He, you have also developed a new way of designing soul skills, air-type soul skills! Even Master Yu Xiaogang is admiring you! It's really amazing!"

"Brother Qin He, what's the matter with you? Why is your face a little ugly?"

Listening to Xiao Wu's words, Qin He became more and more depressed.

Sure enough, it was this hateful Xiao Chenyu!

You are all driven away by me, and you have to stab me in the back!

Inadvertently inserting willows and willows into the shadows, Qin He never expected that Xue Beng didn't realize anything, and Xiao Chenyu came out again.

Fortunately, there is a real waste material called avalanche. The other party really didn't understand anything. Otherwise, it would be too difficult for me, Qin He!

"Xiao Wu, listen to me, all this is a misunderstanding..."

"I understand, I understand, Brother Qin He, I know what you mean, Brother Qin He, you are very talented, and let Xiao Chenyu break through casually. This is not difficult at first!"

"Brother Qin He, you want to challenge a higher level of difficulty. You can teach the elm head of Xue Beng to become useful, and then we will celebrate together!"

Xiao Wu suddenly realized.

As expected to be Young Master Qin He, his goal is not just to teach one or two great students!

It would be too difficult for him to learn such advanced theories with an elm head like Xue Beng!

Even if you are a born saint and a teacher of all ages, you can't just teach an apprentice to become a talent, and you can't become a talent by an avalanche. This should have been Brother Qin He's fault!

As expected of Brother Qin He, it turns out that he still has such a high sense of responsibility!

Qin He: "No, I don't!"

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