Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 115: Everything is under control

One month's time is enough for many big things to happen!

Qin He taught Xue Beng, but let Xiao Chenyu of Wuhun Palace take the lead in breaking through. Naturally, the major forces had long heard of it!

Suddenly, all kinds of ridicules about Avalanche also flooded in. If Avalanche was the second prince with noble status, some people would have dared to spray him face to face!

"Qin He is not omnipotent either! There is always some dead wood, which Qin He can't teach well!"

"We must face Qin He squarely, and can't imagine Qin He too invincible! He is also an ordinary soul master, and he will fail too!"

"It's not that Qin He is not strong, it should be that Prince Xue Beng's understanding is too bad! Prince Xue Beng is also too powerful, he is the first person to let Young Master Qin He taste failure!"

"I really can't laugh or cry! The perfect Qin He, because he wants to challenge higher difficulty, is finally smeared with a trace?"


Heaven Dou Imperial Palace.

Emperor Xue Ye's face was dark, watching the report about Qin He in his hand, Tian Ling Gai faintly burst out with flames!

"What are you talking about? One month passed, Qin He taught Xue Beng for one month, but the result was that Xiao Chenyu in the Wuhun Hall had first comprehended the mutant spirit ability, and Xue Beng, the bastard, had fallen in strength after one month. ?"

Emperor Xue Ye was very depressed and angry.

Qin He, a perfect existence, has never failed every time he makes a move, every time he calculates!

The Wuhun Hall was deflated and countless geniuses bowed down. This is Qin He, an existence that cannot be surpassed at all!

Qin He maintained such an undefeated character design, which was very important to the Heaven Dou Empire.

Wuhundian will be jealous, will be wary of Qin He's threat, and live in the shadow of Qin He forever!

Because now Qin He is standing on the side of the Heaven Dou Empire, and his invincible posture, to some extent, also means that the Heaven Dou Empire is invincible!

Of course, Emperor Xue Ye was actually very optimistic about Qin He in his heart, and agreed that Qin He was a perfect soul master.

Regardless of the speed of cultivation, conspiracy, or even the ability to teach students, Qin He was only twelve years old, but he performed perfectly everywhere, and never disappointed!


With such a perfect Qin He, his undefeated golden body was finally broken by others, and he was broken by his cheating son!

How could Emperor Xue Ye's violent temper be able to endure the ridiculous sound of ridicule outside?

"This avalanche, I really have to take the time to have a fight, otherwise, I will feel unhappy..."

Such a fierce thought flashed through His Majesty Xue Ye's mind, and his eyes were full of murderous aura!

"Come on..."

Just as he was about to ask someone to call Xue Beng back to pack up, at this moment, the middle-aged man in Chinese clothes headed by His Majesty Xue Ye called to stop His Majesty Xue Ye.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, there is a report from the Tiandou Royal Academy. I heard that Qin He has been very simple during this time, and it seems that he is not nervous at all. Everything has always been under Qin He's control!"

"What's more, this kid Xue Beng grew up when I watched him, and he is not useless and has no merit!"

On the side, it was Prince Xue Xing who was wearing a Chinese suit who was speaking, who was also consoling heartily at this time.

"Pros? Prince Xue Xing, tell me, what are the advantages of this rebellious son?"

The flame in His Majesty Xue Ye's eyes weakened slightly, and he asked.

"Avalanche... He..."

Prince Xue Xing faltered, his mind kept spinning.

For a long time, I saw Prince Xue Xing sighed.

"Maybe, Xue Beng is more resistant to beatings!"

Your Majesty Xue Ye: "······"


"Well, it hurts..."

On the playground of Tiandou Royal Academy, it was the morning exercise time in the morning.

Many students from the Tiandou Royal Academy were either running, closing their eyes to rest their minds, or cultivating soul power, and it was very lively.

At the same time, I saw a teenager in Chinese clothes walking over on the playground.

Xue Beng clutched his **** and limped along the road in a very strange posture.

This scene naturally attracted the attention of many Tiandou Royal students.

The lowly identities are all laughing with their heads down.

Some students with noble identities, or students of the avalanche enemy, even ridiculed mercilessly!

"Hey, isn't this the shame of our Heaven Dou, Your Highness Xue Beng?"

"Why did he limp? Where was he injured?"

"It was beaten by Your Majesty, His Highness Xue Beng is really pitiful!"

"Isn't it, His Highness Xue Beng seems to have been beaten on both ends for three days, I'm afraid this is a habit!"

"Ashamed! Even a teacher like Qin He can't teach this avalanche. I really feel sorry for Master Qin He!"

Facing everyone's ridicule, Xue Beng's face was as calm as water at this time, but there was a slight anger hidden deep in his eyes.

Amidst the people's discussion, Xue Beng walked to the place where Qin He slept, and bowed to Qin He respectfully!

Tiandou Royal Academy has strict management.

Sleeping on the playground, changing to be someone else, it is estimated that the angry teacher would have been driven out with a mess!

But Qin He is different!

Qin He came to Tiandou Royal Academy, but there are special terms. He can sleep on the playground of Tiandou Royal Academy, and as teacher Qin He, no one dares to disturb him!

"Avalanche, are you okay!"

By Qin He's side, Xiao Wu was naturally accompanied. At this time, she wore a pink dress, and there was also a hint of worry in her beautiful eyes.

Although this Xue Beng’s savvy is a bit low, but you look at Xue Beng, how respectful and loyal to Qin He!

This is a good seed. Don't give up on yourself just because of a few words from others!

"Sister-in-law Xiaowu, I realized it!"


What surprised Xiao Wu was that Xue Beng didn't feel dejected when he came this time, but instead looked excited!

Don't look at him at this moment in a miserable way, but his expression can't be faked, this is obviously a color of excitement!

"His Royal Highness Xue Beng, you said you also realized a new spirit ability?"

Xiao Wu's big watery eyes couldn't help but blink, and even felt something wrong.

real or fake?

This avalanche, wasn't it because he couldn't comprehend soul abilities some time ago, he was called back by His Majesty Xueye to give him a lesson?

How long did he realize after this?

Xiao Wu turned to look at Qin He, and found that Qin He didn't even raise his eyelids, but just rolled over at random?

Xiao Wu suddenly realized: "It turns out that everything is under the control of Qin He! Xue Beng will comprehend the soul skills, Qin He had already known it!"

"No wonder Qin He is so calm, he didn't even raise his eyelids when he heard this news..."

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