Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 390: Collect the mind power of sentient beings

No matter how depressed the aborigines of the Douluo Continent are at this time, how full of resentment, Qin He at this time is very excited at this time.

"If you want to improve the personality of a world, you need to have enough thought power of sentient beings, and enough soul power..."

In the Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, Qin He held his cheeks and looked at his system, as if it had changed.

Name: Qin He

Level: Level 1001

Mind power of sentient beings: 100

Current World: Douluo Continent

World level: 1.5

The mind power of sentient beings is a very special power, and ordinary soul masters simply cannot collect this kind of energy.

And Qin He, in the case of full level 1,000, somehow broke through, completely breaking the existence of the limiter, and Qin He's current strength is still rising!

In order to balance the Douluo Continent and to prevent Qin He from continuing to upgrade his level, those extra strengths were forcibly transformed into sentient beings' thought power. This is why the upper limit of Douluo Continent's level was broken!

Of course, more importantly, Qin He is now very popular among the soul masters of Douluo Continent.

There are many ways to collect the mind power of sentient beings. Those great soul masters who are famous in the Douluo Continent, such as Bibi Dong and others, have served as the Pope for many years. They have a high status among the residents of the Douluo Continent, and they are also very famous. The high-levels of these spirit halls have a faint thought power of sentient beings haunting them!

It's just that they can't use these sentient beings' thought powers!

And among those civilians, it is not that there are no sentient beings with higher thought power. Those famous stars in Douluo Continent, although they don't have any soul power, have also collected a large amount of sentient thought power with their outstanding faces!

As long as Qin He's popularity among the residents of Douluo Continent increases, sentient beings' mind power will continue to rise.······

Then I will relocate those cultural works from the earth, plus I am already handsome, Qin He is already ready to debut...

Qin He couldn't help but flashed a thought like this in his heart!


"The Spirit Hall deceives too much! It is really deceived too much!"

In Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, Xie Yue held a book angrily, and said with a very ugly face.

On the cover of that book, there is a character who is seven-point similar to Qin He, but the title of the book is very spicy: The Sinful Life of the Great Demon King Qinhe·······

As the Douluo Continent entered a long period of peace because of Qin He, the soul masters of the Douluo Continent also entered an age of turmoil.

Like that kind of yellow novel with color, it naturally entered the vision of the soul master.

It's just that because this industry has just developed, the backward productivity cannot keep up with the ever-increasing demand for soul masters, so in this regard, soul masters have always been in a state of desire and dissatisfaction.

This book is a pornographic novel published by the Soul Master dispatched by the Spirit Hall in the Douluo Continent. The content is probably a guy named Qin Sanke. Women's various outputs······

The content is detailed, the description is vivid, and all the plots are very good. It's just that the name, on the surface, is purely a coincidence, and it is just as accidental as Qin He. Isn't this actually talking about Qin He?

This is properly slandering Qin He, a guy who is as pure as Qin He, is actually written as a perverted existence in the novel!

It happens to be this kind of colorful novel, which is very popular in Douluo Continent, especially in the name of Qin He Dadao. When all soul masters heard about Qin He, they couldn’t help but buy a copy. , This purchase is an irrepressible pit!

"Oh my God, is Qin He's life so drunk?"

"As expected to be the Great Demon King Qinhe, I heard that Qin He has **** with a hundred virgins every day..."

"The world is getting worse, it's really going to be worse. Qin He's behavior is simply enviable... No, it's nasty, Douluo Continent, there will be such an evil spirit master. exist!"

"This book is a novel, do you treat all novels as reality?"

"Novel? Not necessarily. Reality is sometimes even more exaggerated than in novels. This book is published by Wuhundian. Wuhundian has fought with Qin He for so long. You must know Qin He better. If this is the content of the novel, who knows that this may actually be Qin He's autobiography!"

"Qin He is the emperor after all, and there is nothing wrong with the 72 concubines of the San Gong and Six Courtyards, but the gameplay in this novel is a bit abnormal..."

"I feel very exciting..."



Xie Yue knows very well that now this novel with Qin He as the protagonist has been widely spread in Douluo Continent, even if it wants to forcibly ban it, it is impossible to do so.

What's more, Douluo Continent doesn't have any reputation rights, and there is no copyright law. Wuhundian wants to publish books, it seems there is nothing wrong with it?

Because of this wave of operations in the Spirit Hall, Qin He's reputation has also risen rapidly, otherwise it would be impossible to collect a large amount of sentient beings' thought power, which would break the level limit of Douluo Continent...

However, this kind of fame is not a good fame for Qin He, although because Qin He of Douluo Continent is more handsome, many female soul masters are still a little eager to try such Qin He, but More female soul masters were terrified, for fear that they would meet the Great Demon King Qinhe...

"A new war has begun..."

Xiao Chenyu on the side was also lost in thought at this time.

Wuhun Palace is undoubtedly a terrifying opponent.

After being unable to defeat our Qinhe boss in terms of force, Wuhundian actually took a different approach, intending to attack our Qinhe boss in this way!

Moreover, this novel called The Guilty Life of the Great Demon King Qinhe is indeed fascinating. To be honest, Xiao Chenyu himself was a little angry when he saw it, and he wished to transform himself into a character in the novel, as big as the Great Demon King Qinhe. Kill the Quartet...

"Boss Qin He is invincible in strength and wisdom. Facing Wuhun Hall's moves, how will Boss Qin He respond? Wouldn't it... Wouldn't the boss Qin He also write a novel, Heibi East Pope? Yeah...this...this is really a bit spicy..."

Although the boss of Qin He is already perfect, how about writing novels?

This is not something a soul master should do!

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