Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 391: Write a novel in Douluo Continent?

"Xiao Junshi, Qin He boss, seems to have been busy with something recently, it seems that... it seems that he really wrote a novel?"

Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, while Xiao Chenyu was still talking about how Qin He would deal with the Martial Soul Palace, Xie Yue spoke weakly and interrupted Xiao Chenyu's thoughts with a single sentence, which also caused Xiao Chenyu to fall over. Take a breath!

"Boss Qin He...wrote novels...Boss Qin He started to do big things again?"

Xiao Chenyu was stunned, he was a little suspicious of life.

In Douluo Continent, there are many powerful spirit masters. As long as you have good talents, sometimes it is like this. If you practice casually, you will be able to compare with those veteran spirit masters who have practiced for countless years!


The novel that Wuhundian produced this time to discredit Qin He was not written by a single person.

It’s that Wuhundian concentrated his power and collected talented writers and co-created it.·······

If it weren't for the vivid style and twists and turns, the novel is really good-looking, and this colorful novel would not spread to the entire Douluo Continent at such a speed!

"What novel did Qin He write? Can it be compared with the criminal life of the Great Demon King Qin Sanke in the Wuhun Palace?"

Xiao Chenyu on the side couldn't help asking for the title of the book.

The evil life of the Great Demon King Qin Sanke, although it is a book that discredited our boss Qin He, it wrote us boss Qin He like a stallion in heat, and hurried up when he met a girl!

But I have to say that this book really captured the soul of a male soul master!

In the Douluo Continent, there are extremely few soul masters that can cultivate, and among the soul masters with cultivation talent, female soul masters are extremely rare.

The gap between soul masters and ordinary people is really too big, few soul masters will choose to combine with ordinary people, most of them will choose to find a sister soul master to combine.

For this reason, although Douluo Continent did not enact a monogamous system, there are fewer sisters, and it becomes difficult for male soul masters to pursue sisters. If a male soul master can find a sister soul master, it is already happy. He's talking from ear to ear, still thinking about opening the harem?

Are you afraid that the washboard is not kneeling enough?

There are even some soul masters, who have been single for a long time, and even the soul beasts look beautiful, they are all panicked...

It is also for this reason that such colorful novels have always been very popular in the Douluo Continent, but after all, they are a little bit colorful, and it is impossible for Wuhun Palace or anything to promote it with fanfare. .


When Wuhundian really got serious about promoting this novel, the enthusiasm it brought was also unimaginable!

"Xiao Junshi······Qin He boss's novel, it seems to be called Fights Breaking Sky, is an adventure novel..."

Xie Yue on the side spoke weakly.

"Adventure novels? Fight against the sky? In this way, the boss of Qin He probably has no hope of defeating the Hall of Spirits..."

Hearing this, Xiao Chenyu's hopeful gaze became dim again.

How do adventure novels compare with Wuhundian’s painstakingly dedicated novels for the boss of Hei Qinhe?

I heard that the longer the name, the more powerful the novel. This Dou Po Cangqi is only four words, it shouldn't be very beautiful!


Shrek Academy.

"Wuhundian began to write novels, began to be a literati, and Qin He also began to write novels, when did the atmosphere of this Douluo Continent become like this?"

Yu Xiaogang, a well-known master of Wuhun theory and a master who has written countless times, is also at a loss at this time.

Regarding cultural people or something, it is obvious that although Yu Xiaogang is only level 29, and is a scumbag who can't break through to level 30 in his life, he is really a cultural person!

Yu Xiaogang knows the martial arts and customs of the Douluo Continent very well. He has also personally traveled to many places in the Douluo Continent and wrote a lot of geographical figures and so on.


When did those soul masters who were fighting and killing also start to invade his Yu Xiaogang's realm, and began to pretend to be cultural people, and what tricks did they play in writing books?

Let’s forget about Wuhundian. Wuhundian wrote the book to discredit Qin He. At any rate, the other party gathered the wisdom of countless literati and gathered together. Yu Xiaogang also read the book of Wuhundian a little bit. "The Guilty Life of the Great Demon King Qinhe", the blood boiled over after reading it, the little brother was a little hard...

Well, it's a good book!


Qin He, how old are you, you started driving like this, this bear boy, who taught you?

"Does the fight break the sky? I want to see... Qin He, what exactly are you writing, I must criticize it!"

Yu Xiaogang vented his nose, hummed several times, and immediately opened the new book that he had just bought from the bookstore-Fight Breaking the Sky!


Dou Po Cangqiang is a very popular novel on the earth. As an internet addict, Qin He has naturally read it before.

In the past, Qin He always thought that if he travels to a parallel world, no novels such as Fighting Breaking the Sphere will be born, and then Qin He used to be a copyist, and the readers can’t stop and worship Qin He... ····

Unexpectedly, the parallel world did not travel through the past, but instead arrived in the world of Douluo Continent!

What kind of experience is it like to write about fighting against the sky in the world of Douluo Continent?

Perhaps it is a very interesting thing...

Fights Break the Sky, the story of this book is also very simple at this time.

After the genius young man Xiao Yan created an unprecedented practice record in his family, he suddenly became a waste. For three years, his family was coldly treated, others despised, and his fiancee retired... all kinds of shocks followed. Just when he was about to despair, a ghost appeared from the ring on his hand.

Putting aside other things, the level setting of the novel is also much higher than that of Douluo Continent.

Fighting the sky is a world where fighting spirit is cultivated, and the Emperor Dou who has cultivated to the top can break the earth with his hands and feet.

No, you don't need Doudi, as long as Douwang can fly, Douzong can play with the power of space and break the void with every gesture. In terms of level, it is much higher than Douluo Continent!

In Douluo Continent, if you are not a god, you can only deal with shrimp soldiers and crabs. Some can't even fly. Fighting through the wonderful world of the sky will obviously bring great impact to the spirit masters in this Douluo Continent !

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