A huge explosion sounded.

Renn did not expect that the archbishop would make such a decision. The giant horse was not in the center of the battlefield, but the archbishop's position was close to the center.

This explosion will cause considerable damage to the world government.

Those ordinary soldiers who only use thermal weapons to be effective on this battlefield cannot escape from the Archbishop's self-destruction.

Thousands of people were deprived of their lives in an instant. for a long time.

Everyone returned to the battlefield.

Ren counted the number of people in the scavenger team, and no one was missing.

The Hunter Association, the world government, begins to sort out the aftermath of the war.

No matter what.

The war is over.

The Church of Angola failed.

The Kingdom of Feros failed.

The World Government and the Hunter Association won this war.

Then what comes next is the division of interests.

A figure walked towards Renn

"Mr. Tyson."

Tyson grinned.

"Renn, I know you. I watched all your games in the Sky Arena."

Ren raised his eyebrows.

Tyson explained:"I am the owner of Sky Arena."

Ren understands. In the Sky Arena, starting from the 200th floor, there will be a floor master on the first floor, and the floor master is the one who stands out among the floor masters and is the first person in the arena.

In the original work Among them, there is not much mention of floor owners above the 200th floor, let alone the poster.

In the comics, everyone only knows that Chrollo became the floor owner of the 200th floor, and it was under that situation that Hisoka and Kuroro Luoluo fought a battle of life and death.

Then, after failing, he became the God of War in the toilet.

But in the Sky Arena

, there will be a floor owner on the first floor.

From the 200th floor to the 251st floor, except for the 251st floor, it is owned by the floor owner. In addition, the remaining 50 floors all have a floor master. The floor master who stands out from such a floor master will definitely be strong.

But Renn did not expect that he would be as strong as Tyson. The same grandmaster level.

Renn thought of what Bisji said about the top five telepathic users in the world.

The top telepathic users rarely fight against each other. Even if they do fight, it is usually more of a competition rather than a life-and-death struggle. Therefore, compared with Si Ji's ranking is probably based on a certain incident.

And this Angola Church incident can obviously be matched. Those who can defeat these giant beasts must be those with very strong telekinesis abilities.

Nitro, Jinfulix, Maha beat the enemy, Tyson, and Renn himself.

Renn thought for a moment

"In the original work, I do not exist. Therefore, there should be another person among the five great telekinesis abilities mentioned by Bisiji. Perhaps because of my action, this person did not appear."

Ren looked in the direction of Pariston.

Among the twelve earthly branches, Porter White has proven that although his strength is not bad, it is still inferior to the top telekinesis users. So, Just Pariston

"There is another person, Nitro's son, Bijunde, who is also possible"

"In addition, in the theatrical version, a very powerful character, Jed, appears."

The war is over. Renn doesn't need to worry about the distribution of the spoils. Jin Fulis has said that the Hunter Agreement will be distributed according to everyone's merit. There may be a little trick, but the impact will not be big.

For Renn, the only thing left is The last thing to do.

Decompose all the monsters in the World Government Monster Breeding Base.

Half a month later, the scavenger team returned to the island base.

Renn looked at everyone

"There shouldn't be any activities in the near future, everyone can move around freely."

Immediately, Renn entered the room.

In this war, Renn gained a lot.

"DNF panel!"

"Gunner, level 53"

"Sword Soul, Level 50"

"Street Fighter, level 48"

"Summoner, level 30"

"Paladin, level 30"

"Conqueror, level 17"

"Dark Blade, level 18."

Ren looked at the Sword Soul panel.

"When the level reaches level 50, you can awaken for the first time."

"Wake up!"

A burst of power enveloped the Sword Soul panel.

You can see that the attributes on it have been greatly improved. At the same time, the word"Sword Soul" has also become the word"Juggernaut". For the two new skills, Renn also chose Determine.

The first one, Phantom Sword Dance.

Continuous sword energy attacks, causing huge damage to the enemy.

The second one, Jigui Swordsmanship.

Generate 24 swords at one time to attack the enemy.

These two skills will make Renne's melee output ability has been greatly enhanced.

"Street Fighter's skills, don't rush now, there are still two levels left before you can reach level 50 and awaken. By then, the two skills will be together"

"Summoners and Paladins can each light up a skill."

Ren made a decision quickly.

Summoner: Contract Summoning, Wausau.

Paladin: Blessing of Honor.

Then, Renn looked at the skill

"Telekinesis Master Technique, Progress 19%"

"Sword Master Skills, Progress 66%"

"Gun Master Skills, Progress 65%"

"Fighting Master Skills, Progress 82%"

"Master Thief Skills, Progress 38%"

"Painting Mastery Skills, Progress 15%"

"Mastery of cooking skills, progress 23%"

In this aspect, there has not been much improvement. However, Ren's power of Atrak has been improved to 99% of the progress. It only needs to increase the progress by another 1%. The thought beast in Ren's guess should be hatched.

"I still have one monster left. I can use this monster to reproduce and spread, kill these monsters, and complete the progress of the power of Atrak.%"

Not long after, Ren walked out of the room.

The members of the scavenger team each made their own plans for the future.

Wojin continued to practice outside with Kurapika.

Nobunaga entered a state of seclusion. From this war, Nobunaga seemed to have gained a lot.

Brian stood guard at Nobunaga's door.

Maggie and Sayaka are at the training ground, training.

Xiaodi was also at the training ground, but he was holding a handful of snacks.

Since Xiaodi joined the scavenger team, Wojin has not been able to keep his position as the biggest eater. When Xiaodi eats staple food, he doesn't eat as much as Wojin does, but he can't bear to eat snacks all day long.

Hardly ever heard of it.

But the weight has not gone up, and it still remains at the right level.

Maggie was envious for a time.

Especially the ferocity on the chest.

The spoils of war in Angola were sent over and were directly converted into ringnies and credited to Ren's account.

An entire country was divided in half a month.

Wren got a lot of money.

No one dares to make any fuss here. After all, everyone sees the strong performance of the scavenger team.

"I can start building my monster paradise."

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