Renn's idea for Monster Paradise is very simple. It is to adopt the mode of a level-breaking game, with a scene corresponding to some monsters, based on the mind pattern formation.

As for the monsters here, they can be monster NPCs, or they can be the products of the Angora Church that Renne got this time.

"As for the address, you can choose the seabed."

Ren plunged into the deep sea.

After that, there was a long busy process.

The time outside passed quickly.

Killua looked at the fallen opponent opposite him, grinning at the corner of his mouth.

"Level 200 was finally reached."

Killua got the ticket to the 200th floor, and then shook his head, took the elevator, and went downstairs. Hisoka emphasized to Killua the difference above the 200th floor, so Killua would not go up easily.

If he changed Gon's words are definitely different. Killua doesn't like to do things that he is not sure about, but Gon wants to try as long as he sees a challenge.

The two have completely different brain circuits. Being able to become friends can actually be regarded as a A miracle.

Probably, it was because of their geniuses that they attracted each other.

And this time, Killua’s own mission was to get the ticket to the 200th floor.

In the original work, it took two years.

This world , it took Killua one year and eight months.

Four months less. On the 200th floor, several figures looked at Killua with a hint of disappointment on their faces.

"What a pity. I didn’t expect this kid to refuse registration."

"I originally thought that I could get a lot of points from this kid and give him a good baptism. What a pity. This is a very good object to gain points."

The rules of the Sky Arena are very unclear. There is basically no explanation in the original work.

(The following is a personal speculation. I am not guaranteed to be correct about the setting of the old thief Togashi. After all, the explanation is too vague.)

Below 200 floors , you cannot use weapons. If you win a game, you can move up the floor. Depending on your performance in the arena, you can cross up to 50 floors at a time.

Above 200 floors, it is a battle for those with telekinesis abilities.

This is the part where the rules are vague..

There is a floor leader for each floor.

If you win 10 games, you can challenge the floor leader.

If you win, you can become the new floor leader.

But there is no explanation of how to enter the upper floor.

According to the setting of the floor leader, the 201st floor Ordinary players are definitely not as good as the 200-level floor leader.

The last time Renn met Tyson, he asked about the rules.

That is, the floor leader is fixed.

But the players are fluid.

The players are in After winning a victory on the 200th floor, you can freely choose the floor as long as the floor owner of that floor agrees.

This means that the floor owner is the manager of this floor.

All the income on a floor belongs to the floor owner..

And players are resources shared by everyone.

On the one hand, the floor leader needs to select good players and come to his floor. In this way, he can fight a good-looking battle, and the floor leader's income will be higher.

But at the same time, The floor owner also needs to worry about whether this player is too powerful and will take his place.

Therefore, under such rules, the 200th floor is actually the most competitive floor.

Players who are too powerful will be replaced by other floors. If the master doesn't want it, he can only stay on the 200th floor, and the existence of the rookie killer is not sure to compete with other players, so he has to target the newcomers.

Except for the 200th floor, the strength of the players on the other floors is different. Not big.

In addition, they won’t be so desperate.

In fact, it is a small circle formed around the floor owner.

There is a competitive relationship between different floors.

Only the 200th floor is a chaotic area.

Therefore, the 200th floor The floor leader is a very tricky position.

Given a chance, the floor leader of this floor will almost always change floors.

Except for special circumstances.

The floor leader is the winner of the biannual fighting competition, and has a higher ranking than the floor leader. A lot of income, and Tyson has been sitting in the position of the owner of Sky Arena for many years.

After Tyson’s explanation, Renne clarified the situation of Sky Arena.

As for the strength of Sky Arena, the strength is similar. Understood.

The strength of the 50 floor masters is probably at the top of the Nen ability elite, or at the master level.

With the strength of Sisuo and Chrollo, they should be at the forefront among these floor masters.

However, they are incomparable to the original poster.

The original poster is far ahead.

The entire Phantom Troupe will not be Tyson's opponent.

Just like Ren.

After the Angola War, the setting of the five major telekinesis users has slowly begun to change among telepathy users. Slowly spread the word.

Nitro, Jinfulix, Tyson, Maha beat the enemy, Renne.

Most people put Nitro at the first place, and as for the following, there is no order.

But Nitro This first place is just out of respect for Nitro's status, not really referring to Nitro's strength. During the Angola War, all five of them performed very strongly.

Of course, these have little impact on Renn, who doesn't care about these false reputations.

Meteor Street.

News of the Angola war reached here

"The top 5 telepathic people in the world?"

Chrollo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Unexpectedly, Renn became stronger again."

Besides, Finks glanced at Chrollo

"Commander, I think we should participate in this war"


"This is a great opportunity to build a reputation, isn't it? Finks said:"What we are doing now, compared to the Angola War, is just a small fight.""

"Hunter Association, Scavenger Team……"

Chrollo stood up

"There will be a chance"

"But not the Angola war"

"The path we take is fundamentally different from theirs."

Yun Gu sat next to Bi Si Ji.

Bi Si Ji looked at Yun Gu with eyes that hated the iron.

"Xiao Yungu, you have to fight for your reputation. Look, Ren is about the same age as you, and both have become the top five telepathic users in the world. You are my disciple."

Yun Gu pushed up his glasses blankly.

"But master, you are not Ren’s opponent either."


"Xiaoyun Gu, you have grown up in skills."


Bisji stood up

"There are not many things I can teach you. From today on, you should be independent"

"Go find your own way"

"I am leaving."

Bisi Ji walked away and disappeared from Yun Gu's sight after a while.

Yun Gu withdrew his sight and looked into the distance.

Rooney trotted out.

"Maggie, have you seen Captain?"

"Captain, something's wrong. What's wrong?"

"Last time, I was asked to find Dark Sonata, and I found one. It should be true. Maggie hesitated for a moment.

"give it to me"

"I'll just go find it."

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