
Ren looked at the visitor.

The captain of the V5 team.


"Singed, what's the matter?"

"I need you to help Nasby and kill Kadro.

Singed paused and said,"President Nitro should have told you about the crisis in the human continent. Our real purpose of going to the Dark Continent this time is to seek a chance for humankind to survive.""

"But there are traitors in our ranks"

"Now, the traitor has appeared"

"Kadro is the traitor to us humans. She has taken refuge in the creatures of the dark continent."

Ren nodded.

"President Netero said"

"Then come with me."

Ren hesitated and followed Singed, but he still had some doubts.

If there was only one traitor to mankind, then Nitro would not say not to trust anyone.

In other words , even if Singed is not a traitor, then Singed cannot be sure that he is not a traitor, and it is impossible to tell him the true situation.

There is something wrong with this Singed.

Renn took out his identity card and confessed to Maggie With a sound.

The BW was completely divided into two parts.

The first and second floors split into a new ship, separated from the original BW. The third floor and below of the B were all submerged. In the sea water.

Countless wailing sounds sounded.

Strong resentment shrouded the sea.

Hundreds of thousands of resentful souls gathered here. On the second floor.

Kazuo's eyes quickly searched.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Fugez, I finally found you!"

Fugez looked at Kazuo opposite, very puzzled.

Kazuo had killed her once before.

Now he wanted to kill her a second time.

She didn't understand why they were obviously good sisters, but they became like this.


There was a trace of struggle on Kazuo's face, but he quickly made up his mind.

"Sorry, Fuguez, but this is your fate"

"We can't change our destiny. This destiny has already been decided when it chooses us."

"I will try my best to let you die painlessly."

Kadro came to Fugez.


Fugez's neck was twisted, and a burst of energy entered Kadro's body.

Kadro's aura increased again.

"That leaves Cheli Donich!"

Kazhuo closed his eyes and radiated his feelings.

But at this moment, Nasby's voice sounded

"Kajol, stop it."

Kazhuo opened his eyes.

The next moment, his body suddenly flashed to the side.

He saw a thought bullet landing on Kazuo's previous position.

The dark thought bullet had a very strong corrosive aura.

Even the steel was corroded.

A figure slowly appeared in Kazuo's sight.


Nasby looked at Kadro with a complicated expression.

"Kadro, I never thought it would be you, my daughter, who would betray me. Kadro sneered.

"Nasby, now don't play the role of a loving father and let your fourteen children kill each other and raise poison."

"Sacrifice the lives of nearly 200,000 people on BW to fulfill his own strength"

"A person like you has no right to say such things to me."

Nasby was silent for a while.

"You're right, so I won't say more and let's get started."

"Just what I wanted!"

The two collided instantly.

Singed led the V5 team and Renne not far away.

······Asking for flowers······

At this time, Renn felt that there was something wrong with Singed.

The Hunter Association didn't show up, Biyongde didn't show up, Pariston and Jin Fulis didn't show up, it was just me and the V5 team, what's going on?

Singed looked around

"Later we will seize the opportunity to attack Kadro. Nasby must win this battle, otherwise we humans will face catastrophe."

Singed looked at Renn again.

"Renn, where are your teammates? Why didn't you come together?"

"They've had a little bit of a problem and things aren't going very well right now."


Singed's eyes flickered.

"That's it."

Nasby's body exudes a disaster-level aura, and Kadro's body also has the same aura.

However, the power of both of them is not their own.

The true level, both of them are only at the master level.

They can reach it with the help of external forces. reached the level of disaster.

Renn did not act rashly.

Renn still has not figured out what happened.

There are too many sources of information and not enough truth for Renn to see clearly what happened.

Therefore, Renne can only hide his strength first.

As an observer, he observes the changes in things until the moment he sees the truth.

Only then can Renne make a decision.

And currently, what Renne has to do Yes, it's just to collect the power of Kajin.

As for the help Singed said, Ren was just paddling.

In addition, while paddling, he was also wary of Singed.

The Thirteenth Prince, the Fourteenth Prince , Fugez, and the bodies of these three people have all been in the hands of Renn.

If he can get Kadro's body or Nasby's body, then Renn's progress in collecting the power of Cajin will be Achieve 100% dryness._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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