The battle between Nasby and Kadro affected a large area.

Many people who had survived the previous incident died due to being affected by the battle between the two.

On the entire second floor, there were only a few hundred people left alive.

Relatively speaking, the first layer is the one with the least impact.

The wars between the eldest prince and the ninth prince, as well as the third prince and the seventh prince, resulted in the death of many people, but now, the four of them have stopped.

Kadro's actions made the four of them realize that things were not that simple.

There seems to be no need to continue the succession war.

Four princes gathered together

"According to the information revealed by Kazuo, the purpose of my father's succession to the"380" was not to select a suitable heir to the throne from among us."

"Instead, they treated us as poison and made us kill each other."

"The winner among us will be the nourishment of the Father."

The third prince sighed.

"I never thought that my father would be such a person. If this is the case, then there is no need for us to fight. I am not willing to sacrifice my life for my father."

"what about you?"

The seventh prince shook his head.

"Of course I don't want to either."

The Ninth Prince said:"There must be other problems here, otherwise there is no way to explain why Kadro is as powerful as his father."

"But until we figure it out, we really don’t have the need to fight."

"So, let’s call it a truce!"

The four remaining princes signed an armistice agreement.

As for the reincarnations, apart from Kadro, there was only one Cheli Donish left, hiding in the dark.

Twelve branches of the Hunter Association gathered together.

Jin Fulis, Pa Ristone, Bijunde is on the other side

"Ren, it's time, let's go."

Singed said


Ren nodded.

The next moment, a gun appeared in Ren's hand.

"I'm releasing the ability of the system, so I can't get close, so I'll support you from a distance."

Singid frowned, but didn't say much.

There were 15 people in the V5 team, and only 5 came this time.

When Singed gave the order, all five of them rushed forward.

Lei En raised the muzzle of the gun.

It wasn't until Singed and others' attacks actually landed on Kadro that Ren pulled the trigger.


A thought bomb flew towards Kazuo.

Kazuo was attacked by many people and immediately roared.

A powerful wave of air exploded based on Kazuo's position.

Singed and others fell back.

But Nasby seized this opportunity, and a ball of air fell on Kadro.

Immediately, one of Kadro's arms was corroded away.

Strong pain hit Kadro's head.

Kadro couldn't bear it. He started wailing.

Renn's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Laser Cannon!"

A laser beam shot straight towards Kazuo.


A charred hole appeared on Kadro's shoulder.

Singed looked back at Ren.

Kadro roared.

A stronger black energy appeared on Nasby's body.


Suddenly, a beam of light landed on Kadro's body.

Immediately afterwards, Kadro's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nasby stepped forward suddenly

"Interrupt her!"

Singed roared, and the five of them rushed towards Kadro with all their strength.

Renn hesitated for a moment.

But he quickly made a decision.

Renn now doesn't know whether Team V and Nasby are good or bad. , however, what Ren can be sure of is that Kadro is no longer a normal human being.........

The power Kadro borrowed came from the Dark Continent.

On this point, Renne is clear.

So Renn made a decision

"Laser Cannon!"

Last time, Renn used a colorless small crystal. This time, Renn used a colorless large crystal. A laser with a diameter of one meter instantly hit Kadro's body.

Forcibly, it made Kazuo Kadro's posture changed.

The high temperature of the laser burned Kadro's body.

At the same time, Singed 5's attack fell.

Kadro's light tried its best to shine.

But under Nasiby's suppression, it still sank. Down.

Kadro's move was interrupted.


The backlash caused Kazuo to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

But at the same time, Kazuo's last burst of power also caused Singed and others to fly backwards.

Including Nasby, he was extremely seriously injured.

"Ren, quickly, kill her!"

Singed looked at Renn, the only one in good condition.

Renn raised his gun.


One shot ended Kadro's life.

Singed looked at Renn and breathed a sigh of relief.

After 1.7, he got up from the ground and walked to Renn.

"Let’s take a trip to the Kings District this evening."

After saying that, he left without waiting for Ren's response.

Ren's eyebrows raised.

Things were getting more and more beyond Ren's expectation.

"However, tonight, the truth about everything may come to light."

"Secrets of the Dark Continent"

"Secrets of the Cajun Empire"

"And what Nitro said to me at that time"

"Tonight, everything can be solved."

Ren calmly put Kazuo's body into the parcel column._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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