Full-time Occupation

Chapter 991: Tao Xuan cried enviously in the toilet...

In the article, Cha Xiaoxia also explained why Samsara chose Sun Xiang: First, they need a positive attacker, and this attacker must be strong enough to be able to rush forwards like Han Wenqing, Fang Rui, Lin Jingyan and Zhang Xinjie personally formed an almost concrete solid tactical lineup.


   And this first condition directly knocked most of the attackers in the league to their knees. After all, Tyranny’s set of lineups cannot be broken by an ordinary player. And only the top reinforcement calculation and melee roles in the league can take on this task.


   As for top players like Huang Shaotian, they definitely can't buy it. After all, no team will give up their main trump card. No matter how they compare, Sun Xiang and One Autumn Leaf, who are still in the challenge, are undoubtedly the best choice for reincarnation. As for Sun Xiang's arrival, Cha Xiaoxia didn't worry much about the team's unfortunate problem.


   After all, it can be seen from the final finals of the challenge that Sun Xiang is now a bit different from before. Even Ye Xiu admitted that Sun Xiang is very troublesome now.


   First the league was out, and then the challenge was defeated. So far, no professional nerves have experienced such a temper. That's right, Sun Xiang is indeed a proud and complacent player, even if he still hasn't completely changed during the challenge. But after losing the challenge, I believe he must have a new understanding of Glory.


   If he can look back at the road he has traveled during this period, and take a closer look at himself, then Sun Xiang will usher in another improvement.


   And if Sun Xiang can truly face himself, and people themselves become more mature, it would be difficult to integrate into the new collective of reincarnation.


   Of course, Cha Xiaoxia also mentioned in the article that Jiang Botao, who he called "the most underestimated player in the league".


   Seriously, Jiang Botao, the deputy captain of the Samsara team, ranked fifth in the All-Star Game. It really doesn't matter that such an achievement can be "underestimated". But in Cha Xiaoxia's view, Jiang Botao's achievements have been interpreted as Zhou Zekai's halo. In fact, not only Jiang Botao, but many people think that it was Zhou Zekai who won the championship before Samsara, and everyone else was just stigmatizing it. But this season, as soon as Zhou Zekai was restricted in the end, wouldn't Samsara lose?


   But Cha Xiaoxia disagrees with this view.


  As a professional researcher of glory, his views are the same as those of other teams. Everyone in the Samsara team is extremely important. Still the same sentence, do you think anyone can keep up with the attacking rhythm of the first man of glory Zhou Zekai?


   Among them, Jiang Botao played a particularly big role, because outside of the game, Jiang Botao is a good communicator, and getting along with anyone will make the other person feel very comfortable. He can take care of everything around him in any field. And it won't overwhelm you at all.


   And in the competition arena, he is an excellent adhesive, firmly bonding Zhou Zekai and Samsara together. So Cha Xiaoxia believes that even if Sun Xiang enters Samsara later, Jiang Botao can bond him and Samsara perfectly.


Finally, Cha Xiaoxia also looked forward to what kind of dragons and tigers will be in the new world. You must know that Tyranny will have a more stable style of play next season after this year's running-in, and the Samsara with Sun Xiang will have no weaknesses at all. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a perfect team.


But at this moment, Cha Xiaoxia turned around and suddenly said: These two teams are undoubtedly the favorite teams to win the championship next season, but in my opinion, there is a team that must not be ignored, that is from the challenge. Another champion team that came out—Xingxin!

   Even Cha Xiaoxia wrote at the end: I also know that most people think that they are threatening to win the championship and think it is a joke, but I believed it and said that everyone might not believe it. Now I am already a fan of Team Happy.


   And as a senior glory writer, Cha Xiaoxia is also a very influential figure in the glory circle. This can be seen from the report of his writing directly on the e-sports home. There is even such a small number of fans.


   And his analysis is also very accurate, and it feels like a sudden realization when the article is published. This also resulted in a half-joking in his last sentence. But it also made many people pay attention to this new star team. As a result, what kind of strength is Happy now has directly become a hot topic on the Internet. Many people are looking forward to another wave of brain residue tea Xiaoxia.


   Happy is just such a group of people training at home. The next day they found out that they were inexplicably hot again... Tao Xuan cried enviously in the toilet...


   However, the popularity of this time is not as long as it was before. After all, it is shown that it is during the transfer period. As long as there is a more famous player, the popularity can be changed. In the United States, the player appeared in a few days. This person is exactly—Liu Hao.


   As the former Vice Captain of Excellent Era, he became the captain directly after coming to the Thunder, and his performance this season is also very good. Almost made it to the playoffs. But although he didn't go in in the end, he didn't blame him either. After all, the overall strength of the Samsara team was here. However, Liu Hao and Xiao Shiqin are obviously not even worse. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com


   Although in Thunder, everyone is centered on him. But after all, the contract is only one year, and he also refused to renew the contract with the Thunder. He originally wanted to leave during the winter transfer period, but because of the upcoming update of Glory, all teams are mainly watching and cautious. This caused his plan to fail.


   But now his contract expires, and now he is the only player, and as the former Vice Captain of Excellent Era, Liu Hao's powerful advantage is very online. Although he did not enter the All-Star, he is about the same in terms of strength. It's a pity that Jiang Botao, who is in the same profession as him, has been too popular in the past two years. Let him never have the chance to enter the All-Star.


And Liu Hao is also very dissatisfied with his current situation. After all, he looked down on the Thunder from the beginning. If it weren’t for the contract, he wouldn’t even come over. Now, a team has finally extended an olive branch to him. Also quite satisfied.


   This clan is exactly the Howling Clan!


   Liu Hao's free transfer to Wu Xiao is the last influential transfer after Mucheng and Sun Xiang. What everyone finds interesting is that these transfers that caught everyone's attention were all from Excellent Era.


   Yes, even if Liu Hao left Excellent Era for one year, the Excellent Era label on him is still greater than Thunder...




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