Full-time Occupation

Chapter 992: Welcome home!

But these three deals are also very low for Excellent Era fans, because they also herald the end of Excellent Era...


As for Liu Hao to join Wuthering, it seems to be a very good choice in the circle. After all, they are a strong alliance. Now the core of Wuthering Tang Hao, Liu Hao who joined the strong force and the best rookie Zhao Yuzhe, although the lineup looks It's not particularly gorgeous, but it's also quite powerful. After all, don't look at Tang Yin and always look down on Liu Hao, but as far as strength is concerned, it is also considered a first-level strength in the professional circle.


   And Liu Hao's transfer also reminds everyone of another person, that is Xiao Shiqin.


  As the golden generation, his contract has expired. What will happen to Xiao Shiqin, who is now a free man? After all, Xiao Shiqin's ability is here, and the invitation to him is not comparable to Liu Hao.


   And everyone's most routines are all kinds of powerful. After all, no matter it is a powerful team, it is a qualitative leap after Xiao Shiqin joins. Xiao Shiqin has this ability. And now the league seems to be moving towards an era where stars gather together.


   But when the results came out, everyone was surprised. Because Xiao Shiqin refused all invitations from the Haoqiang brigade, and resolutely returned to the Thunder team.


   You must know that he gave up the Thunder in order to pursue the championship, but Excellent Era failed to return to the league. Now it is even more precarious. Many acrimonious players on the Internet have criticized Xiao Shiqin in various ways. This is also the case, so no one in the circle thought that Xiao Shiqin would go back now. After all, for the sake of the future, abandoning the team, it stands to reason that what Xiao Shiqin needs more now is to prove that his departure is correct.


   To choose a team that has always been able to win the championship, but he never expected that he would return to Oklahoma City. How is this different from admitting how defeated he was?


   But regardless of the rumors of the Honor players, all members of the Thunder team, including fans, expressed their warmest welcome to Xiao Shiqin's return!


"Welcome home!"


This is Xiao Shiqin's return to the Thunder. Outside the Thunder Club, fans slogans for him. Regarding the captain who left them in the past, they completely ignored the previous suspicion. When Xiao Shiqin was the most downhearted, they gave him another slogan. The greatest support. It's like Grade didn't blame him for his departure...


   When Xiao Shiqin saw this scene, the crystal clear water tension in his eyes was constantly challenging, but in the end he still didn't seem to hold it up. He just cried and got out of the car, surrounded by Thunder fans, and returned to his former team and former home.


   On the second day of Xiao Shiqin's return, Thunder reclaimed the 1500s of the character who had left with Xiao Shiqin before, and also recruited the Excellent Era pastor player Zhang Jiaxing.


   There is nothing to say about the return of life and death, although it is expensive, it once again increased the momentum of Thunder. The joining of Zhang Jiaxing is a strong support! You know this season, their original treatment player just retired. As Excellent Era's original chief pastor, Zhang Jiaxing's ability is naturally beyond doubt. This allowed their Thunder's strength to rise instead of falling.


   And in such a situation, people originally didn't have any interest in Thunder. The element mage who came with Liu Hao before chose He Ming to be very happy. Originally, he was still depressed because his contract was still a year away, and he couldn't leave Thunder like Liu Hao. But now that Xiao Shiqin is back, the Thunder has acquired Zhang Jiaxing very strongly. At this time, they have to make a big move next season. Although winning the championship is a bit overhanging, there is still no problem with Xiao Shiqin's ability to enter the playoffs.


This made He Ming very satisfied, but at this time he received a notice from the Thunder, saying that he was not in the future plan of the team. The club will send him out in the near future, and he can be directly contacted. The club will do it. Be convenient.

   This made He Ming very depressed. Before, he could not leave when he wanted to leave, but now he could not stay when he wanted to. Although there is still a one-year contract, it's not enough for him to confuse his work for nothing. But this is definitely a matter of self-confidence, because he is not in the future plans, indicating that there will be no matches for him afterwards. Who remembers him after a year has passed?


   Helpless, He Ming could only start looking for his next home, Samsara, Tyranny, Tiny Herb, Blue Rain? He also went to these teams first, but apparently none of these teams paid attention to him.


  This caused He Ming to retreat and try to drill into the training camp of the rich and powerful. It is not without a chance to stand out with his strength, and at least it will be better than in Thunder at that time. But the results did run into various obstacles. After all, he was not an absolute power like Liu Hao, at least the sixth person before Excellent Era. Not many people are willing to accept him.


   Finally, the Thunder contacted him a place to go, and that is the magic team to join next season!


   He Ming: "......"


   But He Ming had nothing to do. He contacted him for a long time, and no team wanted him. Now it seems that the miracle is also taking the initiative to hand him an olive branch. This made He Ming also sighed for a while. He didn't expect that he, the sixth person of Excellent Era, had fallen to this point now.


   But holding the thoughts of the chicken head and the chicken tail, thinking that since I can't make the chicken head, I can barely do it with the chicken head, at least I can enjoy the core feeling.


   So in the end, He Ming joined the magic team that had just passed the league review with a worth of 2 million. The Magic Team was also very happy, and mysteriously said that there were surprises for him when he came.


   This made He Ming curious, surprise? Could this amazing team be able to buy him a god-level character like Fengcheng Yanyu from Team Misty Rain?


   And it turns out that he thinks too much. Because the surprise of Magic Talk is coming soon, Excellent Era players Shen Jian and Wang Ze joined the Magic Team with a total price of RMB 2,815,000 ~www.readwn.com~.


   He Ming is crying when he sees this price. This is the surprise you tm said, what is a surprise, what tmd is a surprise, and what a tmd is a tmd surprise!


   In terms of price, he is not outstanding. From where the leading five thousand can see it is magical... he can't find the adjective anymore...


   And first, the manager of Team Magic asked him with a happy expression: "How do you feel like your teammates are about to meet again?"


   How can He Ming feel? One is the sixth man, one is the rotation player, and the last one is the original substitute player. They get together three times...


   Now not only He Ming, but even Shen Jian and Wang Ze have a black thread from their heads taken down and wrapped around in front of them. They don't have to worry about eating in their entire lives.


But they still don’t have much choice. Needless to say, He Ming has been rejected by the big teams to the point of lack of confidence. So are Shen Jian and Wang Ze. At least they are still in the league here. It’s better to challenge Excellent Era for another year. The game is coming well.


   At this moment, the teammates of Excellent Era once again met in a magical way. The three stared at each other for a long time, and they were speechless for a long time, only two tears...




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