Full-time Occupation

Chapter 993: It's a bit more expensive...

After visiting Happy, Xia Zhongtian held a hope press conference. Announced that they have re-registered for next season's challenge. This time, although they are no longer giants, especially those strong roles and excellent players before, but now they will seriously play against each team, use continuous victories and hard work to the end, and return to the league. Reshape Excellent Era's glory.


   Going up to the tournament, Qiu Fei, who was very exciting, served as the current captain of Excellent Era, and brought his character combat format to fight for Excellent Era. What surprised Tang was that there was another person beside them, which Tang Yin realized. It seems that there is no such person in Lin Hu's original work that Boss Xia said, but now this person is Excellent Era's deputy captain.


   and he is also a player who loves Excellent Era, because his strength is better than Qiu Fei's first line, listening to Tao Xuan's explanation is really the first line. The pk blood volume of the two is very similar, but there is such a player who volunteers to be the shadow warfare for Excellent Era.


   While Tang Yin admired Tang Yin, it also had an unexpectedly direct butterfly effect.


   But no matter what, the front page of the first day has been set. After breaking and standing, Excellent Era restarts the road to glory!


   On this day Excellent Era’s fans got a sense of happiness that has been a long time since the transfer. As Ye Xiu said before, as long as they are in Excellent Era, it will not end. They were looking forward to Excellent Era's team, and Excellent Era finally responded to their expectations.


   The rich family is not there, but Excellent Era will embark on the journey again.


   It is also reported that Excellent Era is not engaged in any sales transactions, which means that Excellent Era is not selling anything, which also demonstrates Xia Zhongtian's determination.


After the Excellent Era Building, the upper four floors will still be the Excellent Era team, and the lower ones have been converted into other things. Anyway, it does not belong to Excellent Era, and there is an elevator on the other side of the building, which is directly connected to the Excellent Era floor. of. Although the environment has changed, everything is there.


   And Happy's side has also begun to change the training plan, even during the offseason, they have a lot of things to be busy.


   So everyone returned to the glory world.


   Yes, he entered the league in time and even became a professional team, but everyone in Happy still didn't mean to be a showcase. Team resources will never be too much, and these all need them to continue to solve in online games.


   Everything is the same as last year's team was just established, except for other times, everyone is still in the online game. After all, their next opponent will be stronger. Each of them is the same opponent as their final boss Excellent Era in this game, so as in the past, continuing training and playing materials and equipment are all carried out at the same time. It's as if nothing has changed...


  Of course, many of them really haven't changed. The biggest change is that they can see the painful expressions of Ye Xiu and Wei Chen when they turn their heads. No way, Chen Guo was very successful in absorbing the management experience of each team, and a slogan stood proudly on the training room: No smoking!


   Ye Xiu also wanted to use the captain to rescue him like he was in Excellent Era, but he was directly suppressed by the boss, Chen Guo and Tang Yin, the largest shareholder. But the result is that Tao Xuan is in a particularly good mood when he comes to play every day. He wanted to establish this rule a long time ago. Now he is happy to see Ye Xiu's expression that he wants to smoke every day but can't make up.


   And Tang Yin adheres to the point of view of equal treatment, so this slogan was hung in all places except the rest area and balcony. That's right, even the aisle says no smoking... Ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​Ye Xiu and Wei Chen.


   The two originally wanted to resist more, but when Chen Guo used them as a veteran, they had to set an example and set an example. At this moment, Tao Xuan looked at Chen Guo all glowing. He didn't know why there are such rusty women in the world.

   So now Ye Xiu and Wei Chen can only endure the pain, but not smoking is not the most painful. The most painful thing is that their role models are actually about the same. After all, no one smokes except them. Tao Xuan smokes cigars only for the sake of smoking cigars, and he has no addiction.


   So the two of them were in pain after all, and Tang Yin also picked up the grudge notebook and crossed out Ye Xiu's grudge. Hmm~ There are many times above.


   And Ye Xiu looked at his hatred in Tang Yin's notebook, he felt that he would finish it sooner or later if this continued. Weakly asked: "Then what...Do I still have a chance?"


"Yes, I'll take you to climb the mountain if I have a chance!" Tang Yin said with a smile, but I don't know why. Ye Xiu looked at Tang Yin's expression, and a little white boat rang in his ear inexplicably, and it was still a horror film style. The kind of tone........


   Of course, except for Happy, other teams are also working hard for the next game.


   "For this game, we prepared for a whole year."


   This is a sentence that Ye Xiu said before, and this sentence is still fresh in Xiao Shiqin's memory.


   Happy defeating Excellent Era, everyone thinks this is a rare miracle


   But he knew that this miracle was combined with Happy's efforts.


   Prepared for the other party and happy, and studied it for a year.


   Although they also value Xingxin, they may not have really studied Xingxin for a month. This still counts the previous friendly matches.


   What are they trying to do this year? It is undeniable that they are also working hard, but the goal of their efforts has always been the professional league after the challenge~www.readwn.com~ Most of the discussions are also how to return to the league...


   And they really ignored the challenge, because in the challenge, they all got it done without any suspense. There are totally two extremes with Happy. Xiao Shiqin had the same idea before. If it weren't for this idea, he wouldn't have joined Excellent Era in the first place.


   This was only when Xiao Shiqin discovered that although he was aware of Happy's threat, the threat came from Ye Xiu and Tang Yin, and they were mainly concerned about them. It was only when they met them that they began to think about it. Although it was almost a month before and after they made plans for them, it was still too small compared to the other party's year.


  The opportunity is ultimately reserved for those who are prepared.


  I don’t know the truth, everyone will say, but when everyone is ready, who is the only chance for? Naturally, it was the one with more preparedness, which is why Xingxin finally seized this opportunity. An opportunity that many people call a miracle.


This is also the case. Many people think that Xiao Shiqin just wasted it this way, but Xiao Shiqin seems to have only been taught a lesson this year, but the cost of this lesson is a bit higher... .




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