Full-time Occupation

Chapter 994: Disobedient newcomer

But now Xiao Shiqin is back to Thunder again. He will no longer let himself be the kind of person who is not prepared enough. He has to be more prepared than anyone else, so from the first day he returned to the team, he Just take all the members of the team and prepare for the start of the next season.


The momentum of the big update is still in the midst of the wave. Previously, because of the competition, the major teams were unable to invest too much, but now this is a holiday for all players, so Xiao Shiqin feels that now is the best way to supplement the team with various resources. period. Just as Happy could prepare a year in advance to defeat Excellent Era, the Thunder wanted to get better results, and they also had to start preparations early to narrow the distance between them and other giants.


   The stupid bird flies first. This is a very simple truth, but he never thought of it in the past.


   "Team Xiao, the first team is already in place, and the fourth team is fine." At this time, the voice in the game finally broke Xiao Shiqin's thoughts.


   "Okay, let them be careful and concealed, Cheng Tai, you led the second team around from the left wing, Yan Qi, you also go to cooperate with Cheng Tai."


   "Ah~ the captain just came back and drove them away~ I still want to be with the captain..." Dai Yanqi said with a little coquettish tone.


"Cough cough... don't make trouble, hurry up and follow." Xiao Shiqin was sweating profusely. He hasn't seen him for a year now. How can I feel that Dai Yanqi's courage is getting bigger and bigger. It was okay before, but now Dare to molest his captain. You must know that Xiao Shiqin is very fond of Dai Yanqi and intends to train her to become the next Thunder captain. But now if she is the captain, what will happen to the Thunder?


   But Dai Yanqi is really joking, although she said she didn't want to, but her Elemental Mage had already walked towards Cheng Tai.


   "Team Xiao, another guild is here on my side." Then someone said to Xiao Shiqin.


   "Which one?"


   "It's Happy!"


   Hearing the name Xingxin, Xiao Shiqin was more or less complicated, but soon stabilized his emotions and asked, "How many people, how far is it?"


   "It should be a group, and it will be there in five minutes if no accident." The person said.


   Since it belongs to Xingxin, then according to Xingxin's situation, their professional players must be among them. After all, the next professional league will only be more difficult than the challenge, and the opponent will definitely start preparing in advance. And the effort in online games will only be more than last year.


   I didn't expect everyone to meet so soon.


   "The rest will go with me. Everyone, be careful not to touch Happy." Xiao Shiqin said, leaving the original hiding place with him by his side.


   walked over and over again and said: "Take down the previous trap, don't leave it." Now Xiao Shiqin is as careful as he is directing a professional game.


   And the Thunder players have also found out that they seem to have changed after their captain came back.


   If it is said that his command, his deployment and even tactics in the past gave people a sense of doing everything, but in the end he obeyed the fate, then Xiao Shiqin now wants to cool the protagonist, and he has the energy to go against the sky.


   Correspondingly, the Thunder is also changing.


   Under the earnest command of Xiao Shiqin, the Thunder players began to move without leaving a trace, but he himself stayed with the other two players of the team.


  Fang Xuecai and Zhang Qiliu stayed behind with Xiao Shiqin.


   Fang Xue is the Thunder's assassin player. He joined the team one year later than Xiao Shiqin. He is Xiao Shiqin's long-time friend, but Zhang Qi is just the opposite. He only joined last year, when Xiao Shiqin arrived at Excellent Era. As for Xiao Shiqin's departure, he was a bit disapproving as a newcomer, and he couldn't even understand everyone's respect for Xiao Shiqin.

   Once I accidentally said something unpleasant to Xiao Shiqin, and was directly trained by Dai Yanqi, a girl who came only a year earlier than him, like a predecessor. The most important thing is that the other players didn't mean to help him at all, and even the look in his eyes was not good. This is still the time for Xiao Shiqin to leave.


   This situation makes Zhang Qi very depressed, but after all, he is just a rookie, what can he do? Originally seeing Excellent Era's defeat, he gloated in his heart for a long time. As a result, as soon as the transfer window started, Xiao Shiqin returned.


   Such an act of turning back the grass made Zhang Qi look down on it very much, and for the return of Xiao Shiqin, the Thunder people felt disappointed in the team since they accepted Xiao Shiqin's return. In his opinion, this is a manifestation of lack of spine.


   But these thoughts of him are also in the Thunder and everyone can say, and now seeing Xiao Shiqin's treatment in the team, his heart is even more unbalanced.


   And the first thing Xiao Shiqin asked everyone to do when he took over as the captain was to take everyone to help the guild grab materials!


  Did their pro players do this?


   But what makes Zhang Qi even more depressed is that since the whole team has no objections, all of them are excited. The whole team was like this. He couldn't leave as a newcomer, and finally had to come in. Now following Xiao Shiqin, he doesn't know what Xiao Shiqin is going to do?


   "They are here!" Fang Xue said.


   "Got it!" Xiao Shiqin responded and began to observe.


   Zhang Qi turned his angle of view and found a group of "Happy Guild" characters on his head. But he really didn't pay attention to these ordinary players.


   I look at Xiao Shiqin who is not far away, but now he is engrossed in observing the screen, even giving people a feeling of tension?


   As for, there are already many online games. Zhang Qi thought of exploitation a little.


   "Zhang Qi, when turning the angle of view of the character, the operation should be lighter." As he thought, Xiao Shiqin's voice suddenly appeared in his earphones.


   "Huh?" Zhang Qi obviously didn't react, UU reading www.uukanshu. What's wrong with com's changing perspective?


   "When the character changes the angle of view, a slightly faster speed will cause the woods to sway." Xiao Shiqin said.


   "I got it." Zhang Qi returned indifferently, even more contemptuous in his heart. Even the players are so careful, coward.


   Xiao Shiqin didn't care about Zhang Qi's attitude. Instead, he started to pay attention to Xingxin's movements. He was the luck of team Tang Yin. Following them, he was definitely in stock. It's just to see if they can grab it.


   "Pay attention to the other party's movement. Tap to turn!" When issuing the command, I didn't forget to emphasize it.




   Zhang Qi almost spoke out, but the opponent is now the captain after all, so he still held back. But because of the excitement, the operation in his hands is still heavy after all. However, it doesn’t make sense to talk about it after all the players have turned, so Xiao Shiqin just frowned, but said nothing.


   Zhang Qi obviously didn't care about his mistakes, watching Team Happy split into companies, one team continued to advance, and the other moved to the left. I started to complain, what is there to see?


   But he was making complaints here, but suddenly he heard Xiao Shiqin yelling: "No, let's go!"




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