Full-time Occupation

Chapter 995: Can it be different?

As soon as Xiao Shiqin's voice fell, he and Fang Xuecai's character rushed out of their hiding coffin for the first time. That movement was quite fast.


   On the contrary, Zhang Qi was noticeably slower. After all, he still had some resistance to Xiao Shiqin, but he had to vomit in his heart before executing any instructions. This has formed his thinking inertia. In this case, it can be clearly seen that he is obviously slow.


   And this slowness resulted in a satellite ray blasting down. Xiao Shiqin and the others avoided it in time, of course it was fine. However, Zhang Qi, who was a step slower, was hit directly.


   "Damn!" Zhang Qi directly cursed dejectedly, and immediately controlled the character to move, but this was when the satellite rays had dispersed, and there were still attacks chasing him. But when he turned his head, he realized that it was not a beam of light that followed him, but two!


"Where did the attack come from?" Zhang Qi looked at this attack and couldn't change it for a while. After all, the scattered attack of satellite rays was supposed to be a beam of light divided into eight different directions, but now two beams of light are chasing him. Unreasonable!


   But now Zhang Qi doesn't have time to think so much. He directly controls the character with a three-stage cut and starts to accelerate the displacement.


   "Slow down!" Xiao Shiqin shouted worriedly.


   Slow you a Clear Sky Hammer! At the critical juncture, Zhang Qi's complaints were a lot faster, and he ignored Xiao Shiqin's intention at all, and the character continued to rush forward.


   As a result, the beam of light behind it splits another beam of light, and the path of travel is exactly the same as the position of the second cut of his three-stage cut, and his second cut has been cut out and cannot be recovered at all. Directly hit!


   It was Zhang Qicai who discovered that it was not two beams of light that were chasing him, but three. This is when Zhang Qicai discovered that the other party had hidden a beam of light in another beam of light. This immediately knocked him out of stiffness.


   But what makes Zhang Qi even more strange is how Xiao Shiqin noticed it and slowed himself down. If he pays attention to it, this one can be avoided completely.


   This made Zhang Qi a little ashamed for a while, after all, since a career choice was accidentally attacked in this way in an online game, he was indeed a bit amateur.


But when he was depressed, he found that a group of battle mages who had the title of Xingxin Guild called him directly. This made Zhang Qi follow suit. How do you say you are also a professional player, you, an online game player, just call it directly. ? Did you float away, or did you think he couldn't hold the knife anymore?


   So Zhang Qi didn't even think about it. He just cut off to the opponent with a sentence of Shattered Slash, here to tell him the difference between ordinary players and professional players. As a result, the sword light flashed on his side. But it was directly played easily by the opponent, and it didn't even affect the opponent's forward speed. On the contrary, it was not completely over with the help of him, and it was a blow to him.


   This surprised Zhang Qi again, but now it is too late to recruit, because Longya has already been hit! This blow directly smashed the opponent out of stiffness, and then hit the sky one day after another, and He Xuanwen followed closely to interrupt his silver blade drop, and another shot down the palm of the flower head on.


   "Boom!" This palm directly shook the opponent into the air, and during the flight, Zhang Qi saw that Xiao Shiqin and Fang Xuecai's roles were about to connect with him, but the Battle Mage who had just attacked him directly greeted him.


After all, Zhang Qi is a professional player. Although being beaten by the "player" is very shameless, he finally found the opportunity to use the body to avoid the opponent's pursuit. Zhang Qi rolled up and got up here with Xiao Shiqin. It was only then that he discovered that he had been surrounded by a group of Excellent Era players.


   "I tm..."


Before Zhang Qi finished speaking, his character was shamelessly bombarded by various skills. Under the firelight of various arts, Zhang Qi was directly killed in a flash.


Zhang Qi still didn't react until he was killed directly. You know that he is a professional player. In the end, he was caught in a group of online game players before he said a word. It was very embarrassing...Anyway, to himself In the end, Zhang Qi didn't ask what was going on.


   It was only after Zhang Qi fully reacted that he realized that it took only a few seconds from the occurrence to his death. The first few seconds he was still complaining about Xiao Shiqin, but after a few seconds he became a soul on the street.


  What a joke, he is a professional player, and he did not die so quickly in a professional game!


   Zhang Qi, who had become a ghost, just floated and watched the current battlefield. Xiao Shiqin's command voice could still be heard in his ears.


   Wait, is he still directing?


   Zhang Qi calmed down, turned his head to look at Xiao Shiqin not far away, but now Xiao Shiqin is still commanding with all his concentration, there is even a little nervousness in his expression. But he was still cooperating with Fang Xuecai to resist each other.


   If he saw Xiao Shiqin's expression like this in a few seconds ago, he would definitely complain about Xiao Shiqin's timidity, but now that he is not nervous, he has not died and even the scum is not left.


   Zhang Qi hasn't figured out how he died yet. He was about to return to the city to resurrect subconsciously, and he received a dialog box saying that the priest Harriet casted a resurrection technique on you, whether he was resurrected.


   Zhang Qi didn’t think about it, so he directly clicked the resurrection. After a beam of light, his character stood up again, and then...continued on the street...


   "What's the situation?" Zhang Jiaxing's depressed voice resounded in the Thunder training room.


   This made Zhang Qi a little at a loss for a while, and then he found that his teammates were also looking at him with an idiotic expression.


  "You are still surrounded now~www.readwn.com~Aren't you resurrecting at this time to seek death?" Zhang Jiaxing said helplessly. He didn't dare to speak too serious. After all, he was a newcomer, and he was not familiar with the Thunder, so Zhang Jiaxing was still relatively suppressed. If this was Excellent Era, he would have been swearing, not to mention that everyone’s relationship is good, and the treatment is in the team. The position in itself is very important.


   Hearing what Zhang Jiaxing said, Zhang Qi reacted this time, yes. I'm still surrounded by myself, isn't it a chance to resurrect at this time to set fire to the opponent? This behavior does seem to be a bit of a brain-dead feeling, even he himself feels so.


   "Sorry, I made a mistake." After all, it was his own fault, and Zhang Qi admitted simply,


   "Zhang Qi, pay attention to the captain's command." Fang Xuecai said suddenly at this moment.


   "Oh...ok..." Zhang Qi replied in a daze.


   But in his brain, he is reminiscing, if he really obeyed the command before, can his results really be different? The appearance of this thought made Zhang Qi dazed to look at Xiao Shiqin again. He looked at Xiao Shiqin several times and his mentality was a little different, but Xiao Shiqin's expression did not change at all, and there was tension in his concentration.




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