Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1009: cooperate

They should know that these trails and dark alleys usually don't care about it, so Mo Fan, the scavenger ceiling, has a deep understanding of each map. You can't see these dark lanes from the roof above.

It's not over yet, if it's like this, it's actually okay, after all, as long as the size of the wild boss can run in, then their players can naturally also get in. But the problem is that in this small alley and in the labyrinth, each small section has a bifurcation due to the gap between the houses. It's the same as the maze.

This is why ordinary players will not enter even if they see it, because as long as they get lost, it is very difficult to get out. This is the same even for professional players. Not many professional players who have caught up first are already I'm lost, and because of the eaves, I can't jump on the roof, which is very embarrassing. If I can't get out of this number, it's almost a waste of it.

After doing this, the major professional players are still looking for various maze-walking strategies. It's not that this number is valuable, but the equipment in this number is valuable. After all, it is a full set of orange weapons and equipment for them. And they are all top-notch, no matter which guild they are in, it is a big asset.

They came to help grab the boss, but the boss didn't grab it, and they still pitted the opponent's set of equipment. Then their professional players don't shame you?

"Withdraw." Yu Wenzhou said lightly when he saw Huang Shaotian finally emerge from the dark alley.

"What?" Huang Shaotian still didn't give up, how could he not let these two inhumans leave like this.

"It doesn't make sense to consume it, let's withdraw!" Yu Wenzhou said.

The captain had already spoken. Although Huang Shaotian was still angry, he didn't say much.

"Seeing Huang Shaotian's appearance, Tang Yin was also a little embarrassed. Although it is understandable to say that everyone has different positions, no one will say who. Just like in the game, the opponent on the stage does not affect the fact that both parties are friends on the stage. what.

But after all, it was because Huang Shaotian had been targeted on the World Channel before, and the others didn't matter, his relationship with Shaotian was here. Before, I asked Shaotian to help them make a copy of the record, and the other party came with the account card. After that, they were besieged by the major guilds and he also contributed.

"Um... don't be so depressed, anyway, you are all late online games, we are pk at night." Tang Yin invited, after all, Shaotian asked him to pk more than once or twice. This is just right but compensated. .

"Hey, it's almost the same, Xiao Yin, you are kind and don't want some people, eh? Xiao Yin, you use a large size, I want to fight with your large size!" Huang Shaotian said.

"Hehe, I open the tuba, then you use the tuba too!" Tang Yin said silently.

"Um..." Thinking of the scene of them waiting for the big size, it is probably a news headline, or forget it. I originally wanted to take the opportunity to study Tang Yin's phantom god.

"What you said, originally I said that we could cooperate if we had a chance." Of course, Ye Xiu knew that Huang Shaotian was talking about him, and smiled.

"There will be," Ye Xiu just finished saying that Yu Wenzhou took it.

Hearing Yu Wenzhou's words, Ye Xiu didn't say much. After all, the current situation and cooperation with them can also increase the chance of hunting wild bosses. After all, many methods can only be used once. It's harder to get them in the game anymore. If there is a chance to cooperate, their chances of hunting the wild boss will be higher.

And Yu Wenzhou also meant the same thing. After the wild bosses in the past few games were robbed, he also recognized the complexity of this kind of team battle.

Several, even hundreds or even thousands of guild elites from dozens of guilds, in team battles together, there is too much uncertainty and unpredictability.

As a master of the four major tactics, Yu Wenzhou, of course, had studied the situation of his own guild in this regard before coming. Since Ye Xiu and the others established the guild, their income in this area has fluctuated greatly, and there are no regularities. Sometimes if luck is good, they don't conflict with Happy, and they can hunt down a few. But sometimes they were almost rounded up by Happy's alliance. The fact that they are not harvested is not only their Blue Creek Pavilion, but also other guilds.

Compared with professional Xingxin's earning rights in this respect is very stable, this only shows that Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu is capable of minimizing such confusion among the major guilds. Even if the coping methods they used are worth studying, after Yu Wenzhou's research. He found that Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu was not only powerful in technology, but also the contradiction and balance between the guild and the guild in the battle for the boss, which dominated the trend of the situation.

Their tactics are no longer limited to simple factors such as shifting and focusing.

And after seeing this point clearly, because they realized how deep the two of them have been in online games, they even said that their daily workload is more difficult than their professional players. You must know that although their professional players have to train, There is only one game a week. And they must not only ensure their own training, but also participate in the wild map boss competition that appears from time to time. What is the amount of work that is advantageous between the participants?

So when Ye Xiu talked about cooperation, Yu Wenzhou directly agreed. After all, their resources are here, and if they can be used, it will only benefit them Blue Creek Pavilion.

After Yu Wenzhou talked with Tang Yin and the others, he turned around and greeted the old Chun Yi. After all, he was in charge of the things on the online game side. Even their captain had no decision-making power. Now they are willing to listen to him. The respect for them and the superb status of the captain. After all, although the captain has no decision-making power, as long as things are related to glory, the captain has a high right to speak in the club.

If some are strong, or the captain is not very good-tempered, they will even give orders. I think Yu Wenzhou is more polite this month, communicating with Chunyi Lao in a suggested way.

And Chunyi was taken aback when he heard his captain's words. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

After all, they don’t know how to use this method of cooperation, but the direct cooperation of the major online game guilds has a sense of "wolf is coming". After all, they have cooperated with each other before, but the result is tragic. There is no need for them to say more. That cooperation directly led to the rise of the Righteous Swords Guild. And it doesn't count as the situation where everyone used to pierce each other with knives. So instead of doing this excitement, it's better to do it alone.

But now it was his own captain who said...


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(End of this chapter)

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