Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1010: The villain is myself

As the chairman of the Blue Creek Pavilion, Chun Yi Lao has always had a wolf mentality when it comes to cooperation. He can only say that there are too many deceit between the guilds. So even if it was the cooperation that the captain said, he was startled for the first time. He would like to say that the experience of these years tells him that this is not suitable for the competitive environment of the major guilds.

Don’t look at the five associations that Xingxin has formed and want to start one. You must know that they were all soy sauce guilds before Xingxin came. In his opinion, the relationship between those guilds is not as tense as their guilds. . In addition, they don't have any sense of existence in the snatching of wild bosses, so they almost all get together with the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. And then because of Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu's existence, they tasted the sweetness. Therefore, it has not been lifted. But these are conditions that their Lanxi Pavilion doesn't have.

Just when Chun Yi was thinking about how to talk to his captain about this matter, Yu Wenzhou said it first, telling him directly that he was going to cooperate with Tang Yin or Ye Xiu.

Get away! Lord laugh!

To be honest, Chun Yi Lao is still used to calling them by their online game id, and when he heard that his captain wanted to cooperate with them, this made Chun Yi Lao annoyed. In his opinion, cooperating with those two guys who have no lower limit and not being a human is different from cooperating with a tiger looking for skin, and even if there are not many face bones left, it is impossible!

"Cooperating with them... will this be a bit risky?" In the end, Chun Yi decided to talk about his own views and dispel the terrible idea of ​​his captain as soon as possible. I can't even care about the wording. No way, he was really scared by Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu.

"Oh, what do you think?" Yu Wenzhou didn't rush to reject the other party's point of view, but asked him to talk about it first.

"Well...According to the results of our dealings with each other during this period, the other party is very cunning, and the basis is very unreliable." Chun Yi said.

"Hahahaha, did Xiao Yin and Lao Ye have such a bad reputation?" Huang Shaotian, who had already finished chatting with Tang Yin, laughed when he heard Chun Yi Lao's haul.

"Yeah, they have no lower limit to their fame, and they use all kinds of methods. And many of the follow-up styles are also very non-human, which almost ends the double torment of your body and mind." Chun Yi said with gritted teeth.

Yu Wenzhou smiled when he heard Chun Yi Lao's words. He has also experienced the feeling of old age in the past few days. but......

"But these are the opinions you got from a competitor's point of view. Of course, there won't be any good results, but have you really worked with them? Not to mention, just the four companies that you are cooperating with now The guild is very supportive of them," Yu Wenzhou said.

"This..." It was Chun Yi Lao's turn to get tangled. They started targeting them from the first day Tang Yin and Ye Xiu entered the realm of the gods, in various senses like Facing the enemy. Even when I sleep, I think about how to restrict each other, but I never really thought about cooperation.

As for cooperation, when I first heard about this person, I still wanted to bring them into the group, but then I knew the identity of the other person. Think about it, since I want to recruit the Great God Ye Qiu, this is also quite bold...

"If you talk about cooperation, then only Blue River has worked with them in the tenth district. What do you think of Blue River?" Old Chun Yi looked at Blue River beside him.

"From the perspective of cooperation alone, I personally think that they are very reliable." Blue River said. Chun Yi Lao thought he was very heroic just because he had the idea of ​​recruiting great gods, and he was hired to work for their guild. Blue River now feels even more strange.

However, it can be seen from Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's various clearly marked prices that they will not take advantage of you. Everyone is a fair deal. Of course you'd better not try to do anything with them. In this state, the cooperation between the two parties is still very pleasant, otherwise there will not be so many guilds rushing to cooperate with them, whether it is to prepare for purchase, or to guide the cheats, or to help brush the copy record. Everyone has a great time working together.

How did everyone get together in the end? Blue River seriously recalled, as if the other party was not going to work and was ready to do it alone, and then monopolized various records. And their major guilds stopped seeing this scene and wanted to let the other party know how good they were.

In the end, I found that since the other party is two great gods of the peak of glory, then there is an online cool story about the Raptors crossing the river and fighting them to lose their helmets and abandon their armor...

In a respectable sense, in this story, the two who are regarded as big villains by them do not seem to be villains. On the contrary, they are a bit like a group of bullying and cannon fodder supporting roles...

"Um...so we joined their five guilds alliance?" Old Chun Yi said in a daze. He also thought of the early days of the tenth district. Because of the cooperation with Tang Yin and the others, Blue River was very energetic. Look like. Some asked weakly.

"It's not necessary, like some situations where we can handle it all by ourselves, of course we have priority to grab the boss ourselves. What I mean is just to cooperate with them when the situation is more complicated, to see if there can be some turnarounds. Actually Happy This has always been the way to do this, having one's own exclusive boss, and when it's troublesome, he will share the boss with several other bosses." Yu Wenzhou said.

"I see." Mr. Chun Yi nodded when he knew what Yu Wenzhou meant this time.

Because Yu Wenzhou expressed his position in advance, this time the wild boss hunting and killing them, the Lanxi Pavilion, withdrew ahead of time. Other guilds sent several unequipped numbers to continue to evacuate the small alleys early in Xingxin. Among the early people was Xiao Shiqin from Thunder, but he used his electronic eyes to find him, and he was actually found in the end, but the boss had already been resolved.

"You can find such a route, it's okay. But don't you look at the time?" Tang Yin asked Xiao Shiqin who had followed the electronic eye route. There is no intention to raise or release, anyway, now the boss is done, and there is no reason for the two sides to continue to do it.

"Unexpectedly, you can use such a map." Xiao Shiqin said with some emotion.

"Why, Xiao Xiao is like studying our tactics?" Ye Xiu was talking about this time.

Xiao Shiqin smiled and didn't say much.

"In fact, we can cooperate if we have the opportunity." Ye Xiu said again.

"That's a good idea!" Yu Wenzhou can think of, and Xiao Shiqin, who is also a master of tactics, can naturally think of it. Directly sent a friend application to Tang Yin and Ye Xiu.

"What kind of friends, let's talk directly on QQ. How convenient is it? We now have dozens of vests each, and we don't know what number we used for the second time online." Tang Yin directly rejected Xiao Shiqin's friend. The application said. This is a fact. They all have a lot of vests. If nothing else, Ye Xiu wants to find the bank card that he threw down from the pile of vests for a long time...


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(End of this chapter)

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