Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1015: The difference between Liver Emperor and Ouhuang

This is done. Tang Yin looked at the scores that other professional players were still trying to chase. Tang Yin felt that this efficiency was too slow. He dared to send someone to follow him, Tang Yin, how could he easily decide it? If he is so foolish, wouldn't my nickname of vindictive Tang be called in vain? They must experience a wave of despair, but it is too inefficient to find these little ghosts everywhere.

Thinking of this, Tang Yin asked Ye Xiu and the others to fight first, and went back to watch the introduction of this event. This time Tang Yin watched it in detail to see if there was anything he could do, and this look really showed Tang Yin. Some things.

Directly in the team group @伍晨 asked: "Do we have any monsters?"

"Is the monster cultivated?" Zhang Jiale obviously didn't get to Tang Yin's brain circuit and asked.

"It is the characteristic of this event. Every time a ghost kills a player, it is an extra point, that is, we can let some people take off all the equipment. Let them feed the ghost, and feed the ghost to a few hundred points. Go and kill, so you can get a lot of points at once." Tang Yin said.

"We did get it, but if it wasn't good enough, we didn't implement it." Wu Chen said. After all, there are a lot of things that need to be paid attention to in this method, which means to take care of the ghosts that are fed by the family and ensure that they will not be discovered by people in other guilds. After that is time, this ghost can't kill players in seconds, even if it doesn't have any equipment, it will take a long time. After all, it will only add a point for every player killed. And because we want to prevent other guilds from knowing, we can only use the one or two group members that have signed with us. And if we rush back from the resurrection point, it is possible to expose our position of raising the blame. "Wu Chen said.

"Wu Chen, you are good everywhere, but you are too honest." Tang Yin said in a earnest tone.

"Um...what do you mean?" Wu Chen didn't respond at once, he was too honest for so long?

"Look, since you can think of this way for a guild like ours, have other major guilds with more numbers and resources already started to raise them?" Tang Yin asked.

Everyone had heard Tang Yin's meaning as soon as they heard it. You must know that because the current players have also reacted, they have gradually adapted to this moving monster. The siege has started in groups of three or five, and now they can grab fewer and fewer ghosts, especially this ghost only spawns once a day, that is to say, the number is fixed, so at this time, it can be said that the other guilds are finally harvested. Chance to become a ghost.

As for how to find the cultivated ghosts hidden by the various guilds, this is the easiest in the world. Seeing Tang Yin opened the Glory Map, closed his eyes and chose the first one, and then he typed another coordinate and it was done. I just don't know which guild's cutie was so lucky to be drawn by him.

And Wu Chen, who saw Tang Yin's operation, can only say that the deputy team is domineering!

As for the others in Xingxin, they all started to teleport directly to that map. After all, Tang Yin had been improper not once or twice. They were used to it, and now it was the first thing to kill the ghost.

Tang Yin also admired the plan he had thought of very much, and was not even afraid of this "ghost" anymore. There's no way these are ghosts in Tang Yin's eyes now, they are all piles of points. I, Tang Yin, will put it here today. Happy has decided on the top ten of this ranking. It's useless for the Heavenly King Lao Tzu to come, I said.

Of course, the arrival of the brigade commander is another matter. As we all know, Li Yunlong is greater than the heavenly king Laozi, and the brigade commander is greater than Li Yunlong. To sum up, the brigade commander is greater than the heavenly king Laozi, so the brigade commander is another matter...

Tang Yinxuan's location was a stone bridge, but no player was seen on it. This made Tang Yin and the others still curious, did Tang Yin's luck sometimes fail?

And when they walked on the stone bridge, they suddenly stretched out a few tentacles from the bottom of the water and attacked Tang Yin. Although Tang Yin was frightened, he still avoided it with a flying cannon. As the saying goes, the best way to eliminate fear is to face it.

So Tang Yin started directly in the sky and bombed the ghost, which only appeared from the appearance of water power. Unexpectedly, this ghost's blood bar was unusually thick, since it resisted Tang Yin's attack. But that's it. Because when Tang Yin was attacked, other people from Happy also attacked.

And the grown-up ghost who attacked Tang Yin, before he even showed his face, was thrown into the water by the people of Happy.

But don't look at how the ghost died in Tang Yin's hands, but in terms of strength, it has reached the level of a dungeon boss. That is to say, a professional team like Tang Yin and the others. Otherwise, if it is just a guild player, there is no large group of about fifty people that can't hold it.

At the same time, Huang Shaotian was looking at his ranking, and now his score was starting to approach the perverted group of Tang Yin. He was lucky today, and there were many ghosts in the places he entered.

Although Zhou Zekai was beaten by Zhou Zekai more than once in the middle, he quickly passed it back, so he didn't care.

As a result, when it was about to surpass the last bun, the opponent's points suddenly doubled. This flip directly stunned Huang Shaotian. This ghost only scored one point. Why did you double that? Ah? Is this hanging a bit too much...

Huang Shaotian thought about it and rubbed his eyes. After reconfirming, it was a moment of powerlessness and despair. Is this the difference between Ou Huang and Liver Emperor? ......

It’s no wonder that Huang Shaotian lost his fighting spirit. Tang Yin and the others directly increased by more than 700 points. That is to say, this ghost has killed more than 700 players, but they were accepted as a result. I beg the guild’s mentality. Shadow area.

And just as Huang Shaotian sighed the difference between Emperor Ou and Liver Emperor, the current Three Realms and Six Paths of Samsara were going crazy. There is no other reason. The ghost that Tang Yin killed was really prepared by Samsara for the members of his team.

"Huh? So you raised this ghost, thank you!" Tang Yin felt that he was a polite person, and he still wanted to say thank you after accepting the favor from others.

Three Realms and Six Ways: "......"

To be reasonable, the reincarnation election is a very good choice for this ghost. The attack method is similar to the attack method of the tentacles in the warlock's death door ~www.readwn.com~ will trap the player into a hydraulic attack.

And it can also attack multiple players at the same time, which can shorten the time of development. Moreover, although this ghost has a very strong offensive power, but its defense power is relatively average, it is certainly not a problem for ordinary players to oppose each other, but it is not a problem for professional players at all. This is simply the perfect ghost to grow up.

As a result, the opponent has been the first to board.

Unlike Tang Yin, they are also curious, since here they are reincarnation of ghosts, why are everyone guarding them?

And the Three Realms and Six Paths who heard Tang Yin's question burst into tears...


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