Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1016: Depressed 3 circles 6 ways

The Three Realms and Six Paths felt bad when they heard Tang Yin's words. Of course, they were guarded by such important things in the first place. But they are actually an algae ghost, and his strength has become stronger and stronger since then. The players passing by here have become this opportunity to become stronger.

As for players who are calculated by him, the people of the reincarnation guild are of course loved and heard. After all, this can also reduce a lot of their pressure, so in the end they simply did not guard them, and they all jumped directly to become the bait for this ghost to become stronger and wait to continue after the resurrection.

But they never expected that the little ghost they had raised for so long, who had all left, would be killed by Xingxin, and they had to go there to make sense.

If you now say that this is a ghost you raised, the other party will directly say: "No matter how dangerous you put a ghost here, you don't know how many players have already been killed. If it wasn't for our good technology, we might also It's going to die. It can't be like this next time." Something like that.

If this were replaced by someone else, he would have already greeted the guild to become reckless, but the opponent is a full-staffed professional team, how do you fight this? If they go to adjust their rest, then the other party will dare to destroy them directly, and they will be able to defend themselves after picking up their equipment.

And this is also the depressed of the Three Realms and Six Paths. Seeing the hard work of his captain, the points finally started to approach the person in Xing's heart, and as a result, he fell behind again because his own ghost was killed by the opponent.

Now the leader after Happy is Huang Shaotian, followed by Zhou Zekai. The scores of the two of them are also very similar, but because there is nothing wrong with them now, their scores are not increasing.

Even in the current situation, the Three Realms and Six Paths can only crush their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs. What can they do? After all, they can only blame them for wanting to use passing players to give them points. If you are not greedy and leave some people here, although no other players will come over, at least the ghost will not be killed.

Eh...Wait, it looks like even if they are guarded, the other party has no way to kill them. After all, if the other party wants to grab him, there is no way at all. This is the realm of the gods. If you greet the opponent and don't grab it, how can every time you grab the boss be the same as fighting? Especially between guilds and guilds.

Even if the other party is upright and strong, where can you go to reason? Not to mention the fact that everyone in Happy was "unaware". No way, this dumb can only bite the bullet and eat it because of their reincarnation. In the end, everyone in Reincarnation could only watch the team of Team Happy pick up the top-quality equipment, rare materials, and despair. You must know that these were originally theirs!

Originally wanted to have a bluff with the team and ask them to come over and kill this ghost, so he could invite a wave of merit, but now it is completely gone.

And this kind of ghost raising is far more than this one. After all, every major club has a professional online game guild department. Of course, they have thoroughly studied these activities like this, and most guilds have also begun to try, but it is a pity Thinking of this, the efficiency of adding a little more points to a player is too low.

Even the major guilds can only raise one with their first and second teams. After all, they don't dare to die too many times, or else they won't be able to get back to level training and will grab the wild boss like this. So one is already the limit of the major guilds. And now everyone at Happy took a leap in the standings again. All major professional players have also figured out the reasons.

Especially those who are familiar with Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, want them to have always been improper, and the **** situation of doing everything. At this moment, a terrible thought appeared in their minds, wouldn't these two improper people be the ghosts that their guild plans to keep until the last kill, right?

I have to admit that professional players are professional players. They passed the phenomenon very easily and saw the essence. So they all started to contact their own guilds one after another to see what was going on, but in the end only the Samsara family had bad news...

Let his other players hear that his family is okay, and his heart is relieved a lot, but they all start to wonder which one is so miserable, and this ghost that he has worked so hard to raise was hunted down by the opponent.

And want to know such things is not troublesome, you don't even have to ask their undercover agents to inquire, directly ask the guild president to ask in the group.

And indeed someone asked.

God Realm Guild Group:

The domineering and ambitious Jiang You: "I said... Just now, the points of the people in Happy suddenly increased. Did someone raise a ghost by Ye Xiu and the others?" Although Ye Xiu is no longer a member of Excellent Era, he is right. Ye Xiu, Tyranny's attitude remained the same, always trying to figure out Ye Xiu with the most malicious attitude.

And since Jiang You asked, other people who were curious about you didn't ask much, and they all replied no. Until the reincarnation, the Three Paths and Six Realms sent out a few crying emoticons with a look of helplessness.

And seeing the replies of the Three Realms and Six Paths, other people are also clear that everyone is in a competitive relationship after all. It is still very happy to see the other party slumping, but happy to be happy, they are still very hypocritically comforting: "You are too careless. ."

The Three Realms and the Six Paths also knew that even though they were comforting themselves now, the guts might actually have bloomed with laughter. But in any case, he does need some listeners to relieve his depression, and competitors at the same level as him are a good choice.

And after hearing the words of the Three Realms, Six and Six, everyone sighed and sighed, but fortunately, they were not the ones who were recruited.

All in a time group:

"That guy must have been in the team long ago!"

"Yes, this must be a conspiracy"

"They can't be considered human!"

"The scum among the great gods!"

The leaders of the major guilds here cursed Ye Xiu and Tang Yin for Samsara. But the highest warning order that has been issued to their ghost training group in private is mainly to prevent the escape ~ www.readwn.com~ Lord Grim and these happy people. By the way, I also brought reincarnation.

After all, they don’t have any ghosts anymore in Samsara. God knows if they will send someone to grab their ghosts, or let professional players come to grab them directly, then they will lose a lot.

And this exchange also made them realize that the development this time is not the personal behavior of their single family, and everyone is doing things, so when the problem comes, where does the other party do it? If this kind of thing can be grabbed, of course they will not let it go.

At this moment, the undercover agents of the major guilds began to become active!


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