Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1033: The first long distance relationship

This was Tao Xuan's sudden discovery that now as long as the boss of Xingxin, Chen Guo, can have a clear direction, Na Xing is really very promising.

And looking at Tao Xuan who was embarrassed now, Chen Guo also knew that this was a misunderstanding, mistakenly thinking that Tang Rou's background was equal to their Happy's background. You must know that this is actually two different things. After all, Chen Guo has never seen Tang Rou’s parents until now. It is not Tang Rou or Tang Yin, both of which are players with the same salary as the others, and Tang Rou has not. What force was used in the unexpected place of the player.

However, the feeling of such a fox fake tiger's prestige is also quite strange.

Chen Guo wanted to look at Tang Rou, and Tang Rou just happened to look at him at this moment, and winked playfully at him. Chen Guoxiao...

This is Tang Rou who he likes. Tang Rou's life experience has never been a secret among the people at Xingxin. From the beginning, everyone knew that there was a sense of distance, even if it was Chen Guo who had been a girlfriend for so many years. Same thing. There will be some discomforts more or less for a while.

When faced with everyone's strangeness, Tang Rou faced it calmly as always. Tang Rou never showed any arrogance to her identity, but she did not evade anything, let alone the hypocritical eldest lady on TV, who insisted that everyone treat her as an ordinary person. He is still him, you will not change at any time, and you have always been Tang Rou who has never avoided any problems.

So gradually, the estrangement that appeared because of identity gradually disappeared. After all, Tang Rou's actions were seen by everyone. Tang Rou was still the same Tang Rou and had never changed. As for the gap. It was just brain supplement from everyone. When everyone didn't have brain supplement, everything returned to normal.

But no matter how silver, Tao Xuan's words did make Chen Guo face something. After all, she knew that they actually didn't have those backgrounds, and she had to work harder to continue Xingxin.

"By the way, boss. The event is over, I will take a few days off." This was Tang Yin said suddenly.

"Huh? Leave? What's the matter?" Chen Guo asked.

"The old yard of my orphanage seems to be retiring. This year is the last time he takes charge of the orphanage. Last year, he didn't go back because of the team's affairs. This year, he just took advantage of this holiday to go back." Tang Yin said.

Only then did Chen Guo and Tang Rou remember, yes, Xiao Yin would go back to the orphanage once a year. But last year my team was just established, and all kinds of things need his help. But this year everyone was on the right track, so Tang Yin wanted to visit them in the old courtyard.

"Well, it's OK. I approve your vacation, is one week enough? But add it. I will approve Xiao Tang's vacation together if necessary." Chen Guo said, and gave Tang Rou a look after speaking.

"Don't be so troublesome. I went to see the old dean and came back. She would have to entertain if there were too many people. The orphanage itself is enough for her to trouble. It's not about seeing her parents, so I won't be so exaggerated. And next season It only has more than a month, and now Xiao Tang's time is more precious than mine." Tang Yin said.

"Well, when are you going to leave Xiaoyin?" Tang Rou asked.

"Tomorrow, just to make preparations tonight. By the way, Lao Ye, Zhang Jiale. Here are some photos of you, wait to help sign some details, there are many of your fans in the orphanage," Tang Yin said.

"Huh? Are your orphanage facilities so good? There are computers?" Wei Chen asked curiously.

"How is it possible? But there is no computer and TV. Although they can't understand the Glory League games, they still enjoy watching special effects similar to anime." Tang Yin said as he handed them to Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale. Photo.


Tang Yin set off the next day and returned to the orphanage. But this time there was no small mica. After all, there are more children in orphanages. It would be bad if you scare Mica. After all, cats' stress reaction is very scary.

"So Xiao Yin decided to go for five days." Everyone who was still training in Xingxin, chatted about Tang Yin's itinerary while eating lunch.

"Ah... Xiaoyin is not here, our wild map boss income has dropped significantly today~" Wu Chen said.

"Well, we will probably rely on us for these five days..." Ye Xiu said.

"The problem is, even if we can guarantee the kill rate of the wild map boss, the drop rate of materials is the same as that of ordinary players..." Wei Chen said.

"Hey~" It was only after everyone discovered how much they usually rely on Tang Yin's luck.

Compared with everyone who was discussing with a gloomy expression, Tang Rou was obviously silent a lot. Looking at her hand, she silently put a finger away...

After all, the two of them separated for the second time after confirming the relationship. Before they were separated, everyone could continue to play games, and everyone didn't play the game with the voice on and around. But Tang Yin, who was in the orphanage, definitely didn't have time to play games. This made the two feel a distance. And the two also experienced the feeling of a long-distance couple for the first time...

The day after Tang Yin left, Tang Rou subconsciously bought one more drink as usual, and when she returned to her seat, she found that she had bought an extra bottle.

"Well, Xiao Tang, do you want to start moisturizing too? But if you drink too much, you will get fat! So I will help you eliminate a brother~www.readwn.com~ As a girlfriend, Chen Guo of course discovered Tang Rou's strangeness , Sat next to Tang Rou and said.

"Well, thank you Guoguo, hoo! Good! Continue training!" Tang Rou adjusted some of her mentality, and continued today's training. She would not think too much about it only during training.

And Chen Guo drank the drink that Tang Rou bought more of and slapped the little mica. Tang Yin left, even the little mica had no vitality. After all, Tang Rou at least had something to do. Today, the little mica is at the door of the Internet cafe. Chen Guo has been squatting on the counter for a day, but Chen Guo feels distressed.

The third day...

Player Ye Xiu finished today's Honor Tactical Analysis Course, when everyone was about to leave. Tang Rou waited subconsciously, and had to discuss Tang Yin with Ye Xiu about the content of the next section. Only when he saw Ye Xiu and Baozi leave. Tang Rou continued to count the time.

The fourth day...

Today is considered better, Tang Yin is finally no longer busy, because in the orphanage, Tang Yin is everywhere to help. The two have not had much time for communication. Tonight, Tang Yin finally finished dealing with the following things. The little couple spent several hours on the phone overnight, as if they could not finish talking.

On the fifth day, Tang Yin boarded the plane back to Happy.


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