Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1034: Tang Yin's return

"By the way, Xiao Yin will be back today, right?" Ye Xiu asked Boss Chen. It's already the fifth day that Tang Yin has left. Let alone, I don't usually think that some of Tang Yin is not there. They find that the activities in various online games are not as smooth as before. Although it was successful in the end, it was a lot more tired than usual.

"Xiao Tang, do you have any welcome plans for Xiao Yin when she comes back?" Mu Cheng asked curiously.

"Plans? No?" Tang Rou really didn't think of any plans. She just wanted to see Tang Yin soon.

"Look, don't you make a welcome ceremony or something when Xiao Yin comes back?" Chen Guo also came over to gossip at this moment.

"Um... don't stop it," Tang Rou said a little embarrassed.

"If you think about the Xian Xiaoyinhui Orphanage to help, it must be very tired. Wouldn't it be great for him to come back and help him relax?" Mucheng said.

"But I don't know how to massage, not to mention there is a massage chair at home," Tang Rou said.

"Then watch movies together. By the way, I heard that watching horror movies between couples can help increase feelings." Wei Chen didn't know where to come out and said.

Hearing horror movies, Ye Xiu was a black line. Let Tang Yin watch the horror movie, and it resounded Tang Yin's way of doing activities. This old Wei thinks that the time spent in the hospital last time was too short.

"Hey, are you sure that Xiaoyin, who just experienced Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, is suitable for ghost movies?" Zhang Jiale and Ye Xiu had the same thoughts, feeling that Wei Chen simply wanted to avenge Tang Yin for injuring him into the hospital last time. But now he won't get in because of what he did?

"You guys, I said you are young and you still don’t believe it. Do you know what is the easiest thing between couples to increase the emotions of both parties? The two are watching horror movies together, and the other is going to the amusement park to play the roller coaster. Or a haunted house." Wei Chen said in the voice of a person coming over.

"It's really fake." Chen Guo looked frustrated. After all, this guy has no lower limit. You really can't believe what he said.

"What kind of look are you guys, suspecting that I can't make it. I'm an orthodox love psychology!" Wei Chen said awe-inspiringly?

"Only you, are you still in love psychology? Old Wei, have you ever been in love? Don't be blindly commanding." Tao Xuan also said at this time.

"Hey! I have a bad temper, you can check it out. When a person crosses a suspension bridge in fear, his heartbeat will increase involuntarily. If at this time, he happens to meet another person, then he will make the mistake of this situation. The increased heartbeat caused by it is understood as the physiological reaction that the other party makes his heart beat, so the feeling of love is developed for the other party. This is called the suspension bridge effect. It does not matter whether it is watching a ghost film or doing a roller coaster. Chen Da righteously said, for a while, there was a feeling of snow in June.

And Mucheng actually checked it out, and found that it was really what the phase difference said. This surprised everyone, this Wei Chen is a change of sex. Since how serious.

"The suspension bridge effect...Is it..." Tang Rou muttered to herself.

Of course, Wei Chen would not be so kind. The suspension bridge effect is not suitable for the kind of couple in the early days of love, but Tang Yin and Tang Rou's parents have met, and they are almost married. The suspension bridge effect is just icing on the cake for them. Although it cannot be said that there is no such thing, the usefulness is really limited.

And because of Tang Yin's fear of ghosts, using a horror film to make a suspension bridge effect is completely superfluous. Wei Chen simply took revenge on Tang Yin. Moreover, this revenge is also in the name of a good relationship for you, this time Tang Yinzhong was embarrassed to throw a coin at him, right? And this is Wei Chen's plan.

"Speaking of Xiao Yin, did you say when the car was?" Chen Guo asked Tang Rou.

"No, I'm going to ask." Tang Rou got up and prepared to go out and call Tang Yin.

As a result, Tang Rou had just closed the training room and had just turned the corner when she ran into a figure full of emotions.

"Sorry..." The visitor thought he had hit someone, and said subconsciously, but he was taken aback when he saw the visitor. That's right, this one who ran into Tang Rou was really full of Tang Yin. On the fourth day, Tang Yin and the dean of the orphanage who was about to retire had chatted a lot about him over the past two years. I miss Tang Rou more and more. And the phone porridge that night couldn't tell Tang Yin's longing. Therefore, Tang Yin originally planned to return the ticket in the evening, but Tang Yin directly changed it to the morning.

This was not originally intended to give everyone a surprise, but I didn't expect that just after I greeted the front desk, I was caught by my wife. However, the first person he saw when returning to the team was his wife, and Tang Yin was also very satisfied. As for the others, they are all passers-by. How can one's own daughter-in-law matter?

But Tang Rou saw the figure of Tang Yin in front of him, and without giving Tang Yin a chance to speak, she threw herself into Tang Yin's arms again.

"Bad!" Tang Rou said softly.

Seeing Tang Rou like this, when Tang Yin was about to hug Tang Rou for comfort, he was pushed away by Tang Rou again.

"It's only five days, how long..." Tang Rou thought.

"Welcome back." Tang Rou said softly.

"Ah? Well, I'm back!" Tang Yin responded.

Hearing Tang Yin's response, Tang Rou felt the peace of mind she hadn't had in the past few days: "I know for the first time..." Tang Rou thought.

"Xiao Tang, did you ask?" Chen Guo saw that Tang Rou had not come back, and thought that she had come out to take a look, but Tang Ruan and Tang Yin, who was hugged again just after she came out, competed with a handful of dog food.

The appearance of Chen Guo interrupted Tang Yin's atmosphere. Although UU Read www.uukanshu.com was regretful, they were not in a hurry. They were living together anyway.

What didn't say, Tang Yin directly pulled Tang Wenren to rendezvous, and was not in a hurry to go home, anyway, his luggage was just a backpack. When you go back, you can just take it back by the way.

With Tang Yin's return, Little Mica was also a lot more lively. As for Pangda, it was even more excited. In order to celebrate Tang Yin's return, all the network cables in the training room were removed on the spot, even Xiao Mica did not stop it.

And now Tang Yin is working hard to prevent Pangda from being turned into a dog meat hot pot. For a while, the atmosphere of Happy's training room was so happy.

Everyone here at Happy is still playing around for Tang Yinhui personally. Because there is no bright news during this period, the outside world has begun to analyze and predict the strength of each team next season.

And the one that attracted the most attention was undoubtedly from the challenge all the way up, analyzed by experts from Team Happy, headed by Great God Ye Xiu. After all, during this transfer period, the major giants have had very limited changes. Even if the change is the biggest, the Thunder, which replaced the captain, is only the return of the original captain Xiao Shiqin. Most of these teams already have a more detailed understanding.

But they are still relatively unfamiliar with the current public of Happy, so they are all looking forward to the official evaluation of Happy.


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