Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1037: Xingxin's flaws

Of course, most of these happened during the period when Tang Yin was away. Until now, most of them have been discussing the performance of each team next season.

However, Tang Yin didn't care much about these outsiders' evaluations of Xingxin. After all, even though Xingxin looked very strong now, there were too many new ideas and weaknesses.

Wei Chen Lan Yu's former captain, not to mention anything else, just over 30 drops, the age that can be the grandfather of all professional players, can explain everything. Tang Rou is still just a professional rookie, and his style of play is easy to be targeted. Yifan's problem is similar. Although he is from a professional class, he has limited experience in professional competitions like the League.

An Wenyi's problem is very false and obvious, and his current treatment level is obviously still a notch worse. It's hard to be more complex rhythms of professional team battles. Not to mention Luo Ji, the level is the most limited, but the job he uses is the most difficult summoner in Glory.

Mo Fan's eruption time was too short, and after the eruption, he was weak and unable to concentrate. These are his problems, even Zhang Jiale and Ye Xiu have age problems. Where is the upper limit of physical strength?

Especially Ye Xiu's way of playing loose players, because loose players require extremely high hand speed and frequent operations. The opponent's consumption is also extremely high, and Ye Xiu's playing this style of play will almost certainly affect his professional lifespan. To be honest, it was Ye Xiu's extraordinary talent, otherwise it would be a miracle to have this state at this age. Didn't you see Han Wenqing, who is only one year older than him, is now starting to struggle for a longer and protracted battle? (This is not Erha's scare saying, the original chapter 1134 Fang Rui's uneasy power is about Ye Xiu's current situation.)

All of these are Xingxin's problems. Even Tang Yin lacks professional game experience. Although this is not obvious under his strength, it does exist. After all, there are too few professional players in his team battle. Before coming out with Excellent Era's captain, other teams can't even play the effect of accumulating experience.

Therefore, Tang Yin and the others know very well about their own affairs. Now they are far from being as good as the outside media said. On the contrary, their team still has many flaws.

But most of the shortcomings can only be honed slowly in the subsequent games, and for the three old people Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale, and Wei Chen, Tang Yin plans to adopt Zhang Xinjie's only used rotation method.

It’s enough to develop their main force at the level of the gods. Tang Yin means Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale. Wei Chen and the others don’t have to play two games in each round. They can play each time like Sun Zheping before. As for the individual games, it’s still a ring. The match, or the team match, depends on the situation.

But Tang Yinhe and Mucheng didn't care, after all, they were relatively young, and now it was the peak period of physical strength. They don't need to care about these.

No matter what Ye Xiu said he had no problem now, there would be no problem in one round of two games.

Tang Yin didn't insist on Ye Xiu's words. He remembered that Ye Xiu would officially leave after playing this season. Had it not been for the national team's signature as a coach, he might have retired completely.

So he wanted to play more in the final season, and Tang Yin didn't say much about it. However, Zhang Jiale gladly accepted this proposal. Tang Yin's plan could greatly extend his professional lifespan. He worked hard to get him two years old. But these were all things going well for Happy, after all, their goal was the championship.

If he can't even make the playoffs, there is no point in his maintenance. Tang Yin certainly expressed his support for this. After all, he thought of this plan to make everyone better in the playoffs and the final championship. If by then it is really difficult to even get into the playoffs, then of course you still have to fight, otherwise, isn't it turning the cart before the horse?

Another important reason for Tang Yin's rotation was to give Tang Rou and the others only enough opportunities to grow up. He is the core main force, two times in each round is affirmative, so he doesn't worry about the experience of the battle, but Tang Rou and the others have to carefully consider it. What kind of configuration can give them enough opportunities to play, and can ensure that their team maintains the safety and stability of progress. This is the main problem, but these problems can't be solved now, and they must see their opponents to make slow arrangements.

But these weren't things that Tang Yin had to consider now. He was sitting with Tang Rou in front of his home TV with a dazed expression, preparing to watch a horror movie. I don't know why, I heard Tang Rou suddenly wanted to watch a movie today, and it was still a horror movie. Tang Yin, who was just a few hours of vibrato in his previous life, certainly knew the suspension bridge effect.

In fact, he wanted to try it before, especially to eat a wave of welfare where Tang Rou understood and feared. After all, he hadn’t confessed to Tang Rou at that time. It was like using the suspension bridge effect to see if he could confess success. For this reason, he even thought about everything. Go to Tang Rou to show masculinity or something. But when Tang Yin didn't see all of them in a month, and couldn't sleep well for several nights, he gave up.

In the end, I didn't know where Tang Rou knew about the suspension bridge effect. On the third day after he came back, he took him to watch a movie.

"Then we choose this one, the spirit behind, how about the third nightmare?" Tang Rou said to the TV that had already started broadcasting.

Tang Yin: "..." There is no choice at all...

At the beginning of the movie, Tang Yin's main attention at UU reading www.uukanshu.com was quickly attracted by the movie. It's the mentality that I'm obviously afraid that I won't work, but as long as the movie is released, I can't help but watch it. Looking at Tang Yin's nervous and scared eyes, Tang Rou was a little amused.

"Even if it's pretending, you have to show fear at some point. Give Xiao Tang a chance to show it." Tang Rou resounded what Wei Chen said.

Tang Rou watched the movie. She had watched the movie before, and the current scene was quite horrible. Well, the situation is quite suitable.

Thinking of this, Tang Rou turned around and said to Tang Yin: "It's terrible!" This is when she is about to sell her cute...

"Ah!!" Tang Yin was half-dead by Tang Rou who was directly speaking by Tang Rou... There is no way now that the plot just happened to be in a terrifying place, and it felt that something terrifying was about to come out, and suddenly a voice came out. Sounds around you, coupled with Tang's attribute of fear of horror. Tang Rou's words almost didn't send him directly.

"Ah...just so scary..." Tang Yin's voice was trembling...

Tang Rou: "..." But now Wei Chen has already scolded him several times. After all, the appearance of Tang Yin and his prediction are completely different!


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