Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1038: Champions League

After this failed appointment, Wei Chen took for granted the hospital for a few more days. After that, Xingxin’s various trainings also began to be arranged, but during this period of time, due to the promotion of account cards and other peripherals from the alliance and the game team’s opponents, Xingxin’s popularity rose instead of falling.

Not everyone has Xingxin's treatment, and even the mid-range teams in the league have not received much publicity from the league and the game side.

But even though Happy was working hard to improve, marrying her team didn't mean lagging behind, because Fang Rui moved to Tyranny this season. However, Fang Rui didn't bring the character he used to be ghostly and suspicious, but this posed a problem, and that was that there were no thieves in Whistling. As a result, the howling ghosts and suspicions were directly stranded for several seasons.

Want to make a move, but other combatants who are suspicious of ghosts are not in a hurry to make a move. It's all about the patience of the other party. Wait until the bad price of howling before you sell.

This leads to the suspicion of being forgotten after a season, and no one cares about it.

As a result, when the other teams that had some intentions about ghosts were preparing to wait for the last time, they were about to make a move. A piece of news directly disrupted their thinking.

Lin Feng, the rotation player of the Blue Rain team, will be transferred to the Wu Howling team with a transfer value of 3.2 million, and will take over the role of the ghostly and suspicious.

Such a decision surprised the entire circle of glory.

3.2 million, this value is really not high in the league, after all, even Lin Feng, who was born in Lan Yu, is a lot of top players. The reason for accepting ghosts and suspicions is because he is a thieves player.

When Fang Rui left, Team Wu Howl was quite happy, after all, Fang Rui's wretched style of play was very unsuitable for their current core Tang Hao. After all, compared to Fang Rui's wretched style, Tang Hao's style of play was very tough. It is difficult for the two to cooperate when they are running in. And now their first recommendation is Tang Hao. But because Fang Rui was a veteran of Howling, it was difficult for them to drive people away directly. This was Tyranny's pretense and it was very timely.

So even if he knew that ghosts and suspicions would be left behind, he let Fang Rui go very readily. This also shows that Wu Xiao completely abandoned the thieves' trivial style of play.

But now he suddenly introduced a Lin Feng, what is he going to do? Do you want to raise the price of the ghosts? But in order to increase the price of a character, it is difficult to make a profit by pulling in a player.

Just when everyone was still guessing what it meant by whistling. Someone on the Internet has begun to analyze the whole story.

The facts are actually very simple. Although the thief class is very suitable for the wretched stream, it does not mean that he can only fight the wretched stream. And what Wu Xiao gave up was only the style of play, and he didn't say that he would give up this role.

Originally, Wu Xiao’s fans were still worried that their favorite characters would leave them, but Wu Xiao directly used actions this time to tell the fans: The ghosts are confused and will not leave.

Although this Lin Feng is just a rotation player for Lan Yu, he has played many games. It's just not as stable as Lan Yu's main force, but he is also a player with his own style. And his thieves' style of play is not trivial.

The popularity of howling his style of play also proves that next season's ghosts and suspicions will appear in everyone's field of vision with a brand-new quality. At the press conference where Lin Feng joined Wu Xiao, it could be seen that Wu Xiao was very skeptical of the future.

After Lin Feng, there was another player who was not too big or too young to transfer.

Lu Yining, Yanyu's sharpshooter, has also won the title of best sixth man before. And the sixth man's starter in the team substitution seat often appears as a surprise note. But also because it is the sixth person, the performance is very limited.

But no matter what, Lu Yining still thinks that he is a very good player. This can be explained by his transfer worth of 4.6 million.

And he finally transferred to the Thunder team, which surprised everyone.

You must know that although the Thunder have entered the playoffs from time to time in recent years, they have given people a very tight feeling, but it is such a hardened Thunder. Since this year, the Thunder frequently spends transfer personnel.

Don’t underestimate the transfer expenditure of 4.6 million. This is of course nothing to the rich, but the Thunder has no players who can do well except Xiao Shiqin. His income is very limited. This year’s expenses are for the Thunder. It's really not a small sum.

And after the sharpshooter left, Misty Rain was promoted from two substitutes. One man and one woman, the man's name is Yu Zeguang, and the woman's name is Guan Guangmei. Among them, Yu Zeguang uses a knight, ID guards the light. Guan Guangmei uses Ghost Swordsman, ID: Fighting for Fighting

The two of them are rookies discovered by Yanyu, and Yanyu has some imagination about the rookie protection policy and Weicao. Under their intentional protection, coupled with last season's two rookies Lu Hanwen and Gao Yingjie shine. As a result, no one really noticed them.

But this one-time directly promoted the two into the main force, we can see the confidence of Team Yanyu in them.

July and August flew by ~www.readwn.com~ In the various training camps of the Happy people, the time came to September 1. The arrival of this day also announced the closure of the transfer window. It just happens that today is also the new Monday, the E-Sports Home Weekly Newsletter is published. Summarize all the key points that happened this summer in one go. This transfer was not too shocking, and most of them were reasonable. All teams are moving in a more stable direction.

On the microblogs of the big giants, there are naturally all kinds of three-sentence championships. And they do have this strength, and the rest of the teams still aim to enter the playoffs. They are really embarrassed to shout about winning the championship. As for some weak teams, their goal is naturally to protect the seats.

In these pre-match discourses on Weibo, Happy's was quite unique.

On the basis of non-seat seats... let's strive for the championship! It was also Ye Xiu who posted on his Weibo, and Happy’s official Weibo directly quoted, and also shared the Weibo of everyone at Happy.

Those who read this sentence feel speechless, and many people have never heard of it. But if you fight for the championship, is it a bit too much?

And as soon as Ye Xiu's Weibo appeared, the planning clubs of the Happy Alliance also came to join in the fun. The first was Lou Guanning, who was Yizhang. After all, he is the boss, team captain, and core player. He is mostly based on his identity. Doesn't he just change this slogan?

After that, He Wu and Zhaohua also followed. Interestingly, the slogan of their team has also been changed.


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