Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1051: Game 3, Baozi played

But then again, after Jia Shiming left Tyranny, he didn't have a name, instead he felt like everyone was stunned.

At the beginning, he first came to the imperial wind that started to go downhill. After playing in the imperial wind for two seasons, he transferred to the void in the eighth season. He is still in the void team, but he was succeeded by Han Wenqing. Jia Shiming, who cultivated his identity, is still free from the main selection of the void.

You know it's the tenth season now, and four years have passed since he left Tyranny. Now he is no longer optimistic about his breakthrough progress.

In fact, this is also a point of curiosity. It is necessary to know that a player who can be selected by one team as the core successor in the future can not even be a major player in another team. What's more, this team is still a giant Tyranny.

It is also because of this that many players will use this to complain about Tyranny, saying that they are very inaccurate in seeing people.

This was when Tyranny introduced Fang Rui, Lin Jingyan entered Tyranny, and even made Fang Rui change his profession. Others have all teased about this incident. After Jia Shiming, Tyranny didn't have confidence in him, so he only dared to recruit some players who already had the power of the great god.

Of course, these words are just a joke. After all, Tyranny, as a giant team, has never stopped training young people in its own training camp.

Just like the current Song Qiying, in the official information, he is a rookie who made his debut at the age of 17 just like Yifan at the beginning. But as for whether he is Tyranny's successor in the future, there is still no accurate statement.

But as long as he is good enough, there is no need to ask anyone for such a thing. After all, just like Gao Yingjie and Lu Hanwen at the beginning, they all showed their strength before they were known to the audience that they were the future core successors of their own team.

This is the first show of the teenager today. What will the game be like? Tyranny fans are looking forward to it again.

And the one on Xingxin's stage was also a fighter of the fighting style, who was playing a gangster bun.

This time it can be said to be the captain between the two fighting departments.

The map that Happy chose this time was a street, a bit eighteen or nineteen, the dark style of the horror movie medieval London street.

The game starts, and the two characters start to move as soon as they are loaded.

Song Qiying is a description of someone who has never appeared on the stage. It can be said that there is no information except for his age, as for Tang Yin. Just kidding, his plug-in is luck, not in memory. What can ordinary readers who have seen Tang Yin, a full-time master, remember this kind of supporting role that only appeared in more than a thousand chapters? If he hadn't seen him now, Tang Yin would have forgotten that there was such a person.

No matter if it is a rookie, it is either arranged in the second place in the arena or third in the individual competition. So Tang Yin put the steamed buns in third place in the individual competition.

After all, if you are against him, Baozi's nonsensical style of play is the strangest to a player from a regular training camp like Song Qiying. Although it was difficult to get an advantage because of Baozi's off-line character, it was already the last choice in their formation. After all, Tang Rou's vigorous and vigorous character was most suitable for the start of the ring, followed by Mo Fan, and finally Tang Yin guarded the ring.

Wei Chen, who was originally experienced, was the best candidate to deal with Song Qiying, but Wei Chen was picked up and fought in a team battle. And at his current age, it would be too difficult for him to play two professional games in one round, so he can only let Baozi play. As for Luo Ji...he still needs to grow...

However, Song Qiying is indeed a better choice to enter the professional circle at this age. Now Han Wenqing and the others have not left, they can take him and help him accumulate experience, and Han Wenqing retires, he is just eighteen or nine years old, and Xiang is twenty. Stepping into this is just the environmental time of choice. With two years of growth, he can better control the overall situation.

Baozi just refreshed the character here, just like running in the middle. As a result, Baozi just arrived here but found that the other party was not here. After all, Baozi is now playing all the way from the challenge. Seeing such a situation in this way, he realized that the opponent was making a tactical move.

The unexplained steamed bun also took a side of the house in a flash. By the way, he was still on the public road and asked: "Tactically move at the beginning, brother, what constellation do you say? Why do you have a black belly?"

Audience: "..." The tactical position is black...What are you thinking about?

As a result, after a short while, Baozi found that the other party did not reply, and someone who was curious sent a message on the public road: "Don't speak? Like mystery. Are you Virgo?" Baozi asked.

Song Qiying: "..." I was really hit by the buns. Wasn't he a Virgo on August 24?

"If it's not necessary, don't answer, that's just a waste of time." Song Qiying answered suddenly.

"Ah? Is that so? But didn't you answer this?" Baozi asked curiously.

"No, I just confirm my position, and I won't answer later." Song Qiying said again.

"But didn't you still answer? You answered and said that you didn't answer ~www.readwn.com~ What a weird person. You really belong to Virgo." Baozi said in the public again.

But don't watch the public channel of Baozi talking, but still observe the surroundings all the time. After all, although the buns often lack muscles, they are not really stupid. This is not what he has found the other side's figure.


Seeing Song Qiying who had reached the vicinity of the buns directly hit the buns with a blow, but then they were just a few bricks.

Song Qiying didn't know where he was at this time, the bun invasion had already found him, but now he was in the skill, and it was too late to interrupt. There was no way but to temporarily change the main line of attack, and punched the brick that was thrown at him. Several punches in succession broke all the bricks of the bun. A puff of smoke was raised.

As a result, just behind the smoke, the bun's figure appeared, and Song Qiying immediately fisted to parry with a punch at him. But he failed to parry.

Only then did he realize that since the other rogue still had a few needles in his hands.

In the setting of glory, the hooligan itself is an omnipotent occupation for fighting, just like the steel needle of the current skill, which is hidden in the hands of the steel needle and is played when attacking. Because of the small size of the steel needle, it is difficult to be found. But this skill has a continuous bleeding effect that lasts for five seconds.

If it is a normal team battle, of course the professional players can pay attention to the opponent's steel pin, but this time Baozi used the smoke and dust from the broken bricks. After concealing the steel needle, which is difficult to find, he greeted the opponent.


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