Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1052: That’s why it’s interesting, isn’t it?

The sudden appearance of the bun is indeed surprising. But it's just getting started. Baozi's thinking was still too detached, and his shortcomings of inadequate foundation were exposed in the subsequent tremors. Under Song Qiying's steady performance, he seized the flaws exposed by the buns several times in succession. Defeat Baozi with the last 20% of the blood.

No way. Although Baozi started well, his performance was still too unstable. This style of play is easy to spot flaws for players like Song Qiying with a solid foundation and a solid foundation.

When Baozi came out of the competition room, Song Qiying was still standing in the middle of the stage. This made Baozi a daze, won't he go back? Or do you still have to pose after a professional game? But not the first two times? Baozi's small head obviously couldn't handle this problem.

But at this time Song Qiying had already come before him.

"Huh? Are you looking for me?" Baozi asked curiously.

Song Qiying didn't say much, and stretched out a hand. Seeing the other party stretch out his hand, Baozi subconsciously stretched out his hand and shook the opponent's hand. But after holding it, Song Qiying left, looking at the bun with a dazed expression...

"What's the situation?" Baozi said, scratching his head.

"Shaking hands after the game is normal game etiquette." The emcee on the side said lightly.

Hearing this bun, he was taken aback, and asked: "Then why didn't the previous two games?"

MC: "......" What can he say? The handshake itself is a kind of courtesy before and after the game. But everyone is not too particular about it, so it is usually before the start of the game, that is, when the two teams are on the field, they shook it, and then after the team game. It's over. Individuals and ring competitions usually omit this step. As a result, the rookie of Tyranny insists on shaking hands with the opponent. This is... quite suddenly...

While the audience Tang Yin looked at Song Qiying who had returned to Tyranny and exclaimed: "Tsk, even though he uses the same profession as Han Wenqing, he is a boxing master, but his personality is not like Han Wenqing at all."

"Yes." Ye Xiu nodded. "Relatively speaking, he looks more like Zhang Xinjie in character."

At this point, the individual competition is over, and this result also surprised the audience. After all, the champion team last year played against the newly advanced team this year. As a result, he was beaten two to one in the first game, which is definitely an unprecedented score.

Whether it was Lin Jingyan being bombarded to death by Mucheng's various arts in the first game, or Ye Xiu's fancy combo in the second game directly blasted Fang Rui. Both players are the core of the opposing team, but they are both crushed by the opposing team. Fortunately, this rookie from Tyranny was good, and he scored a point in the hands of Baozi, which didn't make Tyranny's first round score too ugly.

But no matter what, the first match was over. In the ring match, Happy was the first to play Tang Rou, followed by Mo Fan and Tang Yin.

In the face of Happy's rookie combination, Tyranny's side is all the main players. The starting lineup was the helper Qin Muyun around Tyranny's four cores, followed by their main element method Bai Yanfei, and finally Han Wenqing personally guarded the challenge. Such a lineup can be said to attach great importance to Happy. But also, knowing the strength of Ye Xiu's scattered people and Tang Yin, which team would not pay attention to it? What's more, Xingxin also has two great **** level players, Su Mucheng and Zhang Jiale. Before the game everyone knows where they will appear.

The game is about to begin. Fortunately, with the final victory, the voice of Tyranny’s fans at the opening stage of the arena is still very high, and they all actively cheer for the players on the stage, and Happy’s side, the scene is even hotter. . You know Tyranny was the champion team of last season, but they won two games at the beginning, just this strength. They definitely have the capital to celebrate.

Especially when the big beauty of Tang Rou appeared on the stage, it caused a burst of violent cheers. Tang Yin even heard a lot of Tang Rou’s "wives", that is, now Tang Yin is being held down by Ye Xiu and Chen Guo. , Otherwise absolutely one coin goes down.

However, compared with the depressed Tang Yin, Chen Guo is very happy. She is also very happy to see that her girlfriend has such a high popularity.

"It's Xiao Tang, it's popular! Someone must be careful, be careful of my Xiao Tang being kidnapped." Chen Guo teased, pointing to the general direction of the voice calling Tang Rou's "wife".

This was also depressed for Tang Yin, after all, the "wife" of Tang Rou was not divided into men and women. As far as what I have heard, there are more girls. This is what Tang Yin is depressed...

Tang Rou, who was about to take the stage, felt very cute when she saw Tang Yin with a jealous expression on her mouth. She couldn't help but teasing: "Are you jealous?"

Of course Tang Yin wouldn't admit it. He smiled and adjusted his facial expressions and said, "That's not enough, anyway, you will go home with me in the end."

Seeing Tang Yin's ostentatious expression, Tang Rou stopped teasing Tang Yin. Saying hello to everyone in the audience is like walking to the game stand.

And Tang Rou’s appearance once again proved that beauty is an existence supported by all fans of the team. It was clearly Tang Ruan and Qin Muyun who went on stage and entered the battle room together, but the audience was all cheering for Tang Rou. At this moment, Qin Muyun also had a profound experience. When it comes to Lin Jingyan's feelings. Sure enough, I'm afraid it's not a group of fake fans who came with them!

With the entry of the two players, the characters began to load, the five-second countdown also began, and the game began.

Tang Rou's style of play was the same as before. There was no position to move, and the opponent rushed forward directly. In order to suit Tang Rou's style of play, this map itself had very limited hiding places, and the opponent didn't seem to have any tactical moves. Directly is the simplest and rude way to meet the brave who wins!

And such a fierce collision is also the one that ignites the emotions of fans the most~www.readwn.com~ The reaction was very enthusiastic all the time. After all, Tyranny’s fans were Tyranny. Although they shouted Tang Rou when they welcomed them, when the two sides fought against each other, they also remembered their identities and began to cheer for their team members.

And this round of ring battle started very quickly, and only a few minutes after the end, Tang Rou's cold smoke fell. Even if Tang Yin, the sharpshooter, was on the ceiling, Tang Yin still fell down in the end.

This makes Tyranny's fans soar! For a while, the momentum once again overwhelmed Happy's fans.

"How do you feel?" Tang Yin asked Tang Rou who was sitting next to him.

"It's very strong, I have nothing to do with him. Even if I use all my strength, it is still difficult to grab the initiative from him." Tang Rou said with a little thought.

"Normally, if this question can be clarified in three sentences, then I told you before you play. You know, from now on, you will face the whole glory against high-level opponents. If they really What's the big loophole in this, it was eliminated a long time ago, how could it still be in this position now?" Tang Yin said.

"Yeah, so keep working hard and fully enrich yourself. From now on there will be no shortcuts." Ye Xiu came over and said.

"Hmm!" Tang Rou nodded and looked at the stage again, recalling her own words before and couldn't help but said with emotion: "Glory...It's really difficult."

Hearing Tang Rou's words, Tang Yin gently held Tang Rou's hand and smiled: "That's why it's interesting, isn't it?"


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