Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1147: Excellent Era's worst 3-member group

Chapter 1176 Excellent Era's Worst Trio

"It's good if you have confidence." Ye Xiu said with a smile, he still had more confidence in Tang Yin, after all, the two sides came to each other. No one in the entire league knows how strong Tang Yin is. What he was mainly worried about was Tang Rou and the others, especially Tang Rou, it was inevitable that there would be some fluctuations in his mentality after winning the 1v2 one after another.

Fortunately, every night Tang Yinhe and Tang Rou have a duel practice, and now Tang Yin can always make Tang Rou face reality. But Tang Rou didn't give up, in Tang Rou's words: "Tang Yin's skills may not be unmatched, defeating him is my goal. Didn't Xiao Yin say it before? There will always be creatures on the ground who dare to Facing the mighty light of thunder."

"So the next game will be more difficult, and the next game is the real test. Who can laugh at the end, no one knows. The game of glory is not about defeating, or more than a god-level character, even if my character equipment There are advantages, but strength is the real core. So everyone must continue to work hard in the future training." Ye Xiu said.

"Come on, the next is the real chaos, and we must persevere to the end!"

After analyzing their own situation, the next step is to analyze their next opponent before the battle.

In the ninth round, Happy will challenge their opponent away, and their opponent is the amazing team that entered the professional league with them this season.

At the end of the eight rounds, the Magic Team also completed eight consecutive rounds of matches. During these matches, what information the Magic Team members provided was analyzed in detail under the explanation of Tang Yinhe and Ye Xiu.

And the ninth round of the competition will start on the evening of November 1st, and this day happens to be the bi-monthly magazine of E-Sports Times. Because of Happy's outstanding performance in these two rounds, there are many topics of discussion about Happy. It also mentioned that the probing period for each major team is coming to an end, and there will inevitably be a play against Tang Yin. After that, can Tang Yin continue to hold the two points for Happy in this arena match?

After Tang Yin was Ye Xiu. After the return of the great **** of glory, he brought a brand-new loose-player style. And Ye Xiu's performance was even more exaggerated than Tang Yin's. No matter who his opponent was, when he met Ye Xiu, he was chained all the way to death, and he didn't even have a chance to let go. Some people say that this is because Ye Xiu has never met a **** of the same level as him, and they are all ordinary main players of some teams. But it was a fact that Lu torture was killed, and everyone was also looking forward to seeing if there would be any attack against Ye Xiu.

And unlike these media who talk about how easy it is, now the major teams have already started to lose their hair, there is no way, Tang Yinhe Ye Xiu's style of play is really annoying, not to mention many skills, the most important thing is them There is not only one weapon, but each weapon and Tang Yin's armor have different skills. How should they target them?

They want to target them, but you have to give me a test scope, and I don't know how the other party's equipment is made. In addition to ordinary high-level skills, even awakening skills can be used. This is simply too foul. You said it would be fine if there was only one person, and it would be a big deal for everyone to conduct specialized and independent research on it, but there were still two opponents, and the tacit understanding between the two during teamfights was outrageous. Just...it's annoying...

And now this trouble is on the head of the magical team. This team, which will be 5000 bad in buying enough players, doesn't look like a master with so much money, and their venue is the same as Happy. It's a rental method. And there are no other professional teams in M ​​city, which leads to the fact that the stadium in this city does not have a holographic projection system specially designed by the alliance, but this is a rigid regulation of the alliance.

The Magic Team didn't take the challenge route like Tang Yin and the others, so they didn't get the help of the alliance in these areas. They went to apply, which means that they solved this problem by themselves, and a team solved the problem of the holographic projection system by themselves. From this perspective, the magical team is not particularly poor.

To be honest, the projection effect of the Magic Team is already very good. Before the game, the whole system was used to cooperate with the host to stage a wave of ID character shows from both sides, and the players were introduced along the way.

The magical lineup's attacks on others after these few rounds were very strange, and Excellent Era's sense of sight could be clearly felt from them.

You must know that this was not only possible because they had three Excellent Era players. After all, speaking of players, Happy had two more players, and one of them was the captain of the original Excellent Era. But the current Happy had a completely different style of play from Excellent Era.

On the contrary, it is magical, from the style of play to the composition of the characters, it is very similar to Excellent Era.

First, there were the three Excellent Era players, Elemental Mage, Boxer, and Sharpshooter. After that, their resident main force was Battle Mage, Gunnery, Magic Swordsman, and the healing profession was Cleric.

This is simply a copy of Excellent Era's main lineup. If there is any difference, it is the core of the team. In the past, the core of Excellent Era was the battle mage as the core and the gunners and magic swordsmen as the auxiliary. Reinforcement play.

But now the magic is different, because now their three core professions are former Excellent Era players He Ming, Shen Jian, and Wang Ze.

As a result, there must be some changes, and the responsibility for this change naturally falls on He Ming, the current captain of the Magical Team, who used to be the most frequent sixth man in Excellent Era.

To be honest, He Ming really didn't think that he could become the captain one day, but He Ming had no sense of happiness at all. Even meeting Shen Jian and Wang Ze here is just a comfort for him.

The original relationship between the three was just normal teammates. On the contrary, the downfall this time made their relationship even better~www.readwn.com~ The three of them would sometimes talk about their days in Happy, and after that the team fell apart, and they could only fight against entering Wind Howl. Liu Hao and Guo Yang expressed their envy. Especially Liu Hao, the current Liu Hao is already the main force of Wind Howl, and his performance in the eighth season is also very good, because Liu Hao's transfer is free, which makes the fans of Wind Howl feel like they are getting a big bargain.

In addition to them and the pastor Zhang Jiaxing, who returned to Thunder with Xiao Shiqin, they are also doing well in the arena. After eight rounds, Thunder now has 61 points. Ranked second, chasing the first round of reincarnation. It can be said to be full of momentum.

As for Sun Xiang, they didn't have any special feeling. After all, it was normal for a talented player like the opponent to enter Samsara, and they knew that this was something they couldn't envy. In the end, after Excellent Era dispersed the fire, they were the worst...


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(End of this chapter)

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