Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1148: Wei Chen starts

Chapter 1177 Wei Chen's First Release (Please subscribe, please recommend)

The three people in the Magic Team are very depressed now, but they are depressed, and now they don't dare to neglect in the slightest. After all, they are now in a weak team. If you accidentally lose a little more, you may be out of the game. You must know that they visited almost all the rest of the team before coming to the magic. But they all rejected them, and if the magic is out again, then the future they buy is really very slim.

This is why the three of them are working so hard now. Although he is only ranked 18th, he still has 21 points. This score is much higher than that of Mingqing and Linhai. In addition, they had an upset when they played against the Void team on the road just now. won the game 7-3. This is one of the unpopularities of the first eight rounds of Shaojian.

But this round their opponent was indeed Happy. Facing Happy, the three of them had very complicated feelings. He Ming might be a little better. After all, he had been used by Excellent Era to replace Xiao Shiqin earlier, and he had never experienced the pain of being defeated by Happy in the Challenger Tournament. But even though he had never experienced it before, the current Happy has his former captain Ye Xiu, who is also the team's absolute core player, Su Mucheng. Who wouldn't feel complicated in such a situation?

The complexity in Shen Jian and Wang Ze's heart was higher than He Ming's, because they had both experienced the Challenger Tournament, and they would be reduced to where they are now. Happy was definitely the culprit. They thought more than once that if Happy didn't exist, then they would return to the league as one or three All-Stars, and what kind of scene would it be then...

"We must not lose this round!" Shen Jian said on October 27, five days before the game, during a small gathering of the three of the Magic Team.

He Ming and Wang Ze didn't say much, they couldn't compare, no matter where they were, Ye Xiu would be a shadow they couldn't get rid of.

"It's a little difficult." Wang Ze said hesitantly. After all, Happy was actually ahead of them by more than ten points. There were also a number of All-Star players in the team, and it was really slim for them to win against Happy.

The most important thing is Ye Xiu. As their former captains, their strengths and weaknesses are very clear to each other. Just fighting in front of each other makes them feel like they are completely seen through by each other, which is not a good feeling.

"But now is the best time. Now the major media are raving about Happy, don't forget that they are only a rookie team, and a rookie will definitely have emotions similar to those of Sun Xiang before. character, and this is our chance," Shen Jian said.

He Ming and Wang Ze had a sudden feeling when they heard Shen Jian's words.

Indeed, although the other party's high-end strength is very strong, they are all genuine rookies, and these rookies also account for the vast majority of Happy. Especially Tang Yin, who is in the limelight now, touted one after another that they do not believe that the other party will not feel high. If they can add some leads, it's not that there is no chance.

It just happened that the day of the competition was the semi-monthly magazine of the e-sports media, and there must be articles about them. Take the time to let them see it inadvertently during the day, and the rhythm and some language lead to arouse their arrogance. It may be possible to disengage their cooperation. Hmm, that's a good idea.

It's a pity that half of their plans that day failed because they were away. But go directly to a hotel near their venue with a computer in the room, and they are all presidential suites. Not a single white head came out, and they had no chance to see them at all.

However, Shen Jian and the others have no intention of giving up.

In the competition venue, after the host introduced the players and roles of the two sides, the players from both sides began to shake hands with each other, and they would greet Ye Xiu, acquaintances like Su Mucheng, and they would greet each other, and it seemed that the atmosphere between the two sides was very harmonious.

As the current captain of Team Magic, He Ming directly began to congratulate the former captain for the combination that led the team to gain various attention during this period, and all the rookies who boasted of happiness during this period.

"The publication we read today is full of reports about you, but we are envious. By the way, have you read this publication? If not, I can show you this."

As He Ming said that, he handed Ye Xiu a copy of the e-sports era in his arms, and even folded it very thoughtfully where Xinxin reported.

Although they said that Ye Xiu and the others had already come over, they had no intention of rejecting them.

Seeing that Ye Xiu had taken it, the other magical team members also took out a copy and handed it to the Happy team members in front of them, saying, "It's too much trouble to read a copy, we still have it here."

"Wow, is your Magic Team's atmosphere so good? You all love reading so much?" Tang Yin was a little surprised. After all, it must have been influenced by the three Excellent Era, after all, they were the core. But then, not to mention the rest of Excellent Era, but as far as Tang Yin knew, neither Ye Xiu nor Mu Cheng were particularly fond of reading books. It's strange that I don't usually read other books besides e-sports publications.

"Where, it's all for the sake of progress." He Ming said humbly when he heard Tang Yin's question.

"This one is enough for us, and we don't really like to read these. So you should keep the rest!" Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Oh, who are we and who, we are all here, so don't be polite. Take it." He Ming said, and began to signal to his teammates. And the teammates also had a smile on their faces, and they all threw the books into Happy's people, and they didn't give them a chance to refuse at all. After stuffing it, he said, "See you in the game." He left.

"See you at the game..." Ye Xiu also waved his hand~www.readwn.com~ When Happy and the others came to their seats, the Magic Team began to pay attention to them, seeing that someone in Happy was bored and turned off the power. Jing Times felt that his plan had finally succeeded.

The competition also started very quickly. The first round was of course the individual competition. Players from both sides appeared on the big screen one after another. Xin Xing's side was the veteran Wei Chen, and his warlocks formed a formation against the wind!

As for Happy's move, the three of them who were celebrating the success of Team Magic's plan were stunned. They thought Ye Xiu would continue to start. In this match, their starter was Xiang Yuanwei from the Magic Swordsman. It can be said that they are the weakest. Originally, they wanted to have a wave of Tian Ji horse racing. Since the opponent started Wei Chen this time?


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(End of this chapter)

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