Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1149: abandoned son

Chapter 1178 Abandoned Son (for subscription, for recommendation)

Wei Chen can be said to be a real **** player in the e-sports circle, and his appearances this season are also very limited, but now it's time to let him play against Team Magic. What does this mean? Don't you think they're amazing?

In the face of this kind of contempt from the other side, the three of He Ming were a little angry. Although they said that they were a little down, but they were also from a wealthy family, and their team's results were not so bad that they came alone. To the extent that they can step on them a few times.

"Yuanwei!" He Ming called out to the opponent before Yuan Wei, their mortal player in this round, came on stage: "Grasp the rhythm, be as fast as you can. Hit hard, if you are inferior, you will delay the opponent's physical strength." He Ming instructed.

"Understood." Xiang Yuanwei nodded and nodded at He Ming. He was originally positioned as an abandoned child, but at this moment, he felt a sense of being in danger.

They plan to give up this session, so the choice of map is entirely up to Xiang Yuanwei himself. They also didn't offer any opinions, or in other words, when the opponent was Ye Xiu, any opinions were meaningless.

The map chosen by Xiang Yuanwei is the sky garden.

This is also the map that Tang Yin and Tang Rou often use, because the simple terrain can make them more concise captains, and the sky garden in this map is full of various beautiful scenery and colors. However, it is indeed suitable for occupations with more skills and shadows like magic swordsman.

After the map is loaded, the characters of both sides appear in the two corners of the map. After the game starts, the characters of the two people begin to approach the center of the garden.

And Xiang Yuanwei also obeyed the captain's instructions and didn't do anything fancy. Seeing the opponent's role, he went up to attack directly. And Wei Chen still continued his wretched style of play, this side just turned towards the other side aggressively, and when this side saw the other side rushing, he tumbled and hid in the flower pile beside him. The audience booed.

At this time, the director was still giving Wei Chen's perspective on the big screen, but now, in Wei Chen's perspective, he was cautiously raising his head, Yifan looked very wretched. This gets more from boos now.

After all, this is the home of the Magical Team. Although the Magical Team is generally popular, there are still some. When this kind of opponent is in all kinds of vulgar times, of course they have to support a wave of their team. For a while, the voices in the audience are polarized. One is for Wei Chen's shameless contempt, the other is cheering for the magical team, and even Others shouted for the referee to give the referee a red card and drive this wretched guy away.

After all, not attacking for a long time could be considered a foul, but now Wei Chen's ambush time was obviously not up to the standard for a penalty.

I had to admit that Wei Chen was pretty good at hiding. How could he hide, Xiang Yuanwei just couldn't find him. Little did he know that his character had run past Wei Chen's windward formation several times. But such a situation directly confuses the audience present, which is quite anxious.

But after all, this is only a one-on-one map, and it is not complicated in itself. Xiang Yuanwei couldn't find the target and simply stopped looking for it. He saw Xiang Yuanwei's magic swordsman Harris waving a short sword, and a flame appeared on his sword.

Flame Wave Sword!

The next moment, a raging flame like a huge wave rushed towards the sea of ​​flowers in this map, and wherever it went, it spurred a burst of scorched earth. And those originally magnificent flowers turned into ashes in an instant.

But Xiang Yuanwei's attack wasn't over yet. After the Flaming Wave Sword, there was another Earth Split Wave Sword!

And the ground beside him was directly blown away by the sword intent that he swung out of this wave that has the power to wave, tumbling, ploughing the just-burned place again, and directly emptying this place where he could hide, but still no Windward formations can be found.

Since there is no such direction, then he will change another cashback. Thinking that Xiang Yuanwei directly changed the character's perspective, it was another sword against another cashback.

Of course, Xiang Yuanwei didn't rummage about anyone, and the places he attacked could hide people. It wasn't until he attacked the third spot that he hit the flower bush that Wei Chen was hiding from.

Frost Wave Sword!

The ice waves, wrapped around the huge ice cones that pierced out of the ground one after another, rushed towards the windward defense line.

And this time Wei Chen finally moved. After all, the attack was already in front of him. If he couldn't move, he would be beaten. However, Wei Chen didn't plan to expose himself so quickly, and saw Wei Chen rolling directly into the distance. Although a little embarrassed, he really escaped.

There is no way to do this. The attack distance of the magic swordsman is also limited. After all, not all professions have the skills of the gunman system that have no distance limit in a straight line.

As for Wei Chen's behavior, the comments given by the audience are too treacherous!

However, Xiang Yuanwei is not stupid, and if he can become a professional player, he naturally has a certain level. These attacks of his are mainly based on temptation, and every time he attacks, he will pay attention to all the places on the field where he can hide. And just after using the Frost Wave Sword, before the Wave Sword ended, he clearly saw the flowers in front of it that had not hit it swaying.

Although Xiang Yuanwei is indeed weak in the Magic Team, and the number of times he plays is very limited, this does not mean that he is willing to accept the status quo. Since he aims to become a professional player, of course he also wants to break through. , so even if he was abandoned by the team, he was well prepared for this match, and even chose the map he was best at, and his goal was never Zhou Xuan, but to win, even if the opponent was Ye Xiu God too.

After discovering the anomaly, Xiang Yuanwei did not hesitate. Sword up! Lightning flashed on the sword, and thunder snakes surrounded him.

Electro-optic wave array!

Before the Frost Wave Sword was completely over, UU read www.uukanshu.com Xiang Yuanwei swung several thunderballs, and the range of the electro-optical wave array was just enough to cover. Several thunderballs appeared in the flowers just swaying. Above Yuanwei, it will automatically attack the windward formation in the formation. This time, Wei Chen couldn't hide anymore. Although he escaped from the flowers immediately, the lightning ball had already arrived and smashed him directly to the ground.

This scene made the magical fans present say, cool!

Finally hit this wretched guy, it's simply heart-warming!

For a time, the atmosphere in the auditorium was very high, but Xiang Yuanwei didn't think so. His goal is to win, and it's still far from it.


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(End of this chapter)

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