Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1153: Wang Ze's scheming

Chapter 1182 Wang Ze's scheming (please subscribe, please recommend)

The second round of the individual competition begins, this time the map is called Huangzhen 7.

Desolate Town is a series of maps with a total of seventeen battle maps. And the players who had nothing to do before found that splicing these seventeen sheets together is a completed barren town. After the player discovered this, the official also came out to clarify the player's guess.

After all, the whole deserted town is a map, not to mention the individual game, even the team game is obviously too big, so the designer distributed the maps of this series separately, and finally this integration is a new map, which is officially given to players. Little Easter Egg.

Among the series of maps in the barren town, the smallest one is the barren town 7 currently used by Wang Ze. It can be said that it is a very suitable map for heads-up.

Because before this, most of Mucheng played either the second or third position, so Wang Ze himself was targeting Mucheng, and everyone, as former teammates, what kind of play he was good at Mucheng at that time, the map also I know all of them, and this barren town 7 is one of the maps that Mucheng is good at.

And his purpose is not the same as the general purpose of map selection. Under normal circumstances, he chooses someone who is not familiar with the other party, so that he has the advantage of being familiar with the map. But this time Wang Ze did the opposite. He directly chose a map that Mucheng was familiar with, and the reason was very simple. He didn't ask how unfamiliar the opponent was with the map, but instead used the map that the opponent was familiar with to create a familiar style of play.

In this picture, the opponent's favorite style of play, as an old teammate, Wang Ze is still relatively clear. In this way, he can fight against Mucheng's style of play. Such advantages are more practical than some illusory map advantages.

The roles of both sides refreshed, and both began to move towards their goals. Wang Ze's current sharpshooter, Kasibiben, is a character provided by Team Magic. Of course, he can't compare with his previous character in terms of character attributes. For this reason, he has worked hard to adapt and adjust.

Wang Ze walked forward again and again, but the character's perspective didn't mean to stop at all, and soon fell to a sniper spot on this map, above the clock tower of the town residence.

The clock tower is the highest point of the map, and most of the map can be seen from there. But it's only most of it. There are all kinds of forked alleys in this map. These alleys and streets cannot be seen there, and the terrain is also very complicated and distorted. It can be said that it is very unfavorable for the gunmen. remote careers.

Especially for a gunner like Mucheng, the restrictions on this map are even greater. And the reason why Mucheng was good at this map was because she was forced out of it, and there was no way she could be the first gunner of Glory. The other professional players in the league would choose a map like this, if they played against Excellent Era, which restricted the Gunnery Master map, which would be all kinds of targets for Mucheng.

At that time, neither Mucheng nor Ye Xiu knew Tang Yin. Naturally, there was no way to deal with such a map, so they could only use the most primitive method, that is, practice, practice hard, and practice in a targeted manner. Accompanied by Ye Xiu, he practiced repeatedly, and in the end, he forcibly turned the map that was the least friendly to gunners into one of Mucheng's best maps. One can imagine how hard Mucheng was practicing at that time.

After burning Tang Yin and learning the air combat style. Mucheng complained about her life in **** in front of Tang Yin more than once.

Before he learned the air combat skills, Mucheng's first choice for this map was to occupy the clock tower, use a high base, and bomb the opponent with absolute firepower and art. This is his most commonly used saying,

After all, Wang Ze only debuted in the eighth season, and Mucheng only learned the air combat skills in the late season of the eighth season. After that, the air combat style of the challenge match was not used at all, so Wang Ze didn't have it when he used this map at all, right? Mucheng's aerial combat was included. But even if he remembered, he would choose this map.

After all, he is also a long-range professional, and he also has skills with a scope such as a sniper rifle. And Mucheng, who was in an unstable state of aerial combat, had many opponents even for gunners in the long-range. So now Wang Ze was thinking about what kind of play Mucheng would use to deal with him when his best play was not used.

After all, the two sides have been teammates for two seasons. Why did he choose this map? He didn't believe that Mucheng would not have doubts, and his intentions were also difficult to guess. Mucheng changed the familiar game. The law is certain. Now it's up to you to see what the other party is going to do.

For a while, Wang Ze started to analyze Mucheng in all aspects, from her habits to his preferences. In the end, he guessed a possibility. Although he said it was possible, Wang Ze was very informative about his analysis. In his opinion, he had thoroughly understood Su Mucheng's thoughts.

Control your character to travel around in the alleys. However, his tactical thinking became clearer and clearer, but even so, he would still look in the direction of the clock tower. After all, there were not many Mucheng who would go the other way and continue to use the original style of play. And the alley where he is now is just in the blind corner of the clock tower's sight. If Su Mucheng continued to go above the bell tower, then he wouldn't mind giving Mu Su Mucheng an unforgettable start.

Wang Ze himself was very satisfied with such a severe calculation of his own.

And at this moment, Mucheng appeared, and after a few bursts of hand cannons, a figure was seen. The clock tower was already waiting between the ups and downs, which made Wang Ze, who was originally moving, stop immediately.

Dare to continue to the top of the clock tower.

Wang Ze calculated the time in his mind, and found that from the time they refreshed to the present, Su Mucheng came directly to the clock tower without even hesitating.

This made Wang Ze cautious again. Since the other party can go to the clock tower without any scruples, is there any intention that he did not think of?

Although Wang Ze was very confident in his plan, he also knew Mucheng's strength and would never look down on Mucheng like Zou Yuan did. He knew very well that Mucheng would have a limited position in the professional circle, and that was all she could do little by little by her strength. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In his view, Mucheng would do this because there are only two possibilities.

The first is not to take her Wang Ze seriously, thinking that he can easily solve it, so he has long since.

The second is Wang Ze's plan that he had already guessed, but because he had some kind of reliance, he dared to appear so openly and wanted to lead the snake out of the hole.

Wang Ze knew very well that Su Mucheng was never a proud person. Even if his opponent was just a rookie in the league, Mucheng would go all out in the game, so the answer was obvious.

"Want to lead a snake out of a hole? It's not that easy!" Wang Ze thought.


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(End of this chapter)

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