Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1154: Mucheng's harshness and hard work.

Chapter 1183 Mucheng's harshness and hard work. (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

Wang Ze's plan was very simple. He knew very well that there were perspectives on this map that he couldn't see in the middle of the building, and Mucheng knew it very well. But those perspectives are suitable for attack, and he believes that Mucheng has never been familiar with it.

Because this map is not only bad for gunners, but also not very good for other long-range occupations. After all, there are too many winding alleys and corners. So no remote occupation will choose this picture. Naturally, Su Mucheng wouldn't think about how to play against ranged classes on this map. And this is his chance.

This is not Wang Ze's own guess. You must know that he made very detailed statistics for this match. The opponents Su Mucheng encountered on this map or similar maps were all close combat, not a long-range one. And with this data, it can be guaranteed that Mucheng never thinks from this angle.

And Wang Ze followed this line of thinking to plan and prepare for the war, and these are the trump cards that Wang Ze said before. Although they are not very cool, they are useful.

And just like Wang Ze's plan, the current Mucheng is above the bell tower. The target of looking around is the figure, but there is no need to look for it at all. At this time, Wang Ze has already taken out a big sniper, which is really a sharpshooter's 70th-level big move Barrett sniper.

Although in terms of long-range ability, the sharpshooter's attack is not as good as the gunner's, but the sniper rifle and Barrett are indeed exceptions. Ye Xiu has no distance limit for these two skills. But even so, Wang Ze's current position is not far from the clock tower. After all, although the bullet speed of the Barrett sniper rifle is very fast, it is not a display after all, and the sound speed is still limited, and it can still be easily avoided if it is too far.

And if the first shot was missed, wouldn't he reveal his position? The first shot of the sound is what matters.

In his hand, Barrett had already aimed at Mucheng on the clock tower, and in the tenfold optical scope of the sniper rifle, Mucheng's character was clearly displayed.

Gunshots! head shot!

But it did not trigger the stun effect. After all, professional characters are highly resistant to various attributes. Unless Tang Yin is a pervert, it is rare to have two or three stun or freezing effects in one round.

However, although there is no stun, the double damage is a real deal.

"Unfortunately, if this were in CS, the game would have ended." After the skill ended, he raised his sniper rifle and squatted down, ready to fire another normal sniper rifle.

But at this moment, the sound of a few small objects hitting the wall sounded, and the next moment a spark fell in front of him.

"Huh? This is..." Before the thought formed a problem, he just recognized this skill subconsciously, but as expected, when he looked up, he saw several missiles flying towards his position.


This loud bang resounded throughout the film, and Wang Ze, who was bombarded, was stunned. He knew that Su Mucheng was strong, but he didn't expect Su Mucheng to be so strong. Since the sound of Saita's Barrett sniper rifle attacked, the sound of After judging him, she threw out a lighter targeting thermal missiles before the sniper rifle shot her in the head.

This made the thermal missiles still launch according to the location of the lighter, even if Mucheng was headshot into a stun effect. This is what kind of listening ability. The most important thing is that his position is special. Logically speaking, if you want a lighter or a grenade, you shouldn't be able to throw it in, but this phone relies on the rebound between the walls and bounces to him. What's the situation? ?

When did Su Mucheng have this skill?

It's also sad that this old teammate Wang Ze doesn't know, because Mucheng's technique of throwing lighters is exactly Tang Yin's geometric thunder. Of course, Wang Ze doesn't know the skills in

Because of the bombardment of thermal missiles, he directly blew up the place where Wang Ze was hiding, exposing him to the firepower of Mucheng who ended his rigid state.

Then came Mucheng's condescending full-fire coverage attack.

And Wang Ze, who was familiar with Mucheng's attack rhythm and terrifying artistic cells, immediately began to operate the character to dodge, hoping to get to some bunkers soon to pass the fire perspective. Increase Mucheng's attack rhythm.

But these are all useless. Yes, he wants to enter that line of sight. Mucheng jumps out of the bell tower and uses aerial combat to avoid the view and continue to attack each time. When Cheng counterattacked, Mucheng returned to the clock tower with a flying cannon, and continued to bombard using the clock tower as a cover.

This back-and-forth arrangement made the dead corner of the original clock tower not exist, and also made Wang Ze feel despair under the fire of Mucheng.

Without dodging as cover and perspective, and with the opponent taking advantage of favorable terrain and long range, the current game can be said to have completely entered the rhythm of Mucheng.

In the face of Mucheng's various explosions called art, Wang Ze was completely desperate, because he found that he had no way to deal with such a situation.

Even talking about it was beyond the scope of his original script, which made him feel a momentary waste. He really didn't expect that just his voice would allow Mucheng to determine his position, and he even threw the lighter in front of him by relying on the wall.

Originally, his chance was to use two sniper rifles in turns, to hit one place for another, and to kill Mucheng with one shot at a time, but now he was chased by the opponent all the way.

And under Mucheng's style of play, where can he hide now?

Wang Ze desperately searched for his analysis of the map, but now he suddenly found that he couldn't figure out an effective escape route at all. Mucheng's attacks were everywhere, making him even more unable to find a way out.

But if he stopped, Mucheng's attack would return the next moment, and his health would only drain faster.

However, unlike Wang Ze's current overwhelm, where he has to hide in the face, the chance of launching a counterattack is relatively high. Where to use the equivalent skills to blast, these Su Mucheng have very clear countermeasures and experience.

There is such a thing as a trump card, Mucheng who abuses her with this type of image every day, why is there no possibility~www.readwn.com~ And the reason why she can suppress Wang Ze is also very difficult, and it is the most simple: familiarity.

You must know that Ye Xiu and Mucheng trained these maps before knowing Tang Yin, and training Ye Xiu had no intention of keeping her hands. As a textbook of glory, Ye Xiu directly let Mucheng experience the whole profession on this map with her. The feeling of fighting. By the way, Tang Yin used the shadow step to abuse her several times before, and it was also on this map.

It could be said that Wang Ze completely underestimated Mucheng's harshness and hard work towards him.

It can even be said that when Wang Ze chose this map, there was no suspense in this game.

In the second single match, Happy won.


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(End of this chapter)

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