Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1158: New team honeymoon period ends

Chapter 1188 The new team honeymoon period is over (please subscribe, please recommend)

This is when everyone saw the steamed bun in the smoke, with a Tyranny halo on his body. It was only after everyone realized that it was the fifteenth-level skill of a boxer, with steel and iron bones.

Reinforced Iron Bone is a skill that increases defense power and has a Tyranny effect. Even if he doesn't change his career as a boxer, some fighting players will pull this skill to one or two levels, mainly for the effect of his Tyrant body.

After all, the career change of the fighting department, except for the advantages of qigong masters, is in melee combat. Having this skill has a good effect on them getting closer to both sides. And Baozi also learned this skill, and when the other party blew him away, he used steel and iron bones.

Then he resisted the opponent's big move, and started with a net.

Net of Heaven and Earth: Launch a net to the enemy in front, which can damage multiple enemies and put them into a bound state, and can pull them in front of you. When attacking a restrained enemy, additional damage can be added. Even if the enemy does not enter the bound state, the damage increase effect always acts on the enemy who is concentrated by the net. The maximum number of times the damage increase effect can be stacked is 2.

And if Tianluodiwang does not have Tyranny, or because some specific skills enter the invincible frame, they will be captured. He obviously wasn't in a situation where he wouldn't be caught.

He was dragged in front of him by Steamed Bun, and the oncoming one was a slap in the face. Because of the restraint, He Ming didn't even have the strength to avoid it, and was sent into a dizzy state.

Then Baozi took advantage of the dizziness, and directly used the poison. The effect of the skill is to apply poison to the weapon, and then the attack will add a poison attribute attack. After being poisoned, it is a one-time damage, not persistent. Ignore defense.

Then there was a numbing needle, which put He Ming, who had just broken free from the dizzy state, into a paralyzed state again. With the blessing of the previous poison application, the damage of this blow was still very good.

But Baozi's attack still didn't help. Seeing that Baozi directly protected He Ming, who was still paralyzed, the whole role was a backward one, and a back fell on the iron bridge directly threw He Ming to the ground, and then directly held He Ming down, right. Just a few punches in the face. It is the Overlord Lianquan!

After this attack, Baozi directly chased back the burst damage He Ming just hit. The only pity was that the most lethal last punch of Bawang Lianquan was dodged by He Ming with a substitute straw man.

Substitute straw man: When attacked by the enemy or fall to the ground, you can use the straw man to teleport to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

He Ming was also a little stunned by the series of sudden actions of Baozi. Although Baozi's play style was strange, the effect was very good. He was caught off guard by beating He Ming.

Now He Ming doesn't dare to sing at will, and counts the instant magic attacks.

"I'm going to lose to such a newcomer? What a joke!" He Ming was a little scared. Looking at his blood volume, He Ming's spirit became more and more concentrated.

All kinds of magic rushed towards Baozi, because and because the stand-in straw man opened the distance between the two sides, this time it was Baozi's turn to be suppressed again. This time, He Ming finally showed his strength. Successfully use skills to force the buns to move.

But even with Blast's advantage now, He Ming still didn't pay attention to Steamed Bun's actions very cautiously. Every attack operation was very coordinated, fully reflecting his Glory professional experience over the past few years.

Mo Fan of each department blasted out one after another, first the flame missile, and then the dark night flying shadow.

Night Flying Shadow is a low-level dark skill. Although his attack speed is not fast and his lethality is not strong, as long as he hits an opponent, it will give that person some strange state.

He Ming's main game is not the dark system. He only has one level of skills with control effects left, but level one does not affect his skill effect. The buns that were hit directly forced the buns to turn behind him.

Although this effect only changes some of the opponent's perspectives, in a sense, facing away from the opponent is no different from being blinded. It is the opponent's field of vision, and the next attack direction cannot be determined.

Even if Baozi changes the perspective at this time, the rhythm should be half a beat slower. But now He Ming's attack rhythm has been formed. There is a huge gap in between.

And Baozi now has a lot of Wuxia Amon, and the first time the angle of view is turned is a tumbling. But Baozi's actions were all He Ming expected.

The power of the elements!

During Baozi's brief perspective shift, He Ming used the first-level skills of this elemental mage.

This is the slowest one of the 24 floating skills of Glory, because it needs to be chanted for occupation. But at the same time, it is also the only long-range floating skill among the 24 floating skills, and his floating judgment is very special. As long as he starts singing and the targets are within the range, there is no way to resist. It can be said to be a skill with equally obvious advantages and disadvantages.

Because of his singing, he made his move very slowly, but because he was an elemental mage's floating skill, the effect was quite domineering. At this time, even if the steamed buns rolled, the reverse of the roll was still wrong, and it was too far out of the attack range of He Ming's elemental power. , the result is that he was lifted into the sky by the power of the elements just after the roll.

Magic confinement!

A magic chain was thrown from He Ming's staff, directly binding the buns. However, the magic confinement is not the character's movement ability, but the skills. He makes the spinner unable to use any skills with magic damage for 4 seconds.

You must know that rogues have various strange effects because of their skills, and these effects are counted in the spell damage. This caused most of Baozi's skills to be sealed, but He Ming's attack still did not end.

Lightning Purgatory!

Thunder Purgatory: Light spells, fast chanting, fast attack. The time between each of them is not too tight, but as long as one of them hits ~www.readwn.com~, a barrier will lock into the character and guide the next few thunders to automatically chase.

He Ming began to chant as soon as Baozi finished separating, relying on this skill to sing the fast characteristic, Baozi had no chance to escape at all. He was directly hit by one of the thunderbolts. Then there is the tracking attack that counts to the Thunder. Second, this gave He Ming another chance to attack.

And the audience watching this game is very excited, there is no way, there are too many reversals in this game. The players on both sides directly cracked each other's combos back and forth, so that the blood of both sides were bitten very close.

Obviously, Team Magic had researched everyone at Happy. After eight rounds of the new team's honeymoon period, they had also researched even some inexplicable style of play like Steamed Bun. And now He Ming's advantages are slowly increasing.


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(End of this chapter)

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