Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1159: The progress of the buns

Chapter 1189 The progress of steamed buns (for subscription, for recommendation)

Fortunately, the time of magic imprisonment was limited, and Baozi quickly recovered. Just as Baozi replied, He Ming faced an ice wall again. Baozi's style of play was too sudden. Facing Baozi's way of playing, he had to use a skill to think about it.

It's no wonder He Ming was careful. Although they had all done detailed research on Happy's players, Captain Steamed Bun's brain circuit still made them a little unpredictable. It's a bit like Wang Jiexi's style, but the error rate is too high. This is also the reason why He Ming can easily suppress the steamed buns now.

But in this game, Baozi's play style was very effective and precise, which made He Ming a little uncertain for a while. In the face of the steamed buns that he asked himself to suppress again, He Ming did not dare to act rashly.

After all, he had never seen Baozi's series of plays, which made He Ming unable to deal with it for a while. In case the advantage that had just appeared was lost again, although He Ming used the ice wall again for the first time, giving himself a time to observe.

But this time, He Ming's ice wall was no longer closed around him in all directions, but erected in front of him. Just hungry to prevent what happened before.

And because of the existence of this ice wall, it was impossible for Baozi to attack He Ming directly. If the steamed buns detoured, then it would be fine. The king of Qin always had an advantage in running around the column in front of him. After all, the other party's route is under their own guidance, and it is also very convenient for the other party to be yin.

And this is obviously very clear to Baozi, he punched directly on the ice wall, as if he wanted to forcibly break through.

But this time, He Ming was not in a hurry, after all, his HP advantage was here.

After just consuming more than 20% of Baozi's blood volume, he still has 40% of his blood volume, which is close to one-half of the gap, which is his advantage.

But after that, how do you maintain your advantage? Look at the ice wall that is about to be broken by the steamed buns. But his role still has no intention of moving.

"You can't run away this time!" This was another sentence from Baozi, but when he broke the ice wall, He Ming was no longer on the opposite side.

And Steamed Bun also wanted to jump back as expected, then turned around and assumed a defensive state.

But this time Baozi didn't turn around when he was electrocuted behind him.

This made the steamed bun, who jumped back and turned around in mid-air, be directly chopped down.

At this time, the audience present was stunned.

To be honest, although this game is fierce and fierce, they really don't understand very much.

Because from his God's point of view, this match gave people a very strange feeling. In many cases of glory games, they were fighting each other and changing skills. But when one side is outputting like now, the other side has no chance at all, and it feels strange to want to play a turn-based game.

But Tang Yin and the others knew that it was all because of the steamed buns. Steamed buns are unpredictable. It made He Ming unable to deal with it, which made it difficult for He Ming to find a chance to counterattack when the buns attacked. In the end, after he had almost finished a set of skills, he would have time to escape with skills such as teleportation.

Second, this also shows the progress of Baozi's consciousness, and now he has more and more effective operations. And there are fewer and fewer invalid operations that make mistakes, which leads to this situation, and this is what Tang Yin and the others want to see. With the improvement of bun technology, his ability to judge some battle situations is also improving.

As a result, when Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were still reassuring in the audience, Baozi made this move.

I just broke the ice wall here and found that there was no one on the opposite side. No need to guess that the other party is using teleportation. Of course, it is safest to roll directly at this time. As a result, Steamed Bun jumped back, as if he said to He Ming who teleported directly behind him: "I'm here, Come and hit me."

Of course, He Ming agreed that it was a light magic that could be released quickly.

And the feeling of Baozi's action is as long as, is this making him court death?

Tang Yin and Ye Xiu also supported their foreheads, and sure enough, Baozi still needs to improve. Forget it, let's go step by step......

The two of them can only comfort themselves like this, after all, the progress of the buns in this game is very obvious.

Seeing that his character was shot down by the opponent's light attribute magic, Baozi also reacted at this time. He seemed to be playing too happily, a little too much, forgetting that the opponent can still attack.

And his previous back jump was indeed a bit too casual and taken for granted.

However, although the audience felt that Baozi was courting death this time, He Ming himself was quite nervous. He really feels a little scared by Steamed Bun's inexplicable style of play. If this gives him the opportunity to make another wave, he may really capsize in the gutter.

He was also worried that the opponent's back jump would be another strange skill to start. For safety, he directly chose the light attribute magic with less attack power, but with a fast shooting speed.

And it turns out, nothing.

His skill Lightning directly penetrated Steamed Bun Invasion. Seeing this scene, He Ming was relieved. But rest assured that does not mean that he will relax. On the contrary, He Ming seized this opportunity immediately, and all kinds of large-scale magic unfolded, which was a burst of indiscriminate bombardment at the steamed buns. In this match, Baozi was never given a chance. He Ming had to ensure the rhythm of his skills even if He Ming directly attacked some attacks that could be resisted.


Seeing Baozi's rapidly dropping blood volume under his indiscriminate bombardment, He Ming felt an unprecedented sense of urgency in his heart. It's like if he can't take his opponent away in this wave, he will take him away. Even if his blood volume clearly has an advantage.


In the end, the game ended when these two words appeared on the screen, and He Ming felt a sense of relief at this moment. Even though he had a lot of embarrassment in this game, they all won in the end, and he still had three points. One of the blood volume, this result is not bad.

As for Baozi, although this game failed, he couldn't see any disappointment in his league. In addition to shaking his head and sighing, the direct failure is a little depressed. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is now a professional league, otherwise, based on the performance of this bun, he will definitely pull the opponent to play another game. If the opponent is not big, the bun will ask the opponent on the grounds that he is timid or stingy. What constellation is the wave of the other party?

However, Baozi's character is really suitable for playing games. He can reflect on the mistakes of the game, but he will not affect his mentality because of the failure. This is Tang Yin and the others are very gratified.

Fang Rui, who had a smug look on his face, made his teammates feel relieved when they saw it.

"Come on, Mo Fan! Hurry up!" After greeting Baozi, Wei Chen said to Mo Fan, who was about to play silently again.

Mo Fan: "..."


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(End of this chapter)

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