Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1209: ultimate caution

Chapter 1240 Final caution (please subscribe, please recommend)

Now the two sides are six-on-four, while the field situation is five-on-four.

But even if it has reached this point, the people in the void still have no intention of giving up. As soon as the guardian arrived on the battlefield, he began to frantically restore blood to his teammates. They directly raised their blood volume, and Void also wanted to take this opportunity to make a last-ditch effort!

But just when Li Xuan and the others in the void charged aggressively towards Happy and the others. Xingxin and the others ran away without any nostalgia.

And it was all evacuated, even Dancing Rain, who was on the watchtower, quickly evacuated with flying cannons.

The current form advantage has always been in Happy's body. After adding Tang Yin and Ye Xiudian, they can retreat as much as they want. There is nothing in the void.

And Happy's retreat direction is also very clear, that is, on the other side of the map, the closest replacement area to them.

That's right, after discovering that Void's treatment was on the scene, Happy and the others began to go back to find their own treatment. It can be said that no chance is left for the void.

To say that at the beginning, Xingxin directly traded healing for output, and then went all out to fight for the watchtower was an extremely crazy and bold decision.

Well, now that Xingxin has the upper hand, he feels a little worried about gain and loss. Even if he already has the advantage of two heads, he still goes back and exchanges his own treatment at the first time.

At this moment, Void's heart is cold. They want to chase after him, but due to the limitation of Tang Yin's sniper rifle, freeze, flash and other grenades, they can't catch up at all. Not to mention that there is Su Mucheng in the sky who will help from time to time. Even Ye Xiu would secretly set traps on their way. That's really annoying.

Seeing the backs of everyone in Happy getting farther and farther away, the shadows in their hearts became more and more intense.

After a while, everyone in Happy had arrived at the replacement area, and Baozi directly replaced An Wenyi with himself. And when everyone in the void saw An Wenyi's little hands cold, they no longer had the will to fight, because they knew that the game was over here...

10 to 0! !

With Happy's victory in the end, a brilliant 10-0 appeared on the big screen, and the audience was boiling at this moment!

Happy once again scored 10-0. This was the second time after Misty Rain that Happy had scored 10-0 above a strong team. And now, no one could question Team Happy's strength. After all, if you question it again, you will really feel uncomfortable. No matter how stupid you are, now Happy has won four 10-0 in the past few rounds. How dare you say that this is luck?

And now the audience is even happier, they all stretched out a palm and waved this. And the meaning of this is very simple, it is five.

You must know that Happy has won 10 to 0 more than this period of time. It has already won some before, which means that the current Happy team has won 10 to 0 five times.

You must know that the current Happy is nothing but a new team. Most of the team members are new players. But such a team has achieved results that many giants have never had.

But just as Happy's fans were feeling excited, Happy was the first to win five 10-0s this season. while celebrating each other. There was news from another arena. The Samsara team also won the Righteous Slash with a score of ten to zero. And this is the fifth time they have won 10-0.

At this moment, there is a sense of adversity, and even some Happy fans are starting to get tired of reincarnation, after all, if it wasn't for their troubles. Happy is the first.

Although Happy was just a rookie, his fans were already looking at Samsara with hatred. This shows how powerful Happy is in their eyes now. Regardless of Happy's strong performance in the standings during this period, Happy did have the confidence and deserved such a title.

After all, after Happy lost to Tiny Herb in the eighth round, Happy started their winning streak. From the ninth round to the fourteenth round, they won all six rounds, and four of them were 10-0. The other also ended with a domineering score like 9 to 1.

At the same stage, Samsara's results were 10-0 three times, 9-1 twice and 8-2 once. Just looking at the points obtained by both parties, Happy was even above Samsara.

Not to mention other teams. During this time, all kinds of news were chasing after Happy, not to mention Happy's supporters. Now, no one in the Glory circle dares not to regard Happy as a team. Wu's new team looked at it.

But the original Happy fans were a little flustered now, and there was no way that Happy's achievements were now farther and farther from what they had hoped for. At the end of the fourteenth round, Happy is now in the top spot with a score of 97, and now has taken the sixth place.

But compared to Happy, the Void team is a little bit lower. After all, the score difference between the two sides was not even close, but after this round, there was a gap of ten points, and now Void has directly fallen out of the playoffs. area, to the ninth place.

This can be seen from the faces of the players in the void at the press conference. After all, what kind of good mood is there when no one is beaten by the opponent with a score of 0 to 10? But they didn't blame anyone. To be fair, although they didn't perform well in this game, they still had a lot of good points, but even if they played well, what's the point?

Like their most-used post-match commentary: our performance was good, but the other side was better.

If I had to say something specific, it would be the bitter masters of the void, and Su Mucheng's restrictions on them were as strong as ever. It brought them a lot of trouble and trouble during the battle, and after that, the strength and understanding of the two Captains of Happy came about. There was absolutely no chance for them to come back.

But the most important thing is the opponent's tactics during teamfights, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Happy started boldly and ended cautiously today. Make full use of the home field advantage.

"We did not lose this time. We look forward to the next confrontation between the two sides." This was Li Xuan's last speech at the press conference.

In this match, Happy's battle against Void can be said to be quite clean. And the Samsara team that also won 10-0 with Happy was even more relaxed and comfortable.

Not only them, but the traditional giants like Tiny Herb, Blue Rain, and Tyranny, all scored 9-1 in this match. Coincidentally, in this round, the strength of their opponents has a certain distance from them.


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(End of this chapter)

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