Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1210: 14 rounds over

Chapter 1241 The end of the fourteenth round (please subscribe, please recommend)

Compared to Void, Baihua's situation is much better. He now has 83 points, just in eighth place in the standings. As for Misty Rain, who had also been beaten 0-10 by Happy before, this time the result was not bad, and now the points have also reached 78, and they are now ranked tenth. It's not impossible to enter the playoffs now.

The eleventh is Team 301, since Xu Bin moved to Wei Chen. The results of 301 were not very satisfactory. In this round of away games against Miracle, Miracle won 7-3.

And Miracle, a team that debuted at the same time as Happy, didn't perform as perverted as Happy. But after all, Excellent Era had poached three players, and now their total points are fifty, ranking fourteenth. The tracking of new teams in the past is a good sign. And this kind of performance really got him a lot of attention.

But this is also compared with the new teams in the past. Overall, their attention and attendance are still very limited. That is, Guo Shao has attracted more attention. After all, he is also a relatively good rookie this season.

Huangfeng, a team that was stronger than Excellent Era in the past and the era of creating a dynasty, can now be said to be completely sinking. In this round, they were beaten 1-9 by Tiny Herb. 12th in the standings. Don't look at the rankings, it looks good, maybe there is a possibility of entering the playoffs, but their total points are only 58 points, although they are the twelfth, they have more than ten points with the eleventh 301 gap. Not to mention the playoffs.

Thinking back to the first season, Team Royal Wind was the team that competed with Excellent Era for the championship, and given the circumstances at the time, most people were more like the Royal Wind at the time. But it is such a team, and now it has been reduced to such a point.

But let's think about it, even Excellent Era, who had won three consecutive championships and created a dynasty, was out. In this comparison, the imperial style was quite strong. At least they still have a lot of advantages against the teams that are out of the zone.

The two teams out of this round are Mingqing and Linhai, one with 27 points and the other with 23 points. Now the two of them are almost locked in the last two. Because even Zhaohua, the third-to-last, now has 41 total points.

It can be said that there is no suspense about the outgoing team this season.

Mingqing is actually not surprised in this exit area. After all, this team repeatedly jumps between the exit area and the non-exit area every year. But it's a bit surprising that the Linhai Club has fallen to the current level. You must know that they are a team that has had all-star service until retirement. Although it is said that it has not been a big player in the playoffs, it is still a very stable team among the mid-tier teams.

But such a team completely declined after Zhao Yang retired.

After all, Linhai's resources are too limited. After Zhao Yang retired, they have no funds to support or recruit an All-Star. So I started to go the civilian route. There is even a chance that they want to sell the all-star character of Boundless Hai, and replace it with resources to improve the overall strength of the team.

But in the previous transfer period, they did not sell Boundless Sea after all. And now that the fourteenth round has passed, they even lost to Qingming, a difficult brother, and became the bottom of the 20 teams in points.

As for the match between their brothers and sisters, even the press conference after the game became so deserted, and the number of reporters present was very limited, which led to more opportunities for some reporters to ask their own questions. Among them, questions about the future plan and direction of the Linhai team are the most frequently asked by reporters.

But in the face of these problems, Zhang Lintao, the current captain of Linhai, is also very confused. He just took over as the captain, but the team has achieved such results, which makes him hesitant for a long time and can't say anything.

That's the cruelty of competitive sports, when you don't get the grades you want. Facing the possibility of saying goodbye to the stage...

However, these are not what Glory fans care about now. What they care more about is always winning the giants in the playoffs, or even a championship.

As this round was televised, the most-watched game, Wind Howl, played against the Thunder at home. In the end, the Thunder continued to rely on their tactical cooperation in the team game, and finally won the Wind Howl with a score of 4-6. It can be said that this round of Thunder completely relied on their five-point advantage in the team game to reverse the game in one fell swoop. Even during the live broadcast, the camera captured the scene where Wu Howl captain Tang Hao kicked a mineral water bottle off his seat after the teamfight. It is conceivable how much he played this game suffocated.

The current Tang Hao almost wrote his dissatisfaction with this game on his face.

I scored two points in the individual competition, and even more in the ring competition, it was such a gorgeous attacking team competition with a 4-1 advantage. In the end, he was directly defeated by the Thunder in his own home game.

Does the Thunder have a star?

There is indeed, after all, Xiao Shiqin is the ceiling of the Glory mechanic and the four Glory tacticians. An All-Star in its own right. But when Tang Hao met him in the ring match, he was completely unable to win any chance of victory in Tang Hao's hands. So Xiao Shiqin and Tang Hao really didn't care about this person at all. It was like he always thought that Su Mucheng was a vase.

The result was such a team that he didn't care about at all. In their whistling home court, on the map they chose, they couldn't find the north.

"This is a shame!!" Not only did Tang Hao feel it, but he even expressed it directly and unabashedly in the press conference after the game. However, Tang Hao was angry~www.readwn.com~, but he didn't call and blame any of my players on his own team for making mistakes. He just expressed his strong indignation at the fact that they would lose to Thunder this time.

That's right, in Tang Hao's eyes, Lei Ting is still the team with weak players. Even if Lei Ting was third in the standings in the thirteenth round, he still didn't change his mind. What a strong team the Thunder are.

"If losses like today are repeated and repeated, then we really don't know what we are going to use to compete for the final championship!" Tang Hao said.

That's right, this season, Tang Hao's goal has never been to enter the playoffs. His goal has always been one. That is the championship!


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(End of this chapter)

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