Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1227: Depressed Wei Chen

"Um...then what...can we be re-elected?" Seeing the look in his boss's eyes, Wei Chen felt a little guilty. After all, Chen Guo Xingxin's identity as the ceiling of the food chain was here. As he spoke, he beckoned Baozi to find some tape. I would like to make amends.

"The boss said that we have to wait until tomorrow to remove it. Today is Christmas Eve, and tomorrow is Christmas." Baozi said what he just learned, and the other side has already gone to find tape.

"There's no door, this is yours, don't even think about changing it!" In the end, Chen Guo couldn't hold back and chose to violently suppress Wei Chen. After all, the present gift box wrapping paper has already been torn like this, and I still want to stick it back with transparent glue. Can you see it?

And now, watching Wei Chen innocently play out Chen Guo with a big headrest holding a small mica also thought it was quite funny.

"This one is yours now. It can't be changed!" Chen Guo finally emphasized again. I was ready to see Wei Chen's aggrieved appearance holding this little mica headrest in front of everyone.

However, Chen Guo had underestimated Wei Chen's lower limit and his psychological endurance.

After seeing Chen Guo's firm attitude, Wei Chen didn't pretend to be pitiful anymore, he smiled very relaxedly, put the pillow on his chair, and sat on it. In the end, he curiously asked Tang Yin and Ye Xiu what their gifts were.

"We don't know yet, so we're not in a hurry to pick." Tang Yin said.

"Old Ye didn't pick it? Why is it so elegant?" Wei Chen looked at Ye Xiu in surprise.

Ye Xiu was silent. He actually wanted to demolish it first, but now Chen Guo was looking at him fiercely. He promised that if he dared to do anything wrong, Chen Guo's fist would not be merciful.

"How about we pick one first?" Ye Xiu probed a little.

"Forget it, you choose, I'm too lazy to care about you. Don't let Tang Yin choose!" Chen Guo said helplessly, two of them had already come over, so there was no point in her insisting. But in the end, the plug-in Tang Yin was disabled.

Hearing that Chen Guo was no longer insisting, Ye Xiu also took one.

At this time, Wei Chen had already stood up and came to Ye Xiu's side and asked, "Look what it is."

Ye Xiu ignored Old Wei and wanted to take a look at Chen Guo after confirming that his life would not be in any danger. He just started to unpack his gift box. And Baozi saw that Ye Xiu, the boss, had taken it apart, so he started to take out the gift box he had taken before. Tang Yin chose a gift box with a small mica and a fat group without ink, and opened it.

And just when Tang Yin and the others started to unpack the gift box, Tang Rou and Mu Cheng were walking into the training room together. You must know that the girls in Happy are now at the level of girlfriends. Even Tang Rou and Chen Guo spent more time in the same bed than Tang Yin, which made Tang Yin very jealous.

But also because of this, they also knew about Chen Guo's Christmas gifts, Tang Yin and the others didn't know what was in it, but of course the beauties who rolled the sheets together every night knew. But it's also strange because I know them. According to the plan, shouldn't the opening of gifts start tomorrow? Why did Tang Yin and the others start opening gifts now? This was completely different from Chen Guo's plan.

"Er... Guoguo, what's the situation now?" Tang Rou and the others asked.

"Don't mention it, it's all been ruined by Wei Chen, so you can choose directly," Chen Guo was still a little depressed.

At this time, Tang Yin had already taken the lead in opening the gift. He had four pet clothes, which he had prepared for Little Mica and Pang Da. Two dresses each, one in Santa style and one in New Year's style, especially for the New Year's party, and a lion dance hoodie of the same style.

"I can have this, I just wanted to buy it these few days, thank you, Sister Chen!" Seeing the gift, Tang Yin couldn't wait to pick up Pang Da or dress it up, and Tang Rou also came to help, she dressed Little Mica . Then a little cutie in the style of Santa Claus appeared in front of everyone.

Needless to say, little mica is very cute in any clothes. Before the All-Stars, in order to increase the fun, let's put the mascots of the mascot teams in the All-Stars rankings. As a result, when everyone found that Little Mica was among them, the number of votes for Little Mica was like the current Samsara team. The same, oh no, it's more terrifying than the current Samsara team. Even Zhou Zekai, who is the most popular now, was thrown out of 5,000 points by Little Mica. And there are many Zhou Zekai after it, but Blue Rain's Husky Happy.

No way, ever since Happy beat Huang Shaotian, its popularity has skyrocketed. Blue Rain fans of course like their stupid cute mascot, and his opponent Tiny Herb sees it just for him. The angry husky directly filled his favorability. Some of the non-main players in the family didn't support it anymore, and they all gave the votes to Happy. Not to mention the daily dismantling of Happy's house after that, and the happy engine after that. There are countless fans in the glory circle.

As for mica leading the whole process, it is simply because of the beauty of the sky~www.readwn.com~ that kills the players in seconds. And the official just found that the momentum was a bit uncontrollable, and left to list them separately, otherwise the All-Stars would be slaughtered by the mascots of the major teams.

But now Xiao Mica and Pang Da are rarely cute after wearing a sail. Pang Da may be a little fatter because he doesn't have the normal amount of exercise for huskies, but this shape gives people a more stupid and cute feeling. . And now the little mica was lying on Pang Da's head and tilting his head. And Panda also squatted and looked at Tang Yin.

Even if they stayed with them every day, everyone in Happy was so cute at this moment. Even Tang Yin took out his camera and took a picture. This will be his mobile phone and computer wallpaper for a while.

Tang Yin did it here, and Ye Xiu finished it. But after he took out his gift, he said happily: "This can be done, the boss broke the defense."

When Wei Chen saw Ye Xiu's gift, he ran to him and said, "Old Ye! This old man will exchange it with you."

"Haha." Ye Xiu pointed at the giant sword without hesitation, and was playing with a lighter in his hand. It was the kind of lighter with a flip cover and a crisp sound. And Chen Guo's reliance was very high-end. Don't look at it, Ye Xiu and Wei Chen were the only ones in Happy who could smoke. It was obvious that the two of us had prepared this gift, but this time Ye Xiu just picked it up. And now Wei Chen is a regret. Why don't you listen to your boss...


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