Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1228: Wei Chen is desperate...

"Speaking of which, what did you draw, Old Wei?" Su Mucheng and Tang Rou asked curiously.

Wei Chen stepped aside a little depressed and let them both see his little mica pillow.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Yifan's gift to be chosen by you. Hahaha..." Tang Rou and Mucheng laughed. As the two women who had **** with Chen Guo during this period of time, of course, Know who Chen Guo gave this gift to.

Some time ago, because Yifanzhi was the sixth man because he wanted the opponent's Thunder, Tang Yin still thought of a way to play in adversity. And this play is based on Yifan. This caused Yifan to double his training volume during that time, and Chen Guo questioned that these two Yifans often had limited backache. So I bought this pillow for him. There is also a massager in this pillow.

"You really know how to pick." Su Mucheng said, but considering Wei Chen's age, in terms of function, he could also use this pillow. But looking at the situation, they also knew why Chen Guo had canceled her original plan. After all, what happened now was clearly beyond Chen Guo's control. This was also the reason why Chen Guo was depressed now.

But in the final analysis, this kind of thing is mainly a kind of intention, and it is not so important to convey the intention to other things. The most important thing is always the atmosphere. It's just a pity that Chen Guo has worked so hard to choose a gift that suits them. of pain.

You must know that the gifts here are not only from Tang Yin and the others, but also from Chen Guo from other departments of Happy to prepare gifts, even the Internet cafe network manager, one can imagine the gifts that Chen Guo prepared for everyone during this period of time. How much have you paid.

But now it's pointless to say these things, and saying it will only make Wei Chen feel guilty. It may even affect the scope of everyone's happiness now. So Chen Guo didn't say anything.

"Did you send gifts today? Huh? Old Wei, is this the gift you chose? Hahahaha...it's perfect for you, hahaha!" At this time, Zhang Jiale also came in, and was curious to see that everyone was choosing gifts. He asked a question, and anyone saw Wei Chen's little mica pillow, which was completely unrelated to his style.

"Don't talk, because there is a lighter in it. Hurry up and choose, and I will replace it with you. Don't you want to get a massager during this time?" Wei Chen directly pulled Zhang Jiale over, expecting him to Pull out the same lighter as Ye Xiu.

"Um...Old Wei, you may not have a chance, because I opened it." At this time, Tao Xuan took out a lighter from a gift box and said.

"Tao Xuan? Not so much here? Don't care! I'll change with you!!!" Wei Chen immediately approached Tao Xuan, who had appeared beside them at some point, and was about to hug Tao Xuan's thigh.

"Don't think about it, I won't trade with you. Don't forget that I also smoke cigars," Tao Xuan said with a smile. After finishing speaking, she waved her cigarette lighter to Chen Guo and said, "Thank you boss!"

Wei Chen: "......"

"No! You're not from our team! You don't have the right to choose gifts!" Wei Chen suddenly noticed a key point and said.

"What you said, I've signed a non-disclosure agreement with the boss, so I'm considered Happy. Of course, I have the right to choose gifts." Tao Xuan threw a trick in his hand with a lighter. It looks kind of like that.

"No..." Wei Chen was desperate...

"But when did you come, Mr. Tao?" Tang Yin asked curiously, he didn't find out when Tao always came.

"Me, I came here with Mo Fan." Tao Xuan said and pointed at Mo Fan next to him. This time everyone in Happy was shocked. Because none of them noticed the guy. And now Mo Fan has opened a gift box with a voice recorder inside.

The voice recorder, this is the perfect match for Mo Fan, who doesn't like to talk... Everyone in Happy exclaimed.

Wei Chen saw that there was no goal of his own here, so he turned his attention to others. Seeing that Xiao Tang was also starting to unwrap gifts, he turned his eyes to Tang Rou.

"What have you been driving, Xiao Tang?" Wei Chen asked.

Tang Rou opened the package, but her gift was more popular, it was a very beautiful music box.

"Is there nothing suitable for me?" Wei Chen said depressedly.

"I'm right!" This is Baozi getting up and saying, waving his gloved hand as he speaks. With exposed fingers, it looks cool. If you add a few hooks, it will be exactly the same as Baozi's hooligan profession.

Now, Chen Guo's original plan to let everyone find the direct gift through the clues she left was completely ruined. After that, An Wenyi and Chen Guo directly told that the gift belonged to them, and Yifan who had already taken the gift from Wei Chen was himself. Randomly selected one, which is a thermos-only cup with a display of the temperature in the cup.

But it was quite interesting. After all, Chen Guo was not only preparing the team members, but also those from other online game departments and technical departments. Chen Guo bought the gift directly from her recruit. It's just that she put all the gifts here now.

Although she said that her painstaking efforts in choosing gifts were a bit of a waste, but now that everyone is so happy and happy, she won't be happy and disappear. After all, the purpose of Chen Guo's gift to everyone is to make everyone happy~www.readwn.com~ Now that everyone is happy, there is nothing wrong with this. Everyone is happy.

However, because there were other departments, Chen Guo called them to the team's training room to choose gifts when it was time for work.

When Wu Chen and the others came over to unpack the gift, everyone couldn't help but feel happy. The only thing that was more disappointing was Guan Rongfei. He belonged to the kind of person who was dragged and dragged by Chen Guo. Even when it comes to choosing gifts, there is still a look of reluctance. Very casually took a gift and left, and went back to work without even opening it.

As a result, after everyone has chosen, there are still two last gifts on the Christmas tree.

"Huh? Isn't it right? I bought gifts based on the fact that there are too few people?" Chen Guo looked at the extra gift box strangely.

"Are there any of us who haven't brought gifts?" Chen Guo asked curiously. According to the number of people, she should be the only gift left, but now there is one more. But all the success of the Happy Club came, even if it was Guan Rongfei who only appeared for ten seconds, Chen Guo saw him go out with his present.

"It's normal, if you don't pick the last one, it's not too boring." Tang Yin said at this time.


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