Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1263: This is just 1 game.

Indeed, just as Wei Chen had imagined, this time it was not an attack, but an assist. when they watch out for an attack. Jiang Botao's Wulang has quietly returned to his original position, and even appeared in an excellent attacking position.

When he saw the position of his own vice team, Du Ming immediately grasped it. He played a trick that Wei Chen had just used, deceived the opponent out loud, and while attracting the opponent's attention, he passed the sandbag to his own vice team. .

Everyone in Xingxin, who found out that they were tricked, wanted to focus their attention on Wulang, and subconsciously began to move. Although everyone in Happy moved quickly, the sandbags without waves were thrown faster! But instead of attacking, he passed the sandbag to Wu Shuang Gouyue again. This is that the displacement skills of everyone in Xingxin have not yet ended.

On the other hand, looking at the reincarnation side, it went from being overwhelmed to being subtly coordinated, all of which changed in an instant. When Wu Shuanggouyue was about to throw the sandbags out, everyone in Xingxin reluctantly finished their skills and started to move again, especially the steamed buns directly in front of Wu Shuanggouyue. But Wu Shuang and Gouyue didn't attack Wei Chen, but threw it at Wulang's Miguang.

This change made Tang Rou even more so, and Luo Ji was even more in a hurry for a while. Fortunately, because there was still a certain distance between the two sides, he was forced to avoid it. As a result, he had just avoided it. He followed the path of the sandbag and found that Cruel Silence had appeared beside him in an arc flash. Just grab the sandbag and attack Luo Ji again!

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】


This time Luo Ji really didn't jump, and the evasion just now was his limit. Now his skills are stiff and he has come over before the sandbag is over. He really has no way to do this.

Fortunately, because Wei Chen received a sandbag in the windward formation at the very beginning, Luo Ji didn't have to go down because he lost a life this time. But Samsara's offensive won't end there. Cruel Silence also remembered that Happy still had a life. So when he threw out the sandbag, he was ready to bring it back.

Because of the sandbags that are directly hit, the defender cannot pick them up. So Luo Ji could only stay away from Cruel Silence as soon as he was hit, but he was one of the slowest-moving class Summoners in Glory. How could it be possible to escape the brutal silence of a professional assassin?

This cruel silence has already picked up the sandbag, Luo Ji's ignorance has just run a few steps, and Wu Qi's cruel silence has attacked Luo Ji again without mercy. But just as he was about to throw the sandbag out, a figure was already in front of him, and then an extremely clear brick appeared in his field of vision, and quickly counterattacked. Don't give him a chance to reflect at all, just hit him in the face!

Wu Qi only felt that at that moment, his screen was dark. The brick was shouting directly at his head, and it blocked his view very well, and it was obviously impossible to avoid it at such a close distance.


The bricks of the steamed buns were very cruel to Wu Qi's face, and even Wu Qi in front of the screen was palpitated. After all, Wu Qi himself was too late to withdraw the order to throw the ball, and now that he was attacked by the opponent again, he wanted to avoid it. For a while, it was a bit chaotic.

This results in poor accuracy and strength of the sandbag. It even gives a feeling of lightness and powerlessness.

"Old man smiled!" Wei Chen laughed loudly, striding forward to catch the sandbag. After all, as the first generation of opportunism, Wei Chen certainly would not miss this opportunity.

"I won't let you succeed again!" Du Ming's Wu Shuang Gouyue had already arrived at this time, but no matter how hard he sprinted, he still couldn't reach Wei Chen's full circle, so Du Ming jumped up directly. The sword edge shook.

return air.

That's right, this time Du Ming was a level 75 ultimate move. This skill can swing a sword qi countercurrent in the void. After receiving the effect of this skill, the sandbag started to turn in the air as soon as it was accepted, and once again attacked Du Ming. float away.

"Not bad, boy. You're learning very quickly." Of course Wei Chen wouldn't just let the duck he got in his hand fly away.


A purple light flashed, and then several slashes appeared in the void. Track number? The return route of the sandbag that was interrupted in the morning has no intention of flying towards him at all. But Wei Chen wasn't worried about that. After all, the cutting technique had only one attack.

But Du Ming was surprised. After all, he couldn't wait for the sandbag to fly back, and immediately began to manipulate the character to **** it. Even if you can't get it, you can't let Happy's guys pick it up.

But no matter how fast the character's displacement skills were, they were nowhere near as fast as the skills that were already being released. Just as Du Ming rushed over to grab the sandbags, Wei Chen attacked the sandbags one after another with precise cutting techniques, changing the position of the sandbags.

But when Du Ming rushed to the position he predicted, the cutting technique of the last blow missed!


You know, don't look at the return wind style as a level 75 skill, but the speed of the sandbags that can be pulled back is very limited. It is difficult for a professional level player to mop at this speed. But the other party made a mistake. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com What is the situation? What conspiracy is the other party doing?

"Oops! Is there something wrong with this mouse? Is it a malfunction?" Just when Du Ming was surprised, Wei Chen's voice sounded. And Du Ming rushed towards the sandbag again immediately. The result is that this is a dark shadow flashed. The sandbag has disappeared into the air.

This angered Du Ming, he directly slashed towards the black shadow, but the shadow's speed was quite fast, and it was also very flexible. With the sandbag, he walked to the side of Xingxin's Summoner Miguang, and it was still holding the sandbag in his mouth.

And this is also prompted again by the system. Xingxin once again got a chance to nullify the opponent's attack.

Looking at this system message, Du Ming even had a feeling of being tricked. He picked up his weapon and was ready to slash towards the wind.

"Calm down, this is just a game." Jiang Botao said when he saw that Du Ming's mentality was a little broken.

Yes, this is indeed a small entertainment game, anyone can play it, after all, it is also a matter of Tu Yile. But Wei Chen drew Samsara's contrived posture at first, which really made people uncomfortable. So Samsara loose people want to slap each other in the face.

But now it seems that some of these. Wei Chen's understanding far surpassed them.

This made them unable to help but complain, who said that the elderly are slow to accept new things!


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