Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1264: 0 distance

"Du Ming, you attack directly, leave the sandbags to me and Wu Qi!" Jiang Botao made a decisive change. From the point of view of the game, Wei Chen is indeed more difficult to deal with, but in terms of player strength Completely different. And now he is about to exert the individual strength of their reincarnation. Attack diversion, sandbag lore.

"No problem!" Du Ming was quite supportive of his deputy team's plan and agreed directly.

This is where Luo Ji had already thrown the sandbag, and the place where Luo Ji threw it was of course the most inconvenient place for everyone in Samsara to pick it up. After throwing the sandbags, everyone in Happy left and started to take their positions, ready to meet the opponent's next attack.

But now the reincarnation has completely sunk the heart. Jiang Botao and Du Ming controlled the characters to a position where they could suppress everyone in Happy. But they were not in a hurry to attack. Wu Qi had already gone to pick up sandbags. This time, the reincarnation was not in a hurry, but was looking for an opportunity.

"Pretend to attack Wei Chen!" Jiang Botao said, and there was no need to say much about the execution of the Samsara team. Before the words could be heard, Du Ming had already slashed towards the wind in three stages. However, Wu Qi, who had a sandbag, started a detour on the flanks. The movements of the two were very stable. Although Du Ming was already close to the windward formation, he still hadn't launched an offensive. On the contrary, it looks like the front of Yifan is forbidden to pass.

In this game, you limit the opponent's activity space, which is equivalent to limiting the opponent's evasion. And if the other party wants to forcibly break through, it will give them a chance to kill the sandbags in seconds. It is precisely because of the limitations of the rules of the game that it is impossible to fight against how the attackers should receive.

And Wei Chen really didn't make any unwise move, relying on Du Ming to stop him directly, he turned his head and changed direction without hesitation at all. But Cruel Silence had already touched Wei Chen's side, but Wei Chen didn't seem to notice.

"Do you want to lure us to attack again?" Jiang Botao did not immediately let Cruel Silent attack, but observed Happy's current position. And his role was also shrinking inward, echoing with Du Ming and the others, with a faint meaning to wrap Wei Chen in it.

But these are all just feints. Jiang Botao has made it very clear from the very beginning. To put it bluntly, these are all foreshadowing for the next attack. As for the target they really want to attack, Jiang Botao hasn't decided yet. Even if the timing is perfect in the end, it is impossible to feint the main attack.

Everything had to be based on Happy's response to their pressure.

"Force up!" Jiang Botao continued to say to Du Ming. And Du Ming also directly pretended that the swordsman Wu Shuang Gouyue followed up, this time directly attacking the windward formation. And the result is just as they expected in advance, as the defender. Wei Chen had no intention of entanglement with them at all, and immediately started to retreat.

"You little bastards, do you want to persevere with this old man. The old man doesn't like men." Wei Chen said **** as he retreated.

"There's no way, who said that the threat of senior is so big?" Jiang Botao said,

"You're still a kid who can talk. I like to hear that. Hahaha!" Wei Chen once again praised Jiang Botao for his speech. It's just that last time he had launched an attack before he finished boasting about Jiang Botao, but this time he didn't. Instead, an oblique insertion came directly, and Jiang Botao, who was originally Feng Yingfeng's retreat, had completely changed his intention after this oblique insertion.

Ice Creation Wave Sword!

This is a skill that no opponent can ignore, and the target of this skill is ignorance.

"Hey guys, you guys are playing around with each other!" Wei Chen said as he prepared to go to support. But this is Du Ming's Wu Shuang and Gouyue, but he has already killed him and won't attack, but it just prevents him from supporting Luo Ji.

And the cruel silence with the fastest moving speed is also an instant speed up. All kinds of speed-up skills were used, and in an instant, the distance between him and the ignorant light was greatly shortened, and then the shadow clone technique!

You must know that in addition to confusing opponents, this is also a low-level skill similar to teleportation, which is why almost every Anhei player will have one blood, and the cruel silence in the final sprint directly uses this skill, and in his After using it, he did come to Luo Ji's side in an instant.

Although it was said that such a sudden change happened, Luo Ji had experienced it once before. But this time he was still in a hurry. After all, he also avoided Jiang Botao's sudden ice creation wave sword, and as a result, the assassin with the sandbag had already killed him. And now that the distance between the two sides is almost zero, how can he hide from the sandbag?


Cruel Silent smashed the sandbag directly on Luo Ji's body, directly eliminating the chance that he had been caught by Luo Ji's summoned beast. When the sandbag fell, Luo Ji had already started running in one direction, but this time Jiang Botao had no intention of giving him a chance. UU reading www. uukanshu.com and Luo Ji's current intentions are also understood by him.

In the game of throwing sandbags, whether the sandbag hits the opponent or the sandbag is caught by the opponent, it has actually interrupted the attack of the attacking party, so the attacker in this game cannot hold the mentality of only hitting once, and In addition to hitting the opponent, it is also possible to connect the next offensive.

And Samsara chooses the method of connecting the offensive is very simple, that is, the sandbags thrown from near zero distance like now. And the principle is also very simple, that is, before the sandbag that hits Luo Ji, it will be picked up before it hits the ground. Attack Luo Ji again.

On Luo Ji's escape route, Jiang Botao, who had been inserted obliquely before, was already stuck here. It perfectly blocked Luo Ji's movement. By the time he thought about it, it was too late. Cruel Silence was already facing Luo Ji's back with another sofa. As for Luo Ji, who was hit twice, this time, Samsara was sent off the field cleanly.

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Hurry up, Samsara's attack this time is really too fast, it's not Wei Chen. Not even the buns responded. And by the time they turned their perspective to Luo Ji, Luo Ji had already been sent off by the second round of beanbags.

Yes, this is just a game, but this outbreak alone shows the strength of the Samsara team!


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