Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1266: Happy's plan

At the beginning of the game, Happy's scattered people started their offensive very aggressively at the beginning, while the three of Samsara's side were still taking their positions. At the same time, they also paid attention to the sandbag in Wei Chen's hand. After all, they had already learned how cunning this guy was in the last round. And now that the other party has the big killer of sandbags, God knows what crazy things he will feel.

"Look at the move!" Wei Chen shouted while attacking.

The three Samsara were preparing to avoid the opponent's attack when they realized that the opponent's sandbag was not thrown at them.

"I want to frame us again!" Du Ming said, but his angle of view turned immediately, and he followed the path of the sandbag. It is found that the current sandbag has been in the hands of Baozi Invasion, but the place where Baozi is located is not a good attack position. How can he attack or transfer the sandbag?

But no matter what Baozi planned, they were always on guard against Baozi.

But the steamed buns were not handed out by the contestants. Instead, they held the sandbags and gathered directly with the other two of Happy.

What is he going to do?

This time, even Jiang Botao didn't understand it. After all, in order to maximize the efficiency of the sandbags in this game, the three of them had to stand in series, so that they could receive the teammates' sandbags as soon as possible without wasting time. But now that the three are together, what is the difference between that and one person?

Are they planning to confront us directly?

While Jiang Botao was still thinking about what the three of Happy's intentions were, Wei Chen's Yingfeng formation and Luo Ji's ignorance had already begun to sing their skills.

Miguang was singing the summoning magic, so they were not in a hurry, but what Wei Chen was singing made them very uneasy, because what Wei Chen was singing was the 70th-level ultimate move... Death's Gate!

But it was also the first time that he saw such an arrogant chant, singing directly in front of them?

The threat to them from the Gate of Death was self-evident. The three Samsara couldn't just sit still. Jiang Botao rushed forward first. The wave power surged above the broken sword, and a ground fissure wave sword slashed out, trying to interrupt Wei Chen's singing. .

As a result, in the face of Jiang Botao's attack, Steamed Bun directly blocked Wei Chen's body, blocking the Earthshatter Wave Sword with his body.

Of course, the damage from this blow was taken, but it was only a small skill before level 20. The bun didn't care at all. He took the brick in one hand and the sandbag in the other, and charged directly at Jiang Botao.

In the face of buns with sandbags, Jiang Botao can only choose to temporarily avoid the edge. After all, in this game, who will take the sandbags?

But Wei Chen's door of death must be interrupted. But Jiang Botao had no chance to interrupt Wei Chen, and now this task can only be entrusted to Du Ming and Wu Qi, but both of them are close combat occupations. As soon as they launched a charge, they found the side of everyone in Happy. Has been surrounded by summoned beasts. He directly protected Wei Chen, who was at the back.

This is Jiang Botao's discovery of the difficulty of the opponent's lineup, which he had never thought of before. This and some professional advantages are so great.

If nothing else, a swordsman, assassin, who is usually a sharp professional, has a very limited role in this game, especially on the defensive side. After all, you are a melee professional attacking sharply, but if you dare to come over, the opponent will dare to attack. Please leave the stage with the sofa bag,

In addition to sandbags, there is another thing that they all ignore, but can have a great impact on the duel, and that is control skills!

And Wei Chen's warlock was a master of the control department in the 24 classes of Glory. Even the most easily overlooked summoner has become troublesome in this game, and the reason is very simple, because the opponent's summoned beast army can compress the opponent's activity space to the greatest extent, and even because of the spirit beast, it can also receive and throwing sandbags. Their attack range is also greater.

A Warlock, a Summoner, Jiang Botao just discovered that these two professions in this game are simply the strongest support for the sandbag, a one-hit-kill item.


Jiang Botao had already realized their disadvantage. Although Du Ming and Wu Qi were still going strong, even if they really asked Wei Chen to give up the chanting of Death's Gate, they would have already fallen into the other side's summoned beast army at that time. in the siege.

In fact, not only Jiang Botao, Du Ming and the others also vaguely discovered that the situation was not right during the flying of swords and daggers. Du Ming even used his ultimate phantom invisible sword directly, and the huge sword light harvested the life of the summoned beast. But it couldn't interrupt Luo Ji, who was still singing.

The current Luo Ji has completely ignored the problem of skill consumption, let alone the cooling down. He simply summons whatever he can, because they have a one-hit kill item this time. As long as there is a chance, they can directly Take the other person alone.

In such a situation, the use of the Phantom Invisible Sword is obviously a bit sloppy. After all, the stiffness after the big move is unavoidable.

And such a big stiffness, in this one-hit-kill game, is absolutely fatal.

It's a pity that Du Ming's skills are so fast that Jiang Botao realized that it was too late. Up to now, he could only just watch Du Ming kill the Quartet in the Summoning Legion. Until the last sword cut. Du Ming's character entered a state of rigidity as promised.

Sandbags appeared, even a little earlier than Jiang Botao expected. But how can he help now? As for Wu Qi, there is nothing he can do right now, because Wei Chen is using all kinds of control skills to control him to the death.

After all, in this game. Warlock's control is the most can not ignore. If nothing else, if he hits a six-zhang light prison at this time, then he will rely on the laughter to hit GG.

The sandbags hit Du Ming without any obstruction, all his teammates saw it, but there was nothing he could do.

Du Ming's side had just been sent out of the arena, and Luo Ji would summon the army to concentrate on Wu Qi's cruel silence.

This is Happy's plan. Warlocks rely on skills to control the field and create attack opportunities. The summoner relies on the summoned beast to move the opponent now, increasing the position of attacking and receiving sandbags. Finally, Baozi is in charge of the sandbag. In this way, all three of them can have a strong threat ability. And these are the pairings of their reincarnation that do not have.

This time they lost on the player team!


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