Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1267: I will definitely attack you

This was the difference between their Samsara and Happy. The current situation was his Earth Splitting Wave Sword, and the opponent Baozi completely dared to use his body to resist. But none of them dared to touch Wei Chen's control skills on the other side.

Although Happy's lineup had no advantage on the defensive side, when they were on the attacking side. It completely shows the horror of it. If, as Baozi said in the last round, the two sides could have a head-to-head confrontation with real swords and real guns, then they do have an advantage, but in this game, and they are still on the defensive, that makes Jiang Botao feel Only powerless...

Cruel Silence was also surrounded by Luo Ji's summoned beasts at this time. Assassin himself focused on single-target damage, and he was desperate when faced with many summoned beasts. There is not even a chance to escape now, but this is not the worst. What made it even worse was seeing Wei Chen using control skills on him, but he couldn't even hide much.

And this is not the worst, the worst is after being controlled. The steamed buns who were forcing Jiang Botao to turn around immediately turned into a total of sandbags. Seeing the sandbag coming, he couldn't even move, so he ended up in a generous way. And Jiang Botao watched all this happen, in addition to being powerless, he felt powerless.

In just a short opening, Happy took down the two opponents, although their offensive was not as ferocious and fast as the previous round of Samsara. But this feeling of powerlessness that leaves no hope is even more painful.

Jiang Botao looked at the time less than a minute and already knew that they had lost completely.

"Anyway, I'm the only one left, don't you plan to fight with real swords and guns?" Jiang Botao laughed and started to learn the steamed buns from before.

"Okay!" Hearing a PK fight, Baozi jumped out first.

"Well, put the buns on, give me the sandbags first." Wei Chen said.

Hearing Wei Chen's words, Jiang Botao's heart skipped a beat. After all, Wei Chen's unrestricted personality said that he wouldn't make a sneak attack, and he probably wouldn't believe it himself.

"Don't worry, we Happy are keeping our promises," Wei Chen said.

Jiang Botao was a little surprised to hear Wei Chen's words. Could it be that this guy has changed his nature?

"I will definitely attack you, so feel at ease!" Wei Chen added.

Jiang Botao: "..."

This is indeed a promise, and the sneak attack has been brought to the table. Can you not keep the promise?

But Baozi didn't mean to think more about the other party's front, carrying a brick and killing Jiang Botao's magic swordsman. As for Wei Chen, he kept his word, and controlled all kinds of harassment on the side. When an opportunity for the opponent to escape, he directly sent him out with a sandbag.

"It's done, let's withdraw!" Wei Chen said, looking at Jiang Botao, who was sent out of the game by the sandbag, with a light expression on his face.

The last two rounds unexpectedly took less time on Happy's side, so Happy won.

"I just said I would end your winning streak." Wei Chen smiled proudly.

"Senior, you are really..." This time, even Jiang Botao, who is very good at communicating with others, could not find a word that could be used to chat with each other...

At this point, the preliminary round of hot-blooded dodgeball is over, and then the four winning teams will draw again. Finally, assign the opponent. And just as Jiang Botao expected. The game that Glory designed this time had a huge professional advantage over Happy's coming to power, even the other two professional teams Tiny Herb and Magic couldn't compare. In this regard, Happy won the last two rounds very easily and won the first All-Star victory the next day.

In addition to the first day, Happy had already won the first victory in two days. If Happy can be the first to stage in the All-Star match on the third day, and Ye Xiu maintains his winning streak, then this time, at the All-Stars held by Tyranny, Xin will have won all the first victories. Thinking of this gimmick, the media was a little excited for a while. There was no way. Happy, a team that just debuted, really gave them too many surprises. Speaking of which, this is just the first time the other party has participated in the All-Star Game.

"Champion!" Wei Chen, who won his first victory, announced loudly on the stage.

"Is there a trophy?" Baozi looked at the host and host next to him with an expectant expression on his face.

Host: "..." An entertainment game with the audience, do you still want trophies? The host was speechless for a while.

"This... is not..." the host said.

"Is there no trophy... Is there a gold medal?" Bun was depressed when he heard that there was no trophy, but immediately asked about the medal.


"Certificate?" Baozi continued to ask, still a little unwilling to give up.

"Uh... Thank you very much for the wonderful performances from the audience, our five teams, and fifteen players." The host took the lead in applauding, and quietly began to slam the three of Happy off the stage.

Hot-blooded dodgeball is one of the most active activities today, and it adopts the elimination system, which will inevitably lead to the problem that the duration of this game will be too long. It can even be said that this one game can replace the duration of the average three games. But if there is only one game, this time the All-Star Game will be somewhat monotonous, so at the end, a two-man three-legged race is added.

Looking at the two games selected by Tyranny, we can see that Tyranny has always emphasized the main "team combination" of their All-Stars this time. Because whether it's a hot-blooded dodgeball or two-legged three-legged, teamwork is the focus of these games.

It's a pity that the all-star-level classic partners that everyone is familiar with still haven't appeared, and everyone can guess the reason. This allows the audience to look forward to the final day of the all-star matchup while watching today's interesting game.

At the end of the two-legged trip, it is the traditional program, the professional player challenge. This kind of competition is usually the organizer's professional players who come out to accept everyone's challenges. And what Tyranny sent was their older rookie Qin Muyun.

Qin Muyun can really be said to be an older rookie. In the past, because of Tyranny's Four Heavenly Kings, his sense of existence was very thin. It didn't show up until the playoffs. Moreover, the player's strength cannot but be reflected in the data, because the play relies on the movement to limit and contain the opponent, which cannot be reflected in the data.

Qin Muyun was in the game, but it was indeed Tyranny Captain Han Wenqing who selected the audience. After all, there are many Tyranny fans at the scene, and which Tyranny fans don't want to be drawn by their own captain?


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