Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1270: pre-match team

"Okay, let's take a look at the grouping of the All-Stars this time!" The host was desperate. Straight to the next stage of the topic. As for the rest... the destroyer, hurry up.

However, although the host had a badly played expression, the atmosphere of the audience came to a climax again.

After all, who is with which team among the All-Stars has always been the topic that everyone is most concerned about. After all, after many rounds of competition, the major teams have also played against each other one after another, so everyone who fights against something seen in the league.

And now the biggest highlight of the All-Star is who will join forces with whom! After all, these All-Stars are the treasures of each major team, and it is almost impossible to transfer, let alone say anything about having the opportunity to fight side by side. But All-Stars can pull together some of the All-Stars that everyone usually loves. This kind of experience is the only one for all-stars!

And this All-Star Weekend, will those All-Stars get together again? So Glory fans are looking forward to it. At this moment, all eyes are focused on the electronic screen. The results of the grouping will also be announced at this moment. And this season was different from the previous season when Ye Xiu fought the dragon. In that game, the players already knew their teammates, but this time everyone didn't know who their teammates were next.

First shown is Team A.

At the beginning, Zhou Zekai, Sun Xiang, Jiang Botao, Lu Boyuan, the four players of Samsara, and then the characters they used.

After all, the All-Star grouping will avoid separating players from the same team.

And it is also the first time in the league to have such a domineering lineup with four All-Stars like Samsara. There was no team that could directly compete with them in terms of numbers. After all, even Blue Rain, Tiny Herb, and Happy only had three All-Stars.

Then everyone's eyes turned to the right half of the electronic screen, because the list of team B would appear here.

The screen started to scroll, and several players and the feel they were using appeared on it. However, the names of the players appeared, but the audience was filled with all kinds of weird expressions.

Han Wenqing, Zhang Xinjie, Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng.

! !

? ? ? ?

Two are Tyranny players, and the other two are Happy players. The first release of four people is also to equal the number of people who have passed the other one. But these were not the main reasons for everyone's surprise. The main reason was that Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu were assigned to a group.

The people present didn't expect that things like the announcement of the list would be gradual, step by step? Why did it come up today, but it was such a terrible news, and it was impossible to straighten the audience directly.

Han Wenqing, Ye Xiu?

Ten years of rivals, but now they have to fight side by side? The organizer is going to do something!

At this moment, the heads of countless people began to crash. There was no way. The current incident is too far beyond their cognition. An apparently impossible thing has now been realized in the All-Star game.

You must know that in the past, in order to increase the confrontation of the game, the old rivals like Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu, the two mortal rivals, Tyranny and Excellent Era, were divided into two teams, but this time, in the all-round competition hosted by Tyranny In the star game, they put the two of them on the same team and made them teammates with each other, which...

Some don't admit it, but it's not a loss to Tyranny, it's really super brave!

Although this decision is very interesting, it is somewhat unacceptable to many Tyranny fans, and there are even some scoldings. But this kind of thing must have the participation of the organizer, which means that such a result is even the intention of the Tyranny team. But even if it was the team's decision, these Tyranny fans didn't mean to follow blindly. After all, this guy Ye Xiu is the mortal enemy, their eternal enemy. This setting must not be changed!

But insisting on this view is only part of it, and most of them think this arrangement is very interesting. Tyranny fans find it interesting, not to mention some non-Tyranny fans. In their opinion, it is definitely the most exciting game of the All-Star Game in the past two years. Ten years of opponents, once become teammates, if they can appear in the team competition, what will happen? The more I think about it, the more curious it is.

For a while, all kinds of sighing emotions were confused on the field, and some people even thought that Tyranny had put Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu on the same team, and it would be impossible to put Blue Rain and Tiny Herb on the same team. !

It was a pity that Yu Wenzhou, Huang Shaotian, and Lu Hanwen of Blue Rain were assigned to Team A, while Tiny Herb's Wang Jiexi, Xu Bin, and Gao Yingjie were assigned to Team B. This division is more common. After all, it has been divided like this for several seasons, and there is absolutely no surprise that Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu are divided together.

But this is normal. After all, it is possible to ensure that the two sides are close in strength. If one side is obviously stronger, what's the point?

After Blue Rain and Tiny Herb, Tang Hao and Liu Hao from Wind Howl were assigned to Team A, while Yu Feng and Zou Yuan of Team Hundred Blossoms were assigned to Team B. This was for some confrontational arrangement. After all, Tang Hao was born in Baihua, and Liu Hao was Ye Xiu's former department. On the other hand, Yu Feng on Baihua's side was Blue Rain's former member. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

And seeing this, everyone began to regret, why did Happy's Zhang Jiale, Yi Zhan's Sun Zheping and Tyranny's Fang Rui, Lin Jingyan not make the All-Star this time, otherwise we will divide it like this, that scene is actually a gibberish ?

Thinking of Zhang Jiale, Sun Zheping and the new generation of Flowers and Bloody Scenery are like this. From the scene, Fang Rui, who successfully transformed into a qigong master, and the former No. 1 gangster, joined forces to avenge the Whistling Team who abandoned them. ......Tsk tsk, this kind of picture is exciting when you think about it.

It's a pity that the audience can only think about it, who said they didn't make the cut this season? This idea is also destined to become their regret.

After these few were divided, the next two were the two ghosts of the void, Li Xuan and Wu Yuce, who were assigned to Team A. As for Team Misty Rain's Chu Yunxiu and Li Hua, they were assigned to Team B. Tang Yin showed four people at the beginning, but the second time showed that he was behind Mucheng, and the last Xiao Shiqin entered. A team.

Looking at the display screen where the teams had already been divided, the audience was a little excited for a while, but even though the teams had been divided up now, what everyone discussed the most was the fact that Ye Xiu and Han Wenqing were going to fight together. It can even be said that compared with these two, other assignments are so dull.


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