Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1271: grab a spot

After the electronic screen revealed the team lists of both sides, Tang Yin and the other All-Stars were divided into two rows on the battlefield.

And some of the highlights set up by the organizers are also based on what players and fans want. As far as the organizer or the league is concerned, it doesn't matter who is on the team for them, just like Ye Xiu's answer when he was asked, "Who do you want to cooperate with?"

Both teams have 12 players each, and use the most regular season. It happens that everyone plays once, and everyone has the opportunity to play. After the roster is confirmed, the two teams that have been assigned personnel also go to the temporary preparation seats specially built for the two teams. And from now on, they are two teams!

"Okay, now the players of both teams have entered their respective players' seats to prepare, then come to us and wait for a while, and when they arrange their respective lineups, the All-Star match will begin immediately!" The host said passionately.

"This year's All-Star lineup is really an alternation of old and new. Director Li, for the current lineup of both sides, what order do you think the two sides will play?" "All-Star Weekend is the most popular event for Glory, and the TV station has always It will not be missed, it is even one of its key points. And the stage where the all-stars gather, it seems that it is the highest level of glory. And the commentary of such events has always been Pan Lin and guest Li Yibo.

"Uh... In fact, in the competition grouping every year, there is a crucial allocation, and that is the team where the healer is located. After all, when the team battle has a lot of points, the healer is the best in the team battle. Guaranteed." Li Yibo analyzed.

"That's true. The All-Star has only had Zhang Xinjie as a healer for several years." Pan Lin nodded in agreement with Li Yibo's analysis.

"Yes, it can be seen from this that the A pair that has no treatment now should have a more violent lineup in the most critical team competition. And the B pair will build a team that can make full use of its healing ability. A balanced lineup to ensure your own advantage. In this way, you will be better than A in terms of odds of winning. As for the single-player match and the ring match, it depends on the performance of various players." Li Yibo directly said a lot, each of which It is an explosion, and it is a balanced noun. But that's not to mention the names of any professional players.

There is no way to name this kind of thing after all, the risk is too much. Li Yibo, who had already been slapped in the face by Happy, didn't want to capsize again. So let me explain it in a more general way, so that even if there are some discrepancies, it can be rounded up at that time.

With Li Yibo's somewhat scheming answer, Pan Lin, his old partner, certainly wouldn't try to expose him. Then the two of them turned their eyes to the broadcast flower.

"Huh? Something seems to have happened on Team B's side, there seems to be a dispute?" Pan Lin suddenly called out as if he had discovered something.

"Hey, is there a dispute over Team B? Director, Director." Pan Lin suddenly exclaimed.

When the director heard the commentary, he immediately shot the camera to the player seat of the B pair. But because there is no device installed to accept voice, I can't hear what is being said over there.

"Well... have you sent someone to see what's going on?" Pan Lin called out. After all, if the All-Stars quarreled with each other, it wouldn't be a trivial matter.

"Wouldn't it be Ye Xiu and Han Wenqing arguing?" Li Yibo looked at B's direction, and found that one of the quarrels seemed to be Ye Xiu, so he directly said the biggest possibility. But what made him strange was that although everyone seemed to be targeting Ye Xiu, they all felt daring to speak out. Tang Yin was flipping a coin up and down beside Ye Xiu.

"You guys are just trying to save trouble. Only one of them wants to play singles, and the other wants to fight in the ring! It's too naive. You should be in the teamfight position! And Xiaoyin, don't underestimate the All-Stars, this is a game, Hurry up and put the coins away!" Tiny Herb's Wang Jiexi was confronting Ye Xiu with Tang Yin.

"What's wrong with me in the ring. If nothing else, who of you won two points in the ring with me? It's better to lock three points here!" Tang Yin said without tossing a coin.

"Not to mention, I've won 17 games in a row head-to-head. The first one on the field can definitely show momentum, stabilize that share, and suppress the opponent's arrogance. Are you sure you can cooperate with my loose people in teamfights? What? It's called naive, Wang Dayan, please explain to me clearly." Ye Xiu also said **** for tat.

The other two players of Tiny Herb started to shrink their necks. Of course they all knew Wang Jiexi's nickname, but few dared to say it, even Tang Yin was not qualified to call it, but now...the two of them He could only secretly watch the reaction of his own captain.

However, Wang Jiexi didn't have much reaction to this, so he simply looked at everyone directly: "Then let's vote directly and agree to raise our hands for these two guys to play in the singles match."

"What kind of vote is this? Don't tell me that Wei Chen's decisions are made by voting." Ye Xiu said.

Ye Xiu and the others are arguing here, but everyone else is locked their necks. After all, these two are great god-level figures. Who dares to interrupt their quarrel? As for Tang Yin, UU reading www.uukanshu.com this guy was tossing coins just now. Most of the people here know Tang Yin thoroughly. Who would provoke him at this time?

So everyone just watched from the sidelines. Anyway, everyone's friendship is here, and it is impossible to make a real fire. Of course, they still have Han Wenqing, who has not spoken yet, looking aside.

"What are you arguing about! Are you still a gentleman?" In the end, Han Wenqing didn't speak, but Chu Yunxiu scolded first.

"Single me out for a spot!" Chu Yunxiu said directly. When Chu Yunxiu spoke, it was really hard for everyone to say anything. After all, it's not easy for you to grab a seat with other girls.

"But there are still two spots for the heads-up, I'll take one." Ye Xiu said.

"I don't mind." Chu Yunxiu saw that she had got a heads-up job, and the rest didn't matter.

"The third one will be Mucheng." Ye Xiu continued, after all, of course, in a good position, one should think of his daughter-in-law.

"Chu Yunxiu is okay, it's true that you all go to the match!" Wang Jiexi said.

"Then I'll give you a heads-up spot?" Ye Xiu said contemptuously. There is no way that the All-Star Game is an exhibition match, and everyone doesn't care that much about the final outcome. Of course, it's easy to come by. So there is the situation of grabbing individual competitions like this now.


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