Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1276: painful game

"Full-time professional Ouhuang(

It's no wonder that everyone is bored, after all, Zhang Xinjie is like a machine, constantly repeating some actions. Even if Wu Yuce interrupted the rhythm, he would still be very stubborn to find it again. Then continue to repeat the previous process.

Not to mention changes, not even a bit of freshness.

In online games, as long as there is a little priest combat experience, this kind of scene has been seen. If there is a difference, it is that Zhang Jiaxing's operation is more precise, and the opponent's attack is more violent, and then... there is no such thing.

No way, when the priest is attacking. The optional skills are inherently limited. Even Zhang Xinjie can't play much change. In the end, he played the most common style of play in online games, plus his higher-end technology, operation and awareness. And such a Zhang Xinjie, after facing a powerful opponent, there is only one result... that is to let the game go on almost endlessly.

1 minute…

2 minutes…

5 minutes…

10 minutes…

Under Zhang Xinjie's almost unchanging attack and consumption, Wu Yuce's life dropped from 52% at the beginning to 41% now. In other words, in ten minutes, he lost 11% of his health, almost every 100% of a minute.

And what about Zhang Xinjie himself? His blood volume also dropped. After all, the priest's battle mage will continue to consume mana. If the mana is used up, it will really become the fish on the opponent's cutting board. Therefore, Zhang Xinjie not only restores life points to himself, but also restores magic points to himself, with the momentum that he wants to spend time with the other party. And he relied on this style of play, and he also lost 20% in ten minutes...  

And everyone compares the blood volume of the two sides, doesn't this only consume one-fifth of it? If the two continue to maintain such a balance, when will this match be reached? As far as the current progress is concerned, at least 40 minutes to start!

And the audience who realized this problem turned pale. And the broadcaster is even more urgent. A single game, you tell me you're going to play for an hour? This also escaped the original time budget, right? How about the final team match?

Now it can be said that the organizers and broadcasters are in a hurry. But the two players on the stage were not in a hurry at all and continued their rhythm.

Zhang Xinjie's operation is still so stern, as for Wu Yuce, he is also a professional player with persistent quality. There are also many players who will easily compromise or give up. Otherwise, there will be no limited Void Twin Ghosts.

So under the characters of the two sides meeting, the two of them got together like this. But the question is not whether they can persevere now, but whether the audience, the organizers, and the broadcasters can persevere.

How to do?

Now the audience at the scene has launched a wave of toilet craze, and even the usually empty smoking area is now overcrowded. As for those who are still in their positions, they are chatting in various ways now, and they don't watch the stage much when they play on their mobile phones anyway.

Because there is still the most exciting team game finale, the audience is reluctant to leave, but the current game really has no motivation to watch it.

"It can't go on like this, we can't let them continue to compete!" The organizer finally made the first decision. And this decision was conveyed to the referee for the first time. The referee also immediately announced that the arena ended in a draw. And if there is no extra game, it is a draw.

If this is in the regular game, the extra game is to restore a certain amount of HP together, but in the case of these two guys, how can they be allowed to play in an extra game?

And the referee's almost unreasonable act of terminating the game is in the hands of the current audience. However, there was an almost explosive applause. This time, the applause was not for the players, but for a referee who had little sense of presence in the usual games, because at this moment, the referee was definitely the cutest right now. people.

Although Wu Yuce and Zhang Xinjie had some regrets, they quickly accepted the reality of a draw between the two. After all, this is not a regular game, and everyone doesn't care much.

In this way, the two realities came out of the contestant seats one after another, but the applause to send them away this time was very complicated. Even the emotions of the audience are a little complicated. After all, although it is indeed a bit boring for them to watch this game, for these players in the game, they have persisted in earnestly for how long, but now they are still accepting the draw so calmly. Attitude.

And after this somewhat tedious game, what followed was the climax of the three-day All-Star team. And this time, neither team was treated. This also means that the players on both sides will not have any reservations. This is completely a chaotic battle that brings together the strongest attackers in the league, UUkanshu.uukanshu.com and auxiliary players!

"Director Li, give us an analysis of the current combat power of the players on both sides." Pan Lin said.

"The analysis is unnecessary now. The two teams on the court are both players who are the top players today. Under such a lineup, no matter which side wins, it is actually not surprising. It's just that this is the first all-star team battle without a priest in so many years. It can be expected that this match will definitely be the pinnacle of glory. After all, this match itself has assembled the best of our league. player."

"You are right, then we are looking forward to the next peak match between the two sides!" Pan Lin responded, and the two continued to chat until the team players from both sides appeared!

Team A starts with Zhou Zekai, Sun Xiang, Huang Shaotian, Yu Wenzhou and Tang Hao, and Xiao Shiqin is the sixth player.

Team B started with Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Tang Yin, Han Wenqing and Wang Jiexi, with Yu Feng as the sixth man.

And now the players on both sides are on the last side before the battle. There are two tactician masters on the side of A, namely Yu Wenzhou and Xiao Shiqin. Before Xiao Shiqin took advantage of Yu Wenzhou's weakness, it was still a little uncomfortable for few people, but now, looking at the way the two of them communicated, it seemed that they were quite happy.

And whether their hands are pointing at the crowd of Team B, the camera also looked in the direction of their fingers, and found that they were both pointing to two people.

Tang Yin and Ye Xiu from Team B!


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