Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1277: You are 20,000 years too early!

Chapter 1306 You are 20,000 years too early! (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

Otherwise, although Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were both stared at by the two hearted guys on the opposite side, they were not at all cowardly. After all, it's not just a black heart. In this regard, Tang Yin is very confident in Ye Xiu's lower limit.

"Wait a minute, stay away from me when the fight starts. I guess I'll be his primary target. As for Xiaoyin, you go first." Ye Xiu said.

Tang Yin: "..." Sure enough, I still underestimated Lao Ye's lower limit...

The team competition of the All-Star Game is definitely the most climax of these three days, and it is also the most anticipated by everyone. Although everyone knows that the quality of this game cannot be the highest, it is definitely the most luxurious. After all, until now, there has been no event other than the All-Star where these people can come together, even fight side by side, or captain each other.

Of course, because of the reason for the appearance, and because all Tyranny characters were in Team B, most of the cheering from the audience went to Team B. But even though it was Tyranny's appearance, there were a lot of fans from other teams this time. So the momentum of the A team is not much worse. After all, this is an All-Star event, and the audience who come to watch the game is like a normal game, with only two teams. Instead, it includes all the teams where the All-Stars are.

But adding up the total number of their fans, the B team with brain cancer at home won't be able to take advantage of it, at least not in terms of momentum.

As the most important event in the past three days, all kinds of fancy gimmicks also appeared on the side. Various special effects of the whole department gave the players another opening. Tossed directly for several minutes. But the audience didn't feel the slightest boredom anymore, instead, they were excited by this ex-teasing. It was not until the characters of both sides started to load, the game officially started, and the scene slowly quieted down.

The maps used in the All-Star event are specially made by the game official, and the map they entered this time has a very good scenery, including mountains and water, trees and rocks, streets and houses, and almost all the scenes in glory. in it. And such an aesthetic-style map was directly classified by Tang Yin as one of the maps for dating his girlfriend pk.

In the middle of this map is an ancient ring that seems to have been ordered for thousands of years. The surface of the ring is paved with bluestone. If you take a bird's-eye view from right above the Thunder from the perspective of God, you can also see an alliance logo and an easter egg representing the tenth anniversary of the Glory Alliance.

The players on both sides have just been refreshed from the map, and the applause that stopped originally sounded again. And watching these brand new teams built by the great gods, the audience is also very excited.

The players on both sides had no intention of taking a tactical position. As soon as the two players refreshed their characters, they both rushed out of the refresh point and rushed towards the center of the map. Among them, the B team directly sent Zhang Xinjie to play in the ring match, and its attitude has been very clear. That is to directly and a team bar head-on.

It was a direct attack at the beginning. This was originally Team A, a team that had no treatment, and had no choice but to make such a choice. But the result? Now it is Team B voluntarily giving up the treatment. The attitude of the B team has been expressed positively and clearly, so where will a counsel them? Isn't it just a counter attack? come!

And this result is that the rhythm of the two sides quickened as soon as the game started. The interviews rushed forward invariably. Leave the beautiful scenery on this map directly behind you. Because there is no short-legged Lu...... priest on both sides. Therefore, the speed of the two sides is also very fast. After a short while, the two sides have met in the middle of the map and saw the other side's figure.

The two sides have clearly not communicated with each other, let alone any command and deployment. But after the interview team met, the two sides have already arranged various lineups.

On Team A's side, Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf, Huang Shaotian's Ye Yushengan, and Tang Hao's Tang San, three excellent characters in melee combat, were lined up at the front of the formation. Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer was behind them. In the end was their field-controlling player Yu Wenzhou's Soksar, hiding at the back of the team. The whole looks like a T-shaped turn 90 degrees to the left.

Team B's formation was headed by Han Wenqing, followed by Ye Xiu. Regardless of pair A, Ye Xiu was also a few steps behind Han Wenqing. And Ye Xiu went further, followed by Mucheng, Tang Yin, and Wang Buliu. The three remotes are lined up at the back. Contrary to the a team, their formation is like t turned ninety degrees to the right.

That's right, in the end, Tang Yin still relied on his three-inch incorrupt tongue to push Ye Xiu, who had been pitting him. Ye Xiu, with the mentality that I can't be the only one unlucky, directly pulled Han Wenqing to the front. Of course, I can't say anything about it. It was Han Wenqing who was their only melee character after all. He was at the front and quickly faced each other, and the people behind him and the others would provide him with the original firepower.

The two teams used opposite lineups by coincidence. Team A mainly highlighted their aggression. After all, there were so many melee battles, but when they got close, the offensive momentum was naturally unusual.

But if you want to say who can grab the first move, it must be their B team to start first, after all, there are four players with long-range means behind their B team. Directly hitting a map bombing is not a problem. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This time, heavy firearms and magic bombed together, directly suppressing the opponent from the front, but just as the war started, the firepower on the B team began to tilt. It was gone in an instant.


The three of a pair began to change their direction of action almost at the same time, and the suddenly changed firepower network seemed to be thinking about avoiding the firepower suppression of team b from the side. How can the people of the single number b team know how they can easily succeed. Various attacks followed, but Tang Yin stopped attacking at this time.

When Tang Yin stopped attacking, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu started to move forward. Instead, Han Wenqing retreated to Ye Xiu's position, between Tang Yin, Mucheng and Han Wenqing.

And just when everyone wondered why B made a big change to everyone's standing, they quickly knew the reason. Because after the dispersal of a against the top three, Zhou Zekai, who was in the second echelon of team a, directly took their place.

The next moment, the hand speed erupted, and the rapid-fire skill was activated. He alone played an attack that covered all the range of Team B. The audience who watched with their hands quickly marveled, Zhou Zekai's strength was unquestionably evident.

But it was such an exclamation that he wanted to suppress the attack of pair B, but he was beaten back abruptly. It directly knocked the audience out of their shock to Zhou Zekai, because it was Tang Yin who shot!

"You are 20,000 years earlier than me!"


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(End of this chapter)


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